Overnighter at flatrock
Submitted by sherbert on Mon, 2009-08-03 21:56
Lets put it about and see who is keen for a overnight at flatrock on friday the 14th till the saturday 15th or saturday 15th till sunday 16th
Or we could leaved it till the friday 28th saturday 29th
Now some guys work away, so input for them and dates when thay are here in perth
Cheers steve
Andrew + Steve + shag
Stu + bungle
paul g + jesse
steve +one
dshoot +And all his girls lol
People who need a ride
Assassin landbase fishing club
Faulkner Family
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when the weather is warmer,
when the weather is warmer, as it was bloody cold last year, also dont let tony know :)
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
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Where abouts is flatrock? As
Where abouts is flatrock? As far as I know around S-bend....ish (i.e. couple of hours north), but was never quite sure where exactly.
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Flat rock, Willbinga? Could
Flat rock, Willbinga?
Could be interested on the first dates. Busy on the w/end of the 29th though.
"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go." - Oscar Wilde
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Two Rocks
Flatrocks is aprox 5ks north of two rocks great fishing/camping spot.There is a flatrocks dongara /sbend way.But I dont think its the one sherbert is talking about.
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sounds good
15th will be good - got the ruggers the following weekend.
vinicius dumitru
Posts: 67
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been to flat rocks 5 times and never cought anything. what has the success been up there cause i really like the spot but ive caught more at pippys. wouldnt mind going up but i gotta transport. aint got a licence for 1 more month.
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good success
gday mate,
ive been up to a spot just past flatrocks called loonies maybe 10 times now and almost every time weve done well, had plenty of tailor, some small mulloway and the odd ray and shark, also heaps of smaller stuff. although every time ive fished it its been fairly blowy from the sw and doin all nighters.
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My Country
Ask Sherbs... I live up that way.. If you can't catch fish at Flatrock then you need to re-assess your methods.. Seriously, the coast up there smells of fish and there is plenty of it. Loonies is a great spot and does produce plenty of surprises. I prefer it in the summer time as the beaches are really suspect at this time of year with the high tides and big swells (that is unless you are not too slack to walk like I am). Having said that of course, the wind is moderate this time of year. You can get blown off the beach there in summer.
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vinicius dumitru
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flat rocks
hey Paul, would love to go some time and see how you go about beach fishing cause i havent done too much of it. got good gear and a just keen to get a line out. going to quobba on thu this week but ill be back on tue.
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yeah mate sounds good, most
yeah mate sounds good, most of my mates dont have 4x4s so im always looken for someone to go with. ill let u know next time im going. If im free i mite even head up with these guys, havnt met anyone from the site yet but im keen to. especialy if its up flatrocks way
vinicius dumitru
Posts: 67
Date Joined: 22/06/09
no worries
got a good 4by4 and plenty of experience in 4wheel driving. new moon i heard is the best time
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Im very interested in this.
Im very interested in this. Got all the gear and such.. my own transport as long as 4wd is not needed.
If you have a free spot im Very Keen!. Let me know the details of where this spot is, sounds like there are a number of 'Flat Rocks' around. There is also one down past Mandurah which i believe is a surfies spot.
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Were do you live
And if you do get a ride you need to get to them/ HOME
Assassin landbase fishing club
Colin Hay
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If anyone is interested in going to Flatrocks
put your name down on this list in line with the dates suggested. Also put down if you have a 4wd, if you have the capacity take someone there, or whether you would need a ride.
* Friday August 14th till the Saturday August 15th
* Saturday August 15th till Sunday August 16th
* Friday August 28 till Saturday August 29th
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Come on guys we need names
Are you all afraid of the cold, Bags of fire wood or bring your girlfriends
Its good fishing in the winter [mullaway at night]
Assassin landbase fishing club
mako magic
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or cuddle up to steve
or cuddle up to steve
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Mako ! go out the back
And finish my rod I want to test it out thurday night
Assassin landbase fishing club
mako magic
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its will be ready to pick up
its will be ready to pick up tomorrow arvo no probs mate
Posts: 2925
Date Joined: 27/12/06
would love to but not just
would love to
but not just yet finnishing rennovating and then moving into my house for aug september but count me in for any further tripsafter that. i have 4wd fished loonies a few times but never flat rocks north of quinns. i spent a fair bit of time fishing s bend
hope to catch up with you all on the next 1
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Hi Rig
sorry you cant make it, We will catch up maybe another time steve
Assassin landbase fishing club
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Any dates will suit.
Any dates will suit. Moon/Tides any better for either of those weekends?
Paul G
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me and jesse will come up
Jesse and I will come up for the night just let me know the dates.
Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential and commercial ceilings and walls
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Dave/ ragbag
Is out now Hes got other comitments
Assassin landbase fishing club
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Rain is on its way
Looks like the long range weather is not good, So the there is a window open on the 14/15/16 which looks like fine weather
So its the 15/16 if you guys are game, Maybe hit the road around lunch time on saturday the 15th and return at lunch time on sunday the 16th
I need feed back [GUYS] on who is coming, And if you got room in your 4x4 for members that have not got a 4x4
Assassin landbase fishing club
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im in im in hehehe this time
im in im in
hehehe this time i leave the kids at home
i can fit two in my car just pm me first come first serve
Live to Fish & Fish to Live
Fishing for the Freezer since 1983
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In but maybe not overnight
With my back the way it is I doubt I could walk after a sleepover up there at the moment. I will most likely team up in the arvo or first thing in the morning. Just let me know what dates you decide on.
