Over night stop

Can anyone recommend a over night stop roughly half way between Geraldton - Carnarvon,destination Exmouth.W.e are towing our platie from Sydney over seven days with a tent and want a good nigths sleep without ROAD TRAINS ALL NIGHT NIGHT NIGHT! LONG. VROM VROM VROM. We average 750km a day so it would suit us. Please no roadhouses.Been their before.

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 Jump on the WA main roads

Mon, 2012-02-20 20:14

 Jump on the WA main roads website. Has a list of the 24hr stop over sites that are normal set back of the road.


bluemule's picture

Posts: 97

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Over night Stop

Tue, 2012-02-21 08:07

Thanks CCC and everyone,

It helps to be in the know, Exmouth can't wait!


chookc's picture

Posts: 442

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There is one just north of

Mon, 2012-02-20 20:17

There is one just north of the denham shark bay turnoff 440 roadhouse before you get to Canarvon...  Set off on the right hand side a good 100 -200 meters from the road always see many vans stoped there and has dunnies as well...

black gen's picture

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Mon, 2012-02-20 20:33

 mate the 440roadhouse is in gero (450kms from carnarvon) and the denham turnoff is 

200km from carnarvon. as CCC said, main roads website and make a

decision from there. good luck

chookc's picture

Posts: 442

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Sorry not the 440 the

Mon, 2012-02-20 20:37

Sorry not the 440 the overlander is the one .  Yes i know  its not far from Canarvon but you never know they might get further than they think ...


tournament's picture

Posts: 376

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try hamelin pool its about 25

Mon, 2012-02-20 21:00

try hamelin pool its about 25 ks  down the road to denham shark bay

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I drive this road a minimum

Mon, 2012-02-20 21:43

I drive this road a minimum of 3 times a year and just pull into the gravel pits that main roads leave there. Rolling the swag out on blue metal, its nice and clean and if you park behind the piles of blue metal it deflects the noise. Some are set back a fair way of the road.


Faulkner Family's picture

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 one thing to remember. if

Tue, 2012-02-21 08:11

 one thing to remember. if your doing any driving at night drop your speed as you get plenty of roos cattle and goats out on the road at night. wouldnt want to get all this way to hit a big roo or a cow with only a short distance to go. 


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

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a few frothies  and a set of

Tue, 2012-02-21 10:12

a few frothies  and a set of ear pluggs ya wont hear a thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.and yep watch the wildlife ..last trip back XMAS time i hit a sheep a roo then a bush turkey all with in an hour.. sheep and roo wernt a problem but the bush turkey was the size of a smaller emu with wings needless to say my windscreen has been replaced my jocks and seat covers thrown out !!!!!!

bluemule's picture

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Over night stop

Tue, 2012-02-21 14:18

Hi mitch,

 Know all about D Emu, 18 months ago 9am 20-30ks south of Carnarvonon on the way home to Sydney,  one came out of the scrub sight unseen, got the bullbar good and propper.Q1.Wife asks did I kill it! A1. Can't tell yet, its still at 150feet up! Q2. Wife asks Didn't know Emu could fly.A2.Do now Derrrrr!!!

Give me one of those frothies, Ask a stuiped question,and i'll answer after I get A frothie. Thanks again all.


carnarvonite's picture

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Murchison river

Tue, 2012-02-21 10:56

You can stop over at the Murchison river bridge about 40km north of Binnu , Gladstone is another spot where you turn off the main road and drive down to the bay about 5 km off the main road some 10 south of Wooramel roadhouse. You turn off to the left not far after you see the hill top look out at the end of the looong straight from Overlander roadhouse.

bluemule's picture

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Over night stop

Tue, 2012-02-21 14:26

Hi Carnaronite,

This sounds like the Go! I'll look at google maps later tonight.IO IO IO back to work I must GO! How I hate that word WORKKKKK gives me hammeroids big time. pefer to be fishing. Their must be a better wayyyyyy.

Reguards. BLUEMULE

UncutTriggerInWA's picture

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It's a bit of a detour

Tue, 2012-02-21 14:33

But if you are travelling all this way then you can hardly miss Kalbarri. If the weather is good it's well worthwhile taking a detour IMO. Just my opinion of course LOL.


