Oct '14 School holiday advice for Coral Bay

Off to Coral Bay for the first time was hopeing someone has been there done that and can help with advice with a few things to help prepare the tip. Looking to take the jetski there and try to get in a fish as I heard the weather in Oct can be very windy but then Perth is also windy.

Just advice on food, water, tackle and so forth and also if other people is going?





Born to Fish

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I would go the extra miles to

Sun, 2014-02-09 11:37

I would go the extra miles to Exmouth, then at least you have more options with the gulf and wind etc.

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we are booked for Oct also,

Sun, 2014-02-09 11:48

we are booked for Oct also, but not 100% if we will go yet.

Been the last two Oct, last one quite windy but got 5 or 6 good runs in, year before was much better (I put it on here)

For us we much prefer CB-kids can walk to the beach in 5 min alone, Exmouth itself needs a car to get anywhere worth going.

Food-there is two little supermarkets but the more you bring up the better!

Fins Cafe does great meals!


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Coral Bay for Sure

Mon, 2014-02-10 07:00

 We are booked for the same time as Rob H, cant go wrong with coral bay. the fishing is excellenet and has heaps of options from heading out deeper to staying inside the protection of the reef on those windier days. Last year was blowy as hell but the previous year we got out 10 ot of the 12 days and we only missed the two days because the women around the camp werent getting enough 'attention" ahaha 

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The women attention

Mon, 2014-02-10 07:51

LOL thats gold



Born to Fish

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Be prepared for the wind,

Mon, 2014-02-10 07:18

Be prepared for the wind, especially if your camping... Coral Bay is by far the better choice for families, if fishing was the sole purpose, def head to exy.

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Txs Gents

Mon, 2014-02-10 07:49

Thanks for the input it makes our prep for the trip easier and that way we know what to plan for. We were looking at MMia before but was told fishing is better at CBay and then Exm is also better. We are looking for somethin easy for the 4 of us with less driving around to get somewhere to do. The misses is a bit sceptic of going futher north just incase she encounters a salty croc due to a bad experience before. I think Exi will be on the list if we see how CB goes this year.



Born to Fish

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ski setup

Mon, 2014-02-10 08:19

Hi mate,


did you make that holder for your esky, or is it a bought one.  hard to tell from the small photo on your profile, looking at different options as the bought ones are about $800. I am looking st taking mine jet ski to coral bay as well, but not sure how it would go left out all night .  would someone take the seat, things like that?? 

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Mon, 2014-02-10 22:25

I bought the esky as a try to see what I can make to try and get a feel for fishing first before spending to much coin and it turns to crap. I basically made up 4 legs from wood covered them in resin to keep it all as light as possible to prevent it from being to heavy. I also made some stainless tie downs which is what u pay for from MSS for I think 800$ plus. I've been out to 5 fathom bank on Sunday gone and had no trouble whatsoever. I'm working up north I can email u some pics or when I'm home I can get u to come for a look.

For the safety of ur craft their is always a chance of someone trying to steel it so I like the Family Villa at Coral Bay cause u can park it outside ur door. Their is also a lock u can fit all in all I've been to Cheyne beach and to Kalbarri and never had a problem so farrrr

I did also put pics which was at the start in the jetski section if u wanna have a look their other wise I can email u some.

All the best



Born to Fish

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5 Fathom Bank

Tue, 2014-02-11 04:03

How manymiles out is that, how far are you allowed to go on a jetski?  will have a look in the jetski section mate. 

Posts: 926

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nice rig

Tue, 2014-02-11 04:18

bloody nice setup you have there, looks like you are kee for some big fish. have you managed to get a bigger sounder on the front board? 

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yes I have

Tue, 2014-02-11 19:17

Just bought a HDS 7 Touch will look great once fitted cant wait.

I've been out 7 nm from Mandurah Sunday gone but as far as I know a ski is only allowed 5 nm. I have all my flares now with a VHF and 27mhz radio's fitted and epirb so I am very happy to go as long as I have enough fuel.



Born to Fish

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Go lefroy bay

Tue, 2014-02-11 20:29

 Beat the crowd