October birthday ideas please

 Hey guys and girls,


Its my 30th bday in October and I want to do something amazing like catching the fish of a lifetime! Problem is I have no idea where to go or what I could catch at that time of year!


Can anyone give me some pointers? It has to be saltwater and put up a good fight! Australia only unless it's really worth a flight. 



Posts: 809

Date Joined: 01/05/09

 rowley shoals :)

Fri, 2012-06-15 12:32

 rowley shoals :)

hunterdive's picture

Posts: 363

Date Joined: 24/02/09

Do a charter to the Monties

Fri, 2012-06-15 12:56

Do a charter to the Monties mate, you'll love it. 

Its unreal

Vander72's picture

Posts: 433

Date Joined: 20/10/06

Nomad Sportfishing Adventures

Fri, 2012-06-15 13:37

once in a lifetime fishing trip for a week

dkonig82's picture

Posts: 2091

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What's the budget?If you dont

Fri, 2012-06-15 14:28

What's the budget?

If you dont mind spending big, then Nomad definitely the way to go. Doggies in Vanuatu a good option also.

Montes is great for a cheaper option.


When asked by a non-fisherman 'how many fishing rods do you really need?' the correct answer is either:

n+1 (where n is the number of fishing rods you currently own); or

n-1 (where n is the number of fishing rods which would cause your significant other to dump you. 

Posts: 40

Date Joined: 16/07/11

 What fish would I be

Fri, 2012-06-15 14:36

 What fish would I be targeting on these trips? Budget wise I'm not sure what to expect to pay. Max is $5000 but around 2-3000 would be best. Is that a high or low budget? 2people.

Vander72's picture

Posts: 433

Date Joined: 20/10/06

thats a low budget

Fri, 2012-06-15 17:40

stay in wa as Nomad would be around the 10000 mark  for 2 ppl + airfares and maybe accomodation...... for that sort of money id be goin closer to home...or even a holiday in Gove....... i know its great fishing up there too but then W.a has  a lot to offer as well ....... but also on Nomad you'll be gettin your arms stretched catchin huge GTs and alot of other species too...... all arm stretchers!


Posts: 595

Date Joined: 20/04/09


Fri, 2012-06-15 17:54

Mine is in October too mate, if you have spare cash i will come with you (hah hah).


As already said if you can't do Nomad, then Montes. Or you could do a drive up the coast and do a day or two charter at Abrolhos, day in Coral Bay- then a few days at Exxy on charters. That is assuming you can get bookings when you need them.

Yewiefish85's picture

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Are you looking at doing a

Fri, 2012-06-15 17:56

Are you looking at doing a live aboard charter or just want to go somewhere and fish?, maybe head up to Kunanurra and fish the ord for barra ( Macka's barra camp looks good).


anypuddle's picture

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Fri, 2012-06-15 18:03

girly bars!!!!  take some antibiotics when you get home


Anywhere anytime

Boppo's picture

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Fri, 2012-06-15 18:14

Want a cheaper version then go to Gnarloo with a bunch of mates and a couple of tinnies.

Perry Home's picture

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Rowley Shoals all day every day

Fri, 2012-06-15 19:55

I was lucky enough to do a fishing trip for 6nights/ 5 days out there in 2001 - Yep that long ago but what you'll experience will stay with you forever. Sailfish, wahoo, dogtooth, GT's , Maori Wrasse, Coral trout, Long Nose Emperor, Red Bass, Blue Trevally, Black Trevally, Big Eye Trevally. All on lures - mostly poppers - just insane fishing. Its the type of place that allows you to understand what fishing would be like around Australia before it was impacted upon by humans - so damn good! 24deg C at night - I slept all but one night on the deck - no mozzies etc just awesome.

Posts: 40

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 Yikes 10000 is more then I

Mon, 2012-06-18 07:26

 Yikes 10000 is more then I thought!!

I think the plan is going to be drive the patrol up and do a couple of charters and off the beach/rocks.

I need to do some research on the places mentions so thanks guys.

Its the gfs bday 2 days before mine so I can't leave her behind.

crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

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Mate, the more reason to leave her behind???!!!

Mon, 2012-06-18 09:05

"I got a new Stella and rod for my girlfriend"





Good Trade hey!


PS Trust me, you better NOT leave her behind.

Why not go to Exxy/Coral bay and do some charters with captian Bernie on Mahi Mahi II


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

Bodie's picture

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+1 monte's

Mon, 2012-06-18 09:37

+1 monte's