Optimax 135/ 150 or 2 x 75's?

Need to repower. Going optimax. Any reports on 135, 150 or anyone tried 2 x  75's

Considerations: fuel econ at cruise and trolling

Weight penalty for 2 motors, both at sea and on trailer

Boat is 5m Hydrofield Jaguar



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Two motors

Thu, 2008-08-14 19:14

It will cost more also for servicing on two wont it?





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Optimax 135/ 150 or 2 x 75's?

Thu, 2008-08-14 19:20

yes and the weight dif between the 75 and the 135 and 150 (same) is only 31kg




alfred's picture

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If you are an off shore

Thu, 2008-08-14 20:59

If you are an off shore boatie, the twins will provide a safety margin.  The down side is fuel cost, service and parts.

Most of the new 4 strokes will be pretty reliable and the new Etecs are as well and good on the gas.  

If you run Optis, get ear plugs.  They are noisy but are one of the more powerful outboards for their size.





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if u have the money

Thu, 2008-08-14 21:30

5m boat mate , wouldnt bother with dual, but have u ever tried the yahama 4 strokes?

personal opinion- they are the best, 5metres prob a 115 or 140 ,relaible and powerfull 


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try a set of

Thu, 2008-08-14 21:54

oars.       they never break down ,cost nothing to run ,easy on the pocket and will never need a serviceSmile.          good to get others opinions



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Fri, 2008-08-15 15:05

Go the single optimax. I have a 135 on a 5.5m trophy and its very good. I am a merc mechanic so I have experience with these. Performance wise they will blow a 4stk out of the water and as good or even better fuel economy. Slighly more noise than a 4 stk and reasonably cheap oil, $100 for 10L. On average i get 50-60 hours out of 10L bottle. 5 year warranty on it aswell. It you buy one you will not be disapointed.
cheers andy

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Ok then, forced me into it!

Fri, 2008-08-15 15:10

I'm forced to agree CoolLaughing

Colin Molloy

(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)



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Optimax 135

Mon, 2012-11-12 06:27

Hi Andy

I have just joined this site and was after your advice on the above motor. I am Looking at buying a secondhand seafarer victory with a 2001 135hp opti on it and to me seems under power. What are the the things that I can do so I can get it up to 175hp and do you have any idea roughly what the cost would be. If you could steer me on the the right path it would be greatly appreciated, as I have the other option of repowering her but would prefer to kill what is on the boat first as you always get nothing for these older engines.

Many thanks for your time



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Fri, 2008-08-15 17:32

Thanks for the input. esp Andy as I was hoping to get a mechanics opinion. Your opinion agrees with my own mech. Hoping for some good sales prices after the boatshow. It will be interesting to see if the new laws have a big effect on sales there.

Thanks for the Faulkners(love ur slogan) advice but i think i have found a new env. friendly solution. Im just going to take Stephanie Rice as my deckie and she can swim us homeEmotions

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135 or 150

Fri, 2008-08-15 17:36

Andy what is your thoughts on the above ? Considerations:

Pro - both weigh the same

Anti - is the 150 a bored out or longer stroke from same block with same bearings hence less life

Unknown -  fuel econ. More hole shot, less load on motor at cruise, and poss at troll

Adam Gallash's picture

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Fri, 2008-08-15 17:45

Gully has just bought a 150 opti and is giving it a test run tomorrow with Mr Mac, hopefully he will see this thread and be able to give some feedback, has a 5.8 centrecab trailcraft which currently has a 115 on.


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Sat, 2008-08-16 07:29

Both of these engines share the same powerhead. They use this powerhead for the 135,150,175. As for as i know the differences are in the mapping in the computer and there is also a small restrictor in the throttle body of the 135. I would say you get the same maby even better fuel economy with the 150 as it would not be working as hard as the 135. From memory there is not alot of price difference between the 2.
By the way whats max HP for your boat?
cheers andy

Posts: 13

Date Joined: 27/07/08


Sat, 2008-08-16 16:42

Actually had to go and have a look since it is 20 yo . It says 2x 50hp . It is a Hydrofield Jaguar 5m. but Hydrofield measure their boats on the old plimsoll line (boat actually in the water) and being a fibreglass trihull ( hand layed heavy by my request) it weighs 1.75t on trailer (trailers pretty heavy tho). This hull is very strong as a few encounters over the years prove. I really dont think it would be a problem except with ins.  An Opti 135 or 150 almost certainly weighs less than the old Mariner 100 (2+2) which has powered it (just) over the past 20 years.

I also built a lot more weight into the boat with fitout than the bare hull I recieved.

I dont want to go skiing its just all my deckies tend to be fat!!