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hey guys im planning to go
hey guys im planning to go to sandy cape next tuesday coming back on wednesday
ive heard good reports from jurien bay of mulloway schools and big tailor
if any1 is interested in following pls pm me or call
you'll need a 4x4 and a swag
Live to Fish & Fish to Live
Fishing for the Freezer since 1983
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So you hijack my post
I will deal with you next weekend lol
Assassin landbase fishing club
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bahahaha try and catch me
bahahaha try and catch me chubby :)
Live to Fish & Fish to Live
Fishing for the Freezer since 1983
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Easy Prey
Jusdjing on last week's performance you'll bog down in the first minutes of the chase... LOL ...
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Last weeks preformance
If I remember corectly dshoot and co were draging your soggy ass out off the incoming tide before we even started fishing.
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hey my car didnt get bogg
hey my car didnt get bogg :P
i believe the victims were the ford explorer, toyota hilux and the holden frontera hahaha
hilux surf survives once again
anywayz i mite be a bearer of bad newz got offered to go to s-bend fishing at finger reef
same time as this weekend trip. dont know wat im gona do yet :(
Live to Fish & Fish to Live
Fishing for the Freezer since 1983
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my girlfrend wants to go to
my girlfrend wants to go to flat rocks coz she's in love with sherbs hehehe
Live to Fish & Fish to Live
Fishing for the Freezer since 1983
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OK so she can go to Faltrock with Sherbs and we can head of S-Bends LOL. Sounds a bit suss I know. I am low maintenance and can cook snagsss.. LOL. I snore a lot though and fart when I drink beer.
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Saturday 15th to the sunday 16th
Meet at macs in Wannaroo for lunch 12.00pm And leaved by 12.30pm And get back around 12.00pm sunday
Is this ok with you guys
Assassin landbase fishing club
Faulkner Family
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just look out for the
just look out for the firecrackers and the big russians
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 223
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Good luck and a good night
Good luck and a good night due
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Dates are great. Should be
Dates are great. Should be good times!
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Need to work out
What to bring with us 1] sherbert cooker and gas bottle [if we get more members maybe two]-----------------------------------------------
2]NAME----- bbq and chopsticks_________________________________
3] NAME-------2 gas lights _________________________________________
4] Each one brings bag of firewood________________________
5] Your own food and drinks ______________________
6] Fishing gear and bait _______________________
7] chairs swags tent Or situp all night fishing and drinking
Assassin landbase fishing club
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gas light
Ill bring my gas light
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Looks like the weather
Turning crap, What do you guys think///Saturday Showers windy/// Sunday easing
Assassin landbase fishing club
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Let's wait and see
I was looking at the same thing. Things change.
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Yes vince it could do
But pigs might fly too
cheers steve
Assassin landbase fishing club
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Weather still the same
Assassin landbase fishing club
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Crap Crap and no Crap
Be patient you silly old Merc F%3@k truck driver LOL. Here is an idea.. If we tow the F#@K truck in it could be a lot more comfy.. Put some disco lights up and it could be a great night ;)
Work smart and fish often.
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dunno y
dunno why he didnt buy the 4x4 model....
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sorry guyz i mite have to bail... my dads being a sook and wants to take my car to sbend
my s15 cant go offroad(or can it?)
if i can drag my mates ill c u there at maccas
Live to Fish & Fish to Live
Fishing for the Freezer since 1983
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Iam waiting to see you dad
So i can tell him all that you get up too.
Assassin landbase fishing club
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Weather report
Still waiting for up date on the weather, If it dont inprove soon there will be lots of weed around
Fingers cross
Assassin landbase fishing club
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i am calling f/rock
off Cos the weather is cr ap
If any one still like to go ,Dont forget the beachs are soft So take your safty gear
Assassin landbase fishing club
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Your Typing is crap.. That's all....
It's not all doom and gloom. 'Specially for me.. I live there so I have to fish there. It looks like Sunday will offer some reasonable conditions. Certainly no overnighter unless you sleep like me. I will prolly go just for the run. Sunday. Glad to meet up with anyone who moseys along up that way.
Work smart and fish often.
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Bit average on the weather
Bit average on the weather front... another date must be set though, still looking at the 28th ish? Set the date, and the people will come.!
Im just as keen as the next kiwi. :)... lets make this happen soon.. dont want it getting too Hot!
Where would you take newly obtained second hand reels to get serviced? Got an SLD30 that needs some attention.
Faulkner Family
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not to sure about the
not to sure about the servicing of reels but get hold of Ryan at oceanside or Mat at the tackle shack , they should be able to help you in one way or another
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
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Kiwis and heat?
LOL. I know you guys are used to sleeping out in the snow... It will happen soon I am sure Bungel. Just watch out for the fire crackers.. LOL
Work smart and fish often.
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Whats the lastest..?
Any more dates being set for this mission to happen?..
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not yet m8
Waiting for the weather to break
Assassin landbase fishing club
Posts: 2692
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Looking out the window.. it's not that good unless you have a tent and like getting smashed for the sake of it. I am optomistic that things will turn around in the next few weeks.
I'm heading up there again this weekend at some stage if only to exercise the dog and catch up with a few locals. Hopefully I will get a line wet and I will report back.
Work smart and fish often.
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How did you go Vince ?
How did you go at Vince ?