Out from Two Rocks
Headed out from Two Rocks on Sat arvo after a long time getting my mates boat, Justwright, up to fishing specs. Been on the hard stand getting a new paint job and a stack of other things fixed.
The weather reports were looking good for an overnighter earlier in the week and, as usual, changed to a bunch of mixed reports, depending on which site you checked, including a severe weather warning from BOM. Well the severe weather warning was removed and we were desperate to get a fish in so we headed out to the 40's in a light drizzel with light winds and started our night off.
The fishing was pretty slow and the light rain/drizzel continued until around 3am but the bloody wind just kept picking up.
First fish landed was a small Dhu by Darren and as it was size, well a fish in the hand...
Next on board was a nice Pinkie by John. His first fish for over a year i think.
We headed out to some nice Baldie ground that usually produces well around 2am. 60-70m with the wind still manageable but picking up and the rain still coming down.
Managed to get sweet FA but sharks and rays out there so around 5:30 started moving in stopping on any ground that looked good and had some fish shows on the sounder.
Darren again got the goods and picked up this nice 80cm Dhu.
The SSE wind was getting uncomfortable by mid morning so we started the long, slow, trip back to TR with a nasty cross sea.
The weather didnt play the game and the fishing was slow for us but we had a good night anyway. A lot of laughs that night and we dropped a few cracking fish that, as usual, were called for 17-20kg Dhuies. We released a stack of undersize Dhu and a few pinkies so it is good to see the stocks there for next year.
Sometimes when the water is quiet, you can hear the fish laughing at you !
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