Recfishwest Annual General Meeting and Election of Board Members 2007
Recfishwest Annual General Meeting and Election of Board Members 2007.
Notice of the 2007 Recfishwest Annual General Meeting and Election of Board Members has been sent to RFW members and is now on the website at
The "formal" part of the AGM doesn't usually take very long, and the meeting then lets Recfishwest members discuss anything about RFW and/or recreational fisheries management, and then share some refreshments afterwards.
The Recfishwest AGM will be held on Friday 19 October 2007 in the "Bridge Room" at the Fremantle Sailing Club, "Success Harbour" on Marine Terrace, Fremantle commencing at 7.30pm.
Public Board Member Elections. There will be vacancies for three Public Board Members for two-year terms. These vacancies follow the completion of term of Dr Howard Gill, Keith Tocas and Craig Bibra.
Nominations to fill these vacant positions are open to Public Members of Recfishwest, and will close on 21 September, unless there are insufficient nominations.
A further casual vacancy for one year may arise if the Chairman of Recfishwest is elected from amongst the Public Board Members. The RFW Chairman is elected at the first Board meeting following the AGM.
I would encourage all Recfishwest members to consider nominating someone or getting themselves nominated for the Board.
Nomination forms are in
As an existing Board Member of Recfishwest, I can assure you that you will get any support you need and you will find a Board position very worthwhile.
ONLY financial members of Recfishwest will be entitled to vote for Board members at the AGM.
The Recfishwest Annual Report for 2006/2007 will be presented at this meeting.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Beavering away in the background......
Recfishwest - looking after YOUR recreational fishing future.
You need Recfishwest to look after your recreational fishing interests. Who else has the time, the knowledge, the professional approach, the realistic alternatives, the willingness and the contacts?
Recfishwest needs YOUR support. We would really like you to become a member, get involved and help us.
You can join by post, by phone, by email, in person, or fill in a website form. See
Tell us what you think and ask us to explain anything you don't agree with - you may give new details which will change Recfishwest's decision.
You are the ones who benefit when Recfishwest succeeds, or you will lose out when Recfishwest is ignored.
Posts: 1260
Date Joined: 06/06/06
I got nothin' really to do , I might just put my name up for nomination .
OFW member 088
Sponsored by no one and I work for myself so my comments are my own.
Posts: 489
Date Joined: 11/08/05
Nominations for Recfishwest Board
The Recfishwest AGM is just over a week away, Friday 19 October 2007 in the "Bridge Room" at the Fremantle Sailing Club, "Success Harbour" on Marine Terrace, Fremantle commencing at 7.30pm.

Nominees for the RFW Board are:- Mark Morris, Jamie Chester, Steven Gill, Howard Gill and Peter Blyth.
Backgrounds of the nominees are now on
ONLY financial members of Recfishwest will be entitled to vote for Board members at the AGM.
The Recfishwest Annual Report for 2006/2007 will be presented at this meeting.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Beavering away in the background......
Recfishwest - looking after YOUR recreational fishing future.
You need Recfishwest to look after your recreational fishing interests. Who else has the time, the knowledge, the professional approach, the realistic alternatives, the willingness and the contacts?
Recfishwest needs YOUR support. We would really like you to become a member, get involved and help us.
You can join by post, by phone, by email, in person, fill in a website form, or see us at the Mandurah Boat Show stand 114 near the Aquatank. See
Tell us what you think and ask us to explain anything you don't agree with - you may give new details which will change Recfishwest's decision.
You are the ones who benefit when Recfishwest succeeds, or you will lose out when Recfishwest is ignored.
Posts: 489
Date Joined: 11/08/05
RFW AGM and Elections Friday 19 October
The RFW AGM, presentation of 2006/7 report, and election of Board members is 7:30pm tonight Friday 19 October.

All details as above and
Beavering away in the background......