Recfishwest Bulletin 11
Recfishwest Bulletin Number 11 is on the RFW website at A version formatted for printing is at
Topics covered are:-
1. Outcomes of the Commercial Wetline Fishing Review.
2. Geographe Bay Commercial Salmon Fishing Easter Closure.
3. Rottnest Island No Fishing Zones.
4. Release weights available again.
5. Wilson Inlet Pink Snapper Size Limit Changes.
6. Recfishwest Submissions to Marine Parks proposals.
7. ACMA Proposed Submarine Cable Protection Zone.
8. Extension of Cockburn Sound Pink Snapper Closure.
9. Halt the Salt Campaign.
10. Barramundi and Threadfin Accord.
11. Integrated Fisheries Management (IFM) Issues.
12. Recfishwest Submission to IFM Draft Allocation Report Roe's Abalone.
13. Cockburn Sound Crab Fishery Closure.
14. Proposed Amendments to the Fish Resources Management Act 1994.
15. Recfish Australia Marine Protected Areas Seminar Proceedings.
16. What would you like to see on the Recfishwest website?
17. Recfishwest Membership
The articles headed Commercial Wetline Fishing Review, Rottnest Island No Fishing Zones, ACMA Proposed Submarine Cable Protection Zone and Integrated Fisheries Management Issues cover recent and ongoing Recfishwest activities which will have direct benefits for boating anglers, particularly in the Perth Metropolitan area.
Item 2 will interest all those Easter salmon anglers in the Cape Naturaliste to Dunsborough strip. It's a start, and other areas and times will need more work.
Recfishwest is your public voice whenever decisions are being made which affect our fisheries, or access to areas for fishing. Fish stocks, the waters and coastal areas are owned by the whole community, not by any individual or any company who may be licensed to exploit them.
Decisions are being made now which will affect fishing opportunities for you, your children and your grandchildren in the future. Recfishwest represents the needs of both current and future generations of recreational fishers to maintain their access to their fair share of the State's fish stocks.
You need Recfishwest to look after your recreational fishing interests. Who else has the time, the knowledge, the professional approach, the realistic alternatives, the willingness and the contacts?
Recfishwest needs YOUR support. We would really like you to become a member, get involved and help us. After all, you are the ones who will benefit if Recfishwest succeeds, or you will lose out if Recfishwest is ignored.
But if you can't help, at least find out what Recfishwest does, tell Recfishwest what you need and give Recfishwest your comments. Most of all, please spread the news about what's going on and let others know who is working for recreational fishermen and getting things done - and that is Recfishwest.
Please let other people know when you agree with what Recfishwest is doing, because that sort of support is vital. Otherwise some people who make the decisions will question your silence. If you don't agree, please let us know why so we can discuss it with you.
There are also lots of fishing and access changes talked about which never happen and never get in the news. That's because Recfishwest finds out what's going on and works behind the scenes to change or stop plans which are not in the best interests of recreational fishing or sustainability.
Check out the Recfishwest website which is kept up to date with current and previous activities like those reported in the Newsletter.
A RFW Membership form is at
Beavering away in the background......
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