22 July 2011 22/2011

$38,000 fine for illegal possession of frozen fish fillets
A recreational fisher has been ordered to pay a fine, mandatory penalty and court costs totalling
more than $38,000 for illegal possession of fish.
Trevor WATERS, aged 46, of Yunderup failed to appear in the Mandurah Magistrates Court this
week, after being issued with a summons to attend. He was found guilty in his absence.
The case relates to the illegal possession of 145.17 kg of frozen fish fillets – 125.17 kg over the
state-wide individual possession limit – following a surveillance and apprehension operation by
Fisheries and Marine Officers in the Gascoyne and the Perth metropolitan area.
As part of the surveillance work, Fisheries and Marine Officers observed him collecting a
consignment of eight foam boxes from a commercial transport company at Perth Airport and
placing them in his truck.
The officers then tailed Mr Waters to South Yunderup Road, Ravenswood, where they
intercepted him and seized the consignment.
When questioned, he told officers he had been away on a fishing trip where he and his friends
had caught fish and freighted them down from Carnarvon and Exmouth for collection at Perth.
His name was listed as the receiver of the fish on the consignment notes and each of the boxes,
but he claimed that, as the skipper of the boat, he was collecting the fish on behalf of his friends.
Department of Fisheries South Metropolitan Compliance Manager John Breeden said Fisheries’
regulations clearly stated that it was illegal to be in possession of fish over the 20 kilogram-limit,
whether they are for personal consumption or for distribution to others.
“These rules are in place to ensure fishers take sustainable amounts of fish to ensure there are
fish for the future for all to enjoy,” Mr Breeden said.
“The size of the fine should act as a strong message to all recreational fishers transporting fish
fillets from fishing trips, to make sure they do not exceed the individual possession limit and this
also includes all fish held at their residence.”
In Wednesday’s court hearing (20 July 2011), the Magistrate issued a fine $750 dollars for the
offence, a mandatory additional penalty of $37,551 dollars and costs of $121.95 under the excess
possession limit (Category 1 – Finfish) clause of the Fish Resources Management Act.
The mandatory additional penalty was based on a total of $300 per kilogram of fillets that was
calculated from 10 times the value of the fillets, which were prescribed as 30 dollars per
kilogram. Details of Western Australia’s fishing rules are available at www.fish.wa.gov.au.


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Posts: 940

Date Joined: 05/01/11

someone beat ya to it

Fri, 2011-07-22 17:39