First great white


Hi All, I have returned to work after an epic 5 weeks on holidays.. anyway during a fishing trip last week about 5km just North of Rotto I got to see my first great white.  We were fishing in 40mtrs of water and not having a lot of luck when my fishing buddy pulled in a small baldie.  Whilst we were getting it in I look over the starboard side and this great white just appeared out of the depths, cruising alongside of the boat and eyeballing me in the boat as some sort of out of reach appetizer.   It disapeared straight back into the depths just as quickly and wasn't sighted again.  It's been on my bucket list to see one in the wild whilst out fishing and whilst a short encounter it was awesome to see.  I'd estimate it to be 2.5-3 mtrs, so no monster, but as it was a 40Deg day a quick dip off the back of the boat was ruled out fairly quickly. 

We didn't bother dropping down in that spot again and moved on.  Not a lot of luck that trip in anycase. 

Just wanted to share.  We see Bronzies almost every cray run, this was no bronzie ! 

As we took my mates boat I was hoping it would have a bit of a chew on the motor as I have seen them do in the media... but it just buggered off.


My first sighting in 10 years of WA fishing.  Do you guys see them often ? 

Coastrunner's picture

Posts: 458

Date Joined: 25/10/14

Never seen a white fishing or surfing

Mon, 2025-02-03 17:19

Surfing down at Gallows or Guilotines could be spooky at times though when its overcast and the waters black.

Had a shark, bronzy I assumed, follow a hooked pinky up at high speed, I'm hanging over the rail looking at a weird shadow in the water that in a split second materialised into a mouth full of teeth, scared the fcuck out of me.

davewillo's picture

Posts: 2488

Date Joined: 08/09/16

 I had a big tiger cruise

Thu, 2025-02-06 11:05

 I had a big tiger cruise past me at Gallows one time years ago. Only me and a mate out and he said he was heading in and I said I'd be in soon. He told me in no uncertain terms that I needed to come in straight away. Seems it was so close he thought it was going to grab me but as we know now there are heaps of tigers out there and they don't really bother anyone.


 PGFC member and lure tragic

Posts: 197

Date Joined: 13/05/16

Injinup main break

Fri, 2025-02-07 12:08

 Surfing Injinup back in late 1998 out about 30 foot from every one else waiting for a big set. I was talking to a bloke next to me ( about a meter away) and had a shark fin slice between us. i was absolutely stunned and so was the other bloke. It was enough of a shake up that i went straight in, telling everyone else there was shark in the area, , no payed any attention to me and that included my son. Better safe than sorry.



Brock O's picture

Posts: 3264

Date Joined: 11/01/08

Seen my first fishing a few

Tue, 2025-02-04 06:45

Seen my first fishing a few years back, 50m of water south of rotto.

I had just landed a good Dhue when the deckie said there's a shark, I took a look over the side, the thing was coming from deep straight up nose first, took a bit to figure it out...but once it got closer and turned coming up along the side of the boat...Faaarkkk..same 3m max but fat, i mean FAT!...what a buzz, did a quick circle and disappeared.

Seen one early last year diving, was solo 20m back of stragglers unsticking a cray pot for a forum member, had just finished looking around for a few crays when I was down to 30bar..shit better head up...looked up and there it was coming straight for me from a distance...didn't get close enough to say it was a white but it was fkn massive...and lucky it turned and disappeared. Glad I was below the safety stop that day.