Fisheries Media Release - Rock Lobster Risk

6 March 2007 15/2007
Rock lobster fishers warned of annual coral spawning risk. The annual coral spawning, at the Abrolhos Islands, is expected to happen in two stages this year presenting risks for caged lobsters being stored in shallow water or lagoons.

Department of Fisheries regional manager for the Mid-West, Greg Finlay said five days of coral spawning was expected to commence this weekend and it would also occur again for about four days from April 9. “The rock lobster fishing season in the Abrolhos doesn’t begin until March 15, but a lot of fishers will be working around the islands in preparation for the season, Mr Finlay said.
“During the second spawning period in April, fishers may have rock lobsters stored in cages in shallow water or lagoons. “The biggest risk for rock lobsters, during the spawning period is the de-oxygenation of the water, where the huge pinkish slicks of coral larvae occur. “Fishers who have rock lobsters held in shallow water or poorly flushed lagoon areas, should be aware of the risks from the mass spawning and take precautions by shifting their catch into
deeper water during the period. “The experts agree that calm weather conditions may also lead to larger slicks, which can cause caged lobsters or fish to suffocate by taking oxygen out of the water.
“If the conditions are rougher, then the spawning slicks are likely to be broken up and will be dispersed more widely.” Mr Finlay said fishers should take special note of making precautions this coming weekend and into the early part of next week (March 10 to March 15).
“Next month, the critical dates for fishers to be aware of coral spawning are April 9 to April 13,” he said. “The annual coral spawning is a vital process of renewal for the reefs we have along Western Australia’s Mid-West and Gascoyne Coasts.”
Ashley Malone
Principal Media Liaison Officer
Ph: 9203 0357
Mobile: 0418 901 767



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

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Posts: 3356

Date Joined: 29/12/06

This may be a dumb question

Thu, 2007-03-08 10:47

This may be a dumb question but i suppose all the resident fish can suffer as well then. Or do they take off from around the area as well. or is it that because they can swim around more and are not being restricted in a pot etc, the oxygen levels dont effect them?

Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!

Lukas's picture

Posts: 306

Date Joined: 03/12/06

I'd imagine they would swim

Thu, 2007-03-08 15:09

I'd imagine they would swim off.
You gotta be in it to win it

SPESS's picture

Posts: 3356

Date Joined: 29/12/06

Do they eat it? You'd think

Thu, 2007-03-08 15:19

Do they eat it? You'd think that the small reef fish would, you know like nemo!

Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!

Lukas's picture

Posts: 306

Date Joined: 03/12/06

Bloody nemo. Thats all I

Thu, 2007-03-08 15:22

Bloody nemo. Thats all I ever hear. Nemo, nemo, nemo. That movie should be banned!!!
I reckon they would too.
You gotta be in it to win it

SPESS's picture

Posts: 3356

Date Joined: 29/12/06

Get the kids the toy story

Thu, 2007-03-08 15:23

Get the kids the toy story vids they rock!

Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!

Lukas's picture

Posts: 306

Date Joined: 03/12/06

Got them too. If its not

Thu, 2007-03-08 15:25

Got them too. If its not nemo its wiggles, or chicken run or banana's in pyjamas.
Kids movies should never have been invented. I've got no money left to spend on fishing gear.

You gotta be in it to win it

SPESS's picture

Posts: 3356

Date Joined: 29/12/06

My nephews just love fwa

Thu, 2007-03-08 15:27

My nephews just love fwa movies so good excuse to get fishing movies instead.

Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!

Lukas's picture

Posts: 306

Date Joined: 03/12/06

He's still not old enough

Thu, 2007-03-08 15:29

He's still not old enough yet. but thats the next. I got a couple of fishing movie's that he watches and yells "fishies" at. Will only be a matter of time though...

You gotta be in it to win it