Work smart and fish often.
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Tue, 2012-02-21 19:25

We usually stop overnight between carnarvon and shark bay at a place called Gladstone. Its about 50km north of the overlander roadhouse (which is at the turn off to shark bay).

Its about 6kms of the main hwy and is accessible via a dirt track. The track is kept well and you wont have any problems towing your boat in, as long as it hasnt been raining heavy. We have taken ours in several times.

Its far enough out of the way not to be disturbed but close enough to the hwy that you are not going out of your way. There is plenty of campsites and its on the water so you can have a scrub before heading of again the next morning. And there is long drop permanent toilets.

If you get there in the evening and leave early enough, you will miss the ranger.

its roughly just above half way between perth and exmouth so its a good break when towing.

google earth it and you can sus out the campsites. You will just have to keep an eye out for the turnoff. it is about 2km north of a lookout on top of a mesa which is right on the highway, but google should show you.





r.gates's picture

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Main roads WA Rest Areas

Mon, 2012-04-02 21:42

G'day bluemule

Here's the link to Main Roads WA website that lists their rest areas: http://www.mainroads.wa.gov.au/usingroads/touringwamaps/pages/restareas.aspx

Look under the heading North, then Sections and click on the link 'Perth to Carnarvon to Port Headland'.....found this today while I was searching for the very same info you were asking about.

Some members on another thread have commented on the amount of flies at some of these rest areas, as well as the size of the mozzies that appear capable of carrying you off! We'll be taking our chances at Galena Bridge or Nerren Nerren rest area on Good Friday, en route to Coral Bay.

Have a safe trip over.



If life is boring, you must be doing it wrong!

bluemule's picture

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Rest areas

Tue, 2012-04-03 12:27

Hi R.Gates,

Knoledge is power! Thanks for your info. Himmmm Power I need more Power just finnished loading the Delux Box trailer manage to fit 6m platey on too! I think I'll step out and buy a few lines in tonights OZ LlOTTO.

I need a 200 sieries

Toyota V8 diesel to pull this lot. Have a safe trip and watch out for those #*&@ on the road this Easter.Now only seven days and 5400km to Exmouth> I'll need a few frothies when we arrive hot work this driving,

the fish will have to be on their best behavour.

Reguards Jim

Posts: 539

Date Joined: 29/03/10

Stay safe!! 

Tue, 2012-04-03 21:18

Stay safe!!


bluemule's picture

Posts: 97

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Road Surface

Tue, 2012-04-03 22:00


Hows the road surface up Carnarvon way after the floods?

Reguards Jim

Faulkner Family's picture

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 he hasnt got that far yet,

Tue, 2012-04-03 22:49

 he hasnt got that far yet, just left the east.


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Posts: 539

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Not sure mate, havent been

Wed, 2012-04-04 18:40

Not sure mate, havent been down that way since Christmas. They were doing road works then so should be all good



carnarvonite's picture

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All good

Wed, 2012-04-04 18:45

All roads fixed

bluemule's picture

Posts: 97

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Good to go

Wed, 2012-04-04 19:40

Thanks Carnarvonite,

Were good to go, Got to do oil and filter last thing on  the old girl, transmission serviced all belts replaced uv joints greased tyres pressures checked! At last Exmouth For R&R long service leave. 

Ill post reports of this trip/ fishing adventure for all to follow.

Reguards Jim  

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

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 Drive safe Jim. going to be

Wed, 2012-04-04 19:43

 Drive safe Jim. going to be some nice and not so nice weather while you travel accross the nulla-bore.



RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

bluemule's picture

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Nulla Bore crossing

Wed, 2012-04-04 20:11

Thanks Russ & Sandy,

This is our second crossing with the boat. I love the drive, first day is the longess to Renmark in SA we make many pit stops along the way.We let all the #^*&@ go before us, after all its not a race and we have a feed on the first night at the local. last trip we copped bad weather on the NB, head winds had us down to 80km per hour for parts and the caravans just pulled off and waited it out!

Cheers Jim