Pinkie Bonanza near Rotto

Ten very long weeks after my double knee replacement and I could eventually get back on the water again. Gail and I launched just after six in the morning from Woodman Point and made our way towards Rottnest Island. We got up a half an hour later than we should have and were probably going to miss the moon set before we got to our destination. As we passed Seaward Reef we noticed a commotion in the water which turned out to be a pod of three whales slapping their tales on the water. We stopped to enjoy this wonderful spectacle and were now guaranteed to miss the moon set, but what the heck – one does not experience this type of show every day!

We eventually arrived at our “Snapper Spot” and one drift over the drop-off indicated some decent returns on the sounder. The anchor was quickly dropped and the burley trail introduced to the swim. I took the Shimano Nexave loaded with the Shimano Stradic 4000 and dropped a soft plastic over the side of the boat. Soon after this we hooked a bird that picked up one of our scalies before it had a chance to drop down into “the zone”. As we were trying to free it the Stradic started peeling off line and I caught a Snapper of 58cm.

A little later Gail hooked her first of three Snapper, this one going 65cm. Her subsequent two Snapper went 86cm and 85cm consecutively and we had reached our quota within 90 minutes of dropping the anchor. We tried for further fish, but got smoked no less than four times before we pulled anchor in an ever increasing South Westerly. Before we left for Woodman Point we experienced a further two whales, one of which breached fully out of the water – what a sight!

On the way back we decided to stop off at Rowboat Rock near Mewstone to see if we could entice one of the Aussie Salmon which had forgotten to go back down south. My first cast with a soft plastic and bang – I was into a 85cm specimen. After a good tug on the light tackle the fish was snapped and released.
This was a welcome return to our wonderful fishery – can’t wait for the next trip.

YouTube clip -


Fisheagle Ed

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Posts: 755

Date Joined: 29/03/13

very healthy looking

Sat, 2015-10-03 07:19

 fish. What depth do you fish with unweighted scalies. Is the current a problem ? 


Down the Line


Catch the Experience 

Fisheagle's picture

Posts: 349

Date Joined: 04/02/12

Trial and error

Sat, 2015-10-03 07:28

This spot always has a decent current running through it. We normally start unweighted and by the angle of entry of the line into the water you will work out how strong the current is. We then add a sliding weight above the scalie so that the bait can get down to the bottom third of the swim. It takes a bit of trial and error until you start catching them. Once you work it out - you then change all the traces/rigs to the same weight. Good luck and tight lines!


Fisheagle Ed

Madmerv's picture

Posts: 672

Date Joined: 24/01/15

Nice catch

Sat, 2015-10-03 07:26

 Some very nice fish there. Always good to bag out in a couple of hours.


 Sometimes when the water is quiet, you can hear the fish laughing at you !

Scotte's picture

Posts: 1147

Date Joined: 07/12/06

 Great fish  and write up!

Sat, 2015-10-03 08:04

 Great fish  and write up!

Posts: 6265

Date Joined: 26/04/14

 nice fish nice pics 

Sat, 2015-10-03 08:15

 nice fish nice pics 

uncle's picture

Posts: 9512

Date Joined: 10/02/07

sounds like a great day

Sat, 2015-10-03 08:25

nice pinks


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

Bluetonic's picture

Posts: 1147

Date Joined: 09/01/08

Great video, gota love it

Sat, 2015-10-03 08:29

Great video, gota love it when you get into a good pinkie session. Well done.


Blue Sky, Blue Water, Bluetonic!

Jason P's picture

Posts: 521

Date Joined: 16/02/13

 Always enjoy your posts and

Sat, 2015-10-03 08:36

 Always enjoy your posts and pics



Brock O's picture

Posts: 3264

Date Joined: 11/01/08

Great Vid

Sat, 2015-10-03 09:16


There Fish Eagle, love your work.

axey45's picture

Posts: 1758

Date Joined: 26/11/13


Sat, 2015-10-03 11:50


Guardy's picture

Posts: 381

Date Joined: 09/08/12

Hey Ed

Sat, 2015-10-03 14:07

 Good to see you back on the water once more doing what you do best, letting Gail catch all the fish (well most of the fish) . Come on you have to at least try to out do her on the number and size of your fish. 

Glad to hear that the knees are coming right.

Cheers, Frank

Fisheagle's picture

Posts: 349

Date Joined: 04/02/12

Good seeing you

Mon, 2015-10-05 19:40

Hey Frank, good to see you again. How is it that you are at the ramp every time I get a walloping?

We need to catch up for a chat sometime. Take care.


Fisheagle Ed

Posts: 251

Date Joined: 28/05/11

Great session there! I've

Sat, 2015-10-03 14:09

Great session there! I've been getting my snapper around garden island this year, I've never fished for them out at Rotto but might have to give it a go now.

The new fish cleaning station at the boat club is great isn't it. 


Fisheagle's picture

Posts: 349

Date Joined: 04/02/12

Great cleaning station

Mon, 2015-10-05 19:49

The cleaning station makes life so much easier and less drama with the missus at home because of fish scales in the kitchen basin. Boat ramps, wash-down bays, clubhouse, showers and bathrooms, food prep area, secure parking, ice available 24/7, etc.etc makes CPA is a winner. Don't mind paying a bit extra for this type of service.


Fisheagle Ed

Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

Thanks for the very good write up and video

Sat, 2015-10-03 15:06

A very good write up with video & pics, days like that are long remembered. especially when enjoying a good feed of locally fresh caught snapper and a good wine.

Willlo's picture

Posts: 1490

Date Joined: 07/10/11

 yeah top post and well done

Sat, 2015-10-03 15:41

 yeah top post and well done  going in for an op myself next week haven't been on the water myself for 2 months just shows there is always light at the end of the tunnel 


 Call Sign - BZ785

Haynes Hunter Prowler CC


Fisheagle's picture

Posts: 349

Date Joined: 04/02/12

Good luck Willo

Mon, 2015-10-05 19:50

See you back on the water soon.


Fisheagle Ed

Notorious's picture

Posts: 914

Date Joined: 23/02/12

 You're a master - fantastic

Sat, 2015-10-03 19:15

 You're a master - fantastic photos and video!


barracuda's picture

Posts: 227

Date Joined: 01/09/13

Solid effort

Mon, 2015-10-05 20:07

 good to see you back into it 

Posts: 16

Date Joined: 01/01/70

Good to see you back on your

Tue, 2015-10-06 11:28

Good to see you back on your feet ...... nice fish and quality pics as per usual!


Good vid and congrats to both

sstevee's picture

Posts: 472

Date Joined: 15/11/11

 Nice report!!ive just had

Tue, 2015-10-06 11:42

 Nice report!!

ive just had shoulder surgery and hope I can come back with similar results!!! Would have made the wait nearly worthwhile. 
