Novice snorkling question

Hi guys, i know this maybe an odd question and im a little embarrassed in asking .

For the last few years i have been getting into snorkling around Rotto and Mettams pool etc. I can swim but not confident enough to go out over my head after my incident while swimming with a whale shark a couple years back when i did the 3 islands tour and kept it a little hush that i wasnt a real good swimmer. Jumped in with the whale shark in 200 meters of water and found it harder than i though but stayed afloat even with gopro in one hand but i got got a glimps of a tigershark just below me and freaked out and had to get the guys attention in the dingy to come save me as i packed my dacks haha.


Since then i would love to venture out a little more but while knowing i wont sink. I have booked a week at Exxy in Feb and really want to do oyster stacks, torquoise bay safely.


Is there a adult vest that will help wth staying afloat. Doesnt have to be a life jacket just somethng that will help and give me more confidence. I dont plan to dive down. Just floating on the surface.

I found this and wonder if anyone has tryed them?


Thanks in advance



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tailor marc's picture

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Also please dont mention 

Mon, 2013-11-11 11:05

Also please dont mention  "pool noodle" hahaha 


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fishy fingers's picture

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turqoise bay and oyster stacks

Mon, 2013-11-11 17:35

 if you get into trouble there...........just stand up! it's not deep.

crasny1's picture

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Mon, 2013-11-11 11:20

Not all off us can swim. I have been swimming since prior to remembering and have dived for years both snorkelling etc. Got chased by a GW off Leighton's on a windsurfer wave board and also shat my dacks, so a phobia developed and I would nowadays rather keep my feet dry!

I am sure anything would do, but why not look for a cheap BC (bouyancy compensator) 2nd hand. They dont need to be inflated via a tank, but has a mouth piece. That way if you did want to duck down just let the Air out, and reinflate it again on the surface. It does take a few breaths but if you can half swim should be OK. If not just get one off those vests.

The other thing you can do is do an adult swimming course. I think that alone would boost your confidence. Also a wetsuit alone has some bouyancy and might be all you need.


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tailor marc's picture

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Gee now that would freak me

Mon, 2013-11-11 12:04

Gee now that would freak me out too.

Will take a look into the BC. Also a adults swimming coarse  me me the best idea especially seeing as though i love my rock fishin 


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Perhaps consider a 3mm

Mon, 2013-11-11 11:20

Perhaps consider a 3mm wetsuit. It will give you a few pounds of buoyancy with the added bonus of protection from the sun and close encounters with the reef and jellyfish.

tailor marc's picture

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This maybe a good option. On

Mon, 2013-11-11 12:02

This maybe a good option. On the whaleshark dive i had a wetsuit on and while snorkling the inner reef it was really good but out in the open ocean it was a different story 


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sunshine's picture

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I second the 3 mm wetsuit - top only

Mon, 2013-11-11 11:38

Will give you plenty of additional boyancy and hence confidence, top (vest) only though so that your fins are lower in the water and give you good propulsion 

tailor marc's picture

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I just rang the dive shop and

Mon, 2013-11-11 12:23

I just rang the dive shop and she was telling me the 3mm helps but the 5mm works so much better. More expensive but i will be using it each weekend this summer so im not to fussed  


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I would steer away from the

Mon, 2013-11-11 12:33

I would steer away from the 5mm and go the 3mm.I use a 5mm for scuba, and while it gives you plenty of buoyancy they can be a bit restrictive and you will overheat on the surface in the summer. A 3mm is my choice for a snorkel or a single tank scuba dive.

tailor marc's picture

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Cheers for that! Dont want to

Mon, 2013-11-11 12:48

Cheers for that! Dont want to cook while snorkling in Exxy in feb, will be hot as. Also want to be able to move freely


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 Second the adult swimming

Mon, 2013-11-11 12:24

 Second the adult swimming class. 

As someone that spends as much time near the water as you do it will only be a matter of time before you end up in it. 

Besides, think of all the new photo opportunities.


