Pilbara Virus

Not fishing related, but most of us have our best mate.... the dog.

Was reading about a lot of Parvo virus in Karratha ATM and wanted to warn fello Fishos, and also ask for more info on this disease.

Anyone know about it / experiences?  Is there a real need to worry, or is the local vet running a scare campaign to cash in on panic vaccinations. 

What does it cost for vaccination in Perth?  It would be interesting to see the Perth price compared to Karratha price.

Can we score vaccine online?  Instead of paying the vet $400 for 2 minutes work?


My little pup when he was younger 


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Well I've booked mine in for

Fri, 2012-09-14 15:52

Well I've booked mine in for tomorrow. From what I can gather its not worth risking it at the moment.


Cheers Nath


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Did some research and

Fri, 2012-09-14 15:56

Did some research and vaccination is $130ish x 2 shots.  Worth it for mans best friend.


Brynner's picture

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Mans best friend

Fri, 2012-09-14 16:14

You must have total love and admiration for your dog to post this on a fishing site. The money shouldn't come into the equation if it means saving your buddy's life. Costs a lot more once they have contracted the virus to treat them for the illness. Good luck to you and ole brown eyes :-)


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Get a job you bum!!! Where I

Fri, 2012-09-14 16:19

Get a job you bum!!!


Where I grew up in farming region there was no such thing as a vet.  The cure for everything was lead injection 

Adam Gallash's picture

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Fri, 2012-09-14 15:58

Got ours vaccinated last year as a pup, think thats when they are most vulnerable to it.  Have heard it being bad around town at the moment, think about it though, whats ya best mate worth?  Nearly any money in my opinion.  Cost me 2k last year when I accidently run over her, pay it again in a second if I had to without a second thought.


Dogs that develop the disease show symptoms of the illness within 3 to 10 days. The symptoms include lethargy, vomiting, fever, and diarrhea (usually bloody). Diarrhea and vomiting result in dehydration and secondary infections can set in. Due to dehydration, the dog's electrolyte balance can become critically affected. Because the normal intestinal lining is also compromised, blood and protein leak into the intestines leading to anemia and loss of protein, and endotoxins escaping into the bloodstream, causing endotoxemia. Dogs have a distinctive odor in the later stages of the infection. The white blood cell level falls, further weakening the dog. Any or all of these factors can lead to shock and death.[20] The first sign of CPV is lethargy. Usually the second symptoms would be loss of appetite or diarrhea followed by vomiting.


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Missus had the pup

Fri, 2012-09-14 16:10

Missus had the pup vaccinated, but he is probably due for a booster now he is 2 yr old.  Nothing like the photo now, he is as big as a horse.

I urge all dog owners to get ya mate his shots


Smasha's picture

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I doubt it would be a scare

Fri, 2012-09-14 16:57

I doubt it would be a scare campaign on the vets behalf as parvo virus is pretty nasty. My staffy cross had it quite bad and it took a little bit for him to come right again.


Your entitled to your opinion, it's just that yours is stupid.

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Fri, 2012-09-14 19:12



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Stupid I phone

Fri, 2012-09-14 19:18

Mate those vaccines do seem excessive in price, roughly 120-180 in perth. However they need to be transported cold and secure so read expensive. Still a small price to pay to protect that cute pup!

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very small price

Fri, 2012-09-14 19:21

should do it as a priority no matter where you live.  Prevention is always better than cure.

Sean66's picture

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get it done

Fri, 2012-09-14 20:28

If Karratha is anything like Hedland....get your dog immunised...from what Ive heard its not a very nice way for a dog to die...no cure....if you really value your little mate then money should not be a factor in making up your mind. i had a puppy here for a week and was terrified she would get parvo before i took her to Perth. Scared the crap out of me when she didnt eat for a day and was sleeping all the time...luckily she was just very tired...pheww...shes nearly a year old now and healthy, annoying and eats way too much...lol..


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life long friendship is beyond value

Fri, 2012-09-14 22:21

you can't put a value on the love and loyalty your four legged mate is going to give you

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Pay up

Sat, 2012-09-15 10:46

 My sister brought a little pup and had it booked in with the vet for it's shots the next week. Unfortunately the neighbours dog had caught it from the park, and my sisters cat had strayed into their yard to play/get fed by their kids and then passed it on through having the dog's saliva on it to her pup that died a horrible death. Apparently kids can get it also? 



bitten's picture

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kids cant catch pavo from an

Fri, 2012-09-21 22:03

kids cant catch pavo from an animal

theres about 12 different strains of the virus they are all restricted to the species of animal that has it

i just had a read up on it turns out the human strain of pavo is also known as fifth disease which is apparently common in kids and my boy had it when he was 3

so thats a scary thought you shoulda seen the rash he got from it it was insane apparently its generaly non life threatening in humans





Sean66's picture

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Plus the virus stays in the

Sat, 2012-09-15 12:47

Plus the virus stays in the soil for a few years and can still be passed on to your pet.


I'm here for a good time, not a long time. Lets go fishing!

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dont delay get tjhe bloody

Fri, 2012-09-21 21:51

dont delay get the bloody vaccine i had a pup die from pavo because i couldnt afford the vaccine at the time

it was bloody horrible terrible painful way to die, the bloody dihorreah and smell was awful, affected my wife pretty bad to see that happen to her pup.

rip kenny

nice looking dog you  have there.

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Yep he got his shots

Sat, 2012-09-22 16:29

Yep he got his shots (heartworm too).  Vet said he was overweight, so now the poor bugger is on a bit of a diet


He's now a lot bigger than the first photo.  SAFE, the rescue mob that adopt out dogs said he was gonna be a medium size dog.  Lies!!!



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Sat, 2012-09-22 22:31

That puppy, with those size paws, was never going to be a medium size dog!

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how can you put a value on a mrmory

Sat, 2012-09-22 23:14

that photo of your kid with the dog is beyond value,live it enjoy it cherish it

Sean66's picture

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beautiful dog...nothing beats

Sun, 2012-09-23 09:09

beautiful dog...nothing beats the welcome your dog gives you when walking through the door. its worth looking after your best mate/mates.


I'm here for a good time, not a long time. Lets go fishing!