Nice Lano Mully
Submitted by Pete F on Wed, 2019-04-17 07:41
Got to love this time of year, landed this one solo 132cm and 20.5kg at Lancelin. Would like to have released it but after a few issues getting the picture and with a big swell it was very difficult trying to swim it, after 20 mins getting bashed by waves I was not happy it would swim off. Decided best to keep it rather than waste a good fish, all put to good use.
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
Very nice indeed. Pity it
Very nice indeed. Pity it wouldnt swim off. Few good feeds for people tho.
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
still trying
Posts: 1074
Date Joined: 27/06/17
good on you for trying to
good on you for trying to release it no harm in keeping 1 though plenty of fillets on it. Well done
rather be fishing
Brock O
Posts: 3264
Date Joined: 11/01/08
Awesome fish....congrats.
Awesome fish....congrats.
Da pirate
Posts: 1577
Date Joined: 03/05/15
Top fish ..
top fish mate .. I’ve switched over too mornings
now with the tide .. hopefully pin one soon.. or anything
really too get rewarded with the 4am wake up .
Cheers pirate!!
Pete F
Posts: 310
Date Joined: 07/01/18
Mornings are looking good
Mornings are looking good over easter was going to have a go too, though I do prefer it better if it was the new moon to fish mornings. Dont mind the 4am start but those cold easterlies can make it tough.
Been a good run of fish north of the river the last week or two heard of quite a few between Guilderton to Wedge.