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

tailor marc's picture

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Yeah i have had my fair share

Mon, 2013-11-11 12:32

Yeah i have had my fair share of close calls, been washed in twice. Once at canal rocks and once yanchep lagoon. Dont like my chances places like Quobba and steep point


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sunshine's picture

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NOT 5mm

Mon, 2013-11-11 12:48

Too hot and getting overheated puts you under stress  - three mm will be more than adequate, and if you are around the rocks then a gas inflatable canoe style life jacket, I always wear one when canoeing not because I am a poor swimmer but "just in case"     

Paul H's picture

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Go both the swimming course

Mon, 2013-11-11 12:56

Go both the swimming course and the 3mm wettie, Wettie will only give you buoyancy but what about if there is any current or waves that's where the swimming lessons will help. You won't need anything major just learn a few strokes and then a bit of practice at a pool. Remember if you get caught remain calm - think "slowly slowly catchy monkey" rather than just wear yourself out getting nowhere.

Fins will obviously help with the swimming bit as well, other benefit of the wettie over the vest will be if you do get caught out somewhere, hypothermia is the biggest danger and the wettie will help your chances there, also offers a bit of protection against the rocks etc..

One thing I carry on my boat or when hiking (I think should be included as mandatory safety gear for a boat) is one of those 2m x 1m foil blankets to put over someone if you come across someone in the water particularly in southern climes). they take up no room, nil weight and only cost a few bucks.


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+1 for the swim course.

Mon, 2013-11-11 13:09

+1 for the swim course.

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 Went over to Thailand for a

Mon, 2013-11-11 13:09

 Went over to Thailand for a holiday which included a few snorkelling sessions around the islands. Like a scene from titanic, everyone was given a life jacket and jumped overboard. My kids were only 4 and 2 at the time, had a blast looking at all the tropical fish etc...

so I guess just a normal pfd will do.


Seaquest's picture

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A wetty or life jacket/vest

Mon, 2013-11-11 13:24

A wetty or life jacket/vest ain't the answer. Its time to man up and learn how to swim. If you're relying on such devises to keep you from drowning you shouldn't be going in the water full stop. Spend some time down the local pool and I bet within a few months you'll be as strong a swimmer as anyone.

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good advice, though a little

Tue, 2013-11-12 12:31

good advice, though a little harsh!
I remember reading in the paper years back about the bloke from down south out fishing alone and fell overboard-couldn't swim.
To me its just unfathomable that someone would put themselves in that situation alone? Over the side=dead

Get a few lessons and practice-its a life skill that everyone needs to know.


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Everyone's just winging it.


tailor marc's picture

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I can swim but its more the

Mon, 2013-11-11 13:42

I can swim but its more the confidence, just the added boyancy will help with the confidence.


Went to Mettems yesterday after 6 months of not being in the water and seemed fine just bloody cold.

Just realised there is a dive shop right near work in welshpool, will head there tomorrow and try a 3mm wetsuit on and test it over the weekend around mettams.

3mm and flippers will help alot i should imagine



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Tradewind's picture

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 I've got a 3mm shorty and

Mon, 2013-11-11 14:33

 I've got a 3mm shorty and without the weight belt I can't dive under the surface, having said that i'm a big bastard at the moment so that might help contribute


And don't be embarassed, I still have a phobia of 3m+ sharks without even having come across one while swimming. Trying to overcome it at the moment too.

Thinking of getting a Sharkshield Freedom 7 just for the extra piece of mind

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Im hoping the little

Mon, 2013-11-11 14:44

Im hoping the little "padding" on my gut i got over winter may help with floatation haha


Not looking fwd to seeing black tips while snorkling up exxy especially after the most recent attack. Pretty rare to get a nip off one anyway but after the tigershark encounter im on edge. 


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crasny1's picture

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Marc dont worry about reefies

Mon, 2013-11-11 16:31

As mentioned above had the turds scared out off me with this 3m+ GW trying to eat the end off the windsurfer. Luckily I could sail well and sort off outpaced it (just)

But I have snorkelled numerous times in the Pilbara and Exxy since and as mentioned Blacktips and whitetips aswell as other reefies are very very rarely a threat. I suspect there is a story behind why the BT bit the lady up there. I agree they are stunning looking under water.

BUT I have no interest in seeing a WT, BT or any other shark in GW water. I just wont go in.


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Don't let that stop you.

Mon, 2013-11-11 15:00

Don't let that stop you. Pretty rare thing getting bitten by a little white tip. They are usually quite timid. I love seeing sharks underwater. Very graceful when they are not trying to steal fish off my spear.


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

dumper's picture

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 Time in the water is what

Mon, 2013-11-11 15:38

 Time in the water is what builds confidence. Take the snorkelling gear down to the local pool and start punching out laps. After a few 1 hour sessions,Once you have your fitness up, lose the snorkel and work on your side breathing technique then after a few weeks lose the fins. That's how I taught my mate and in 2 years he's gone from being not able to swim to doing ironman and open water swim races

grantarctic1's picture

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All good

Mon, 2013-11-11 16:09

All good advice there Marc, i'm not very good at free diving and my mates usualy have a giggle that i wear a 3mm 2 piece wetty and they are in shorts or 1mm suit. But the floatation it provides makes me more confident to get in and have a go .

If i want to dive down deep( 5 metres  lol )   i have to add a whole belt full of weights or else i just look like a duck with my head in the water and my legs flapping around in the air . lol .

The 3mm definately gets warm out of water but is ok while smimming and gives good protection from the sun .

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 Look at the blueseventy

Mon, 2013-11-11 17:07

 Look at the blueseventy reaction wetty. 4 mm with a 5 mm ass for extra buoyancy 

scotto's picture

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Mon, 2013-11-11 17:30

Yeah you definitely need a wetty, and sharks can't see the camouflaged wettys. Hang on, I think someone is selling 1 now....

Seriously though, time in the water is what you need. You'll never be good at anything unless you've done fuckloads of it, and Sharks are all mindset.

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Wed, 2013-11-13 12:54


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 Im sorry you had that

Tue, 2013-11-12 12:06

 Im sorry you had that experience with the tiger shark. Ill try and reassure you.

That was open ocean but you will never encounter a great white, tiger, hammerhead etc in less than 3-4m of water around a reef. There simply isnt enough space for them.

If you are still worried buy a wetsuit, these keep you pretty bouyant. Much much less effort to stay afloat.



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umm-what about Ken Crew at

Tue, 2013-11-12 12:33

umm-what about Ken Crew at Cottesloe?


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

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 Cottesloe is close to

Tue, 2013-11-12 22:26

 Cottesloe is close to Fremantle where there is a shipping channel. Hence all the sharks.

Im talking about places such as Mettams or Marmion.



fishy fingers's picture

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and brian guest

Wed, 2013-11-13 06:20

 at warnbro

tailor marc's picture

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Yeah that gave me the creeps,

Tue, 2013-11-12 12:45

Yeah that gave me the creeps, totally shat haha


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tailor marc's picture

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Tiger in very close

Tue, 2013-11-12 12:44

Tiger in very close ;)


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tailor marc's picture

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Well yet again, my

Tue, 2013-11-12 13:25

Well yet again, my photography worked in favour for me. Just went to a dive shop that interested in using a image of mine in exchange for a wetsuit.

I went for a 3mm ocean pro steamer. Felt good on so i will take that down to mettems this weekend for a test. I will keep at it each weekend without fail. Get some confidence up :)


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crasny1's picture

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Well done and good luck Marc

Tue, 2013-11-12 13:40

Even though I dont like the SW ocean because of GW anymore to get in, they are very rare and Ken Crew was an exeption. However it was deeper than depicted where he was attacked initially and he only got dragged in shallower by the brave guy(s) that went in the try and rescue him. This was witnessed by my brother who lived in Cott then and he tried to help near shore.

My mad cousens all dive for perlemoen (Abelone) within sight of Seal Island in the Cape, SAfrica and have never seen one, but seen heaps of 7 gill sharks (called Cowsharks there)


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I'll take you out to rotto

Tue, 2013-11-12 16:10

I'll take you out to rotto one day and let you do the freediving for the cray quota ;)

No crays = no re-entry to boat!

tailor marc's picture

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hahaha nah i will pass lol

Tue, 2013-11-12 16:21

hahaha nah i will pass lol


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Swompa's picture

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 My vote is for a 3mm one

Wed, 2013-11-13 20:10

 My vote is for a 3mm one piece wet suit. You will float in it.