Recfishwest- Cockburn Sound Development Response: Snapper.

Recfishwest is bitterly disappointed that our persistent and serious concerns around any development on Cockburn Sound’s environment and fish stocks have been repeatedly ignored by the Westport Taskforce. 322w, 768w, 536w, 460w, 1152w" sizes=" 529px) 100vw, 529px" />Thousands of pink snapper died during 2015’s Cockburn Snapper fish kill – this cannot happen again.

Today Premier Mark McGowan endorsed the Taskforce’s recommendations for a land-backed port development in Cockburn Sound and committed $97.2 million to the next phase of the development.

The Taskforce’s recommendations were developed after a three-year process costing millions of dollars. Yet, despite the time and money spent, the Taskforce has failed to answer the basic question – what impact will a new port in Cockburn Sound have on the Sound’s pink snapper stocks and fishing experiences?

The Government can only make good decisions when they are presented with good information and the undeniable fact is the Taskforce failed to fill key environmental knowledge gaps which places a massive question mark around the quality of their recommendations.

Recfishwest is calling on the Government to quickly address the Taskforce’s shortcomings to ensure that Cockburn Sound’s future as a marine habitat and the future of West Coast pink snapper is not put on the line. Let us be clear:

While Recfishwest is not anti-development, we will always oppose proposals that reduce fish habitats and abundances or developments that restrict people’s right to access fisheries. 322w, 768w, 536w, 556w" sizes=" 524px) 100vw, 524px" />Nick Drummond with a beautiful pink snapper.

Flashback 2015 – Pollution thought to be the cause of hundreds of fish killed in Cockburn Sound

Cockburn Sound’s future as a marine habitat could be on the line here, along with the future of our West Coast pink snapper stocks.

The State Government can only make good decisions when they are presented with good information and the undeniable fact is the Taskforce failed to fill key environmental knowledge gaps which places a massive question mark around the quality of their recommendations.

What’s more, of all the millions the Taskforce spent in attempting to better understanding what the future looks like, not a single cent was spent on planting sea grass, stocking snapper or building new habitats.

The Government’s environmental credentials are now on the line after supporting the Taskforce’s recommendations without fully understanding the impact the new port will have on the environment and our pink snapper stocks.

How and where the Government invest the $97.2 million they have committed to developing this questionable recommendation over the next four years, will tell if they truly value the environment or whether, just like the Westport Taskforce, they prioritise economics over the environment.


 My Dad taught me how to Fish-Thanks Dad.(RIP)

Alpha's picture

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Date Joined: 13/02/17


Fri, 2020-08-28 19:13

 Unfortunately Moking I think the best south west breeding ground for Snapper and the best Squid country in the state will be the biggest losers here.

Industry, Government and progress will win here as much as I don't like it. 


Posts: 668

Date Joined: 28/11/16

A few additional artificial

Fri, 2020-08-28 20:55

A few artificial reefs in the sound would be nice  

sunshine's picture

Posts: 2632

Date Joined: 03/03/09

Stir up ancient silts containing heavy metals

Fri, 2020-08-28 21:47

Which WILL be inevitable and the whole Sound will be ##$$&&***(........putting it mildly

Itvwill become a desert  

Posts: 1342

Date Joined: 05/05/06

Yeh not looking good, that

Sat, 2020-08-29 08:18

Yeh not looking good, that will probably be the biggest issue Sunshine.  You can imagine how much industrial crap from the past 50years is buried in the sound.  It would take a long time to settle and who knows how far the effects will be felt. Surely the scientists know how important seagrass meadows are in the metro area.

The government/fisheries cares enough to support a recreational ban on snapper to protect stocks in a well known breeding ground but doesnt care enough to halt progress on an outer harbour built over the same spawning ground.

What was it that stopped the Roe8 progress? i dont know much about the Roe8 it but the sound issue seems a bit more serious to me, but snapper arent facing extinction i suppose.

It may not be all doom and gloom but there is a chance the sound will be screwed forever and that wont be able to be reversed easily.




Bend over

Posts: 668

Date Joined: 28/11/16

What about the crabs?

Sat, 2020-08-29 08:44

What about the crabs?

Moking's picture

Posts: 1252

Date Joined: 30/05/12

 Yes agree about the crabs-

Sat, 2020-08-29 10:38

 Yes agree about the crabs- very little information comes forward about the lack for crabs in the Sound.

It's been a ten year ban so far in the Sound-that's a long bloody time for no recreational crabbing.


 My Dad taught me how to Fish-Thanks Dad.(RIP)

Posts: 1342

Date Joined: 05/05/06

Gardies as well

Sat, 2020-08-29 20:07

Gardies as well


Bend over

Livewire's picture

Posts: 307

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 I've been to some of these

Sat, 2020-08-29 09:24

 I've been to some of these so called town hall meetings where the members of the Westport taskforce try and justify there greed and single minded views. All the reasons given to develop and endanger the Health of already underpresure environment are sceptical at best. Had a good chat to the president of the snapper army and his frustration is clear.  They just don't value the resource like we do... dollars not cents. I hope the outcome is not set yet the fight continues . This is where the community will show it's strength, not to be railroaded into a develop at all costs!t (probably be another foreign owned company port!) The quest for atomization is a real part of decision makers too. No jobs for anyone..

sea-kem's picture

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 The thing is Fremantle port

Sat, 2020-08-29 10:52

 The thing is Fremantle port still has another good 50 years or more until capacity from what I've heard. The sound as we know is extremely delicate and Sunshine is right they disturb those silt beds it's the end of it all. 


Love the West!

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Date Joined: 21/05/12

 well we need to start some

Sat, 2020-08-29 15:07

 well we need to start some sort of group then - to bring up concerns

they are currrently pushing ahead full steam  and even spruik it as  part of a stimulus package,

according to them its the best of the 11 sites/options

NO NIL  ZERO mention of any concerns by ratepayers/taxpayers /voters and the use recreationally and the impact of this upon such use


Livewire's picture

Posts: 307

Date Joined: 25/11/16

 I agree if we do nothing we

Sat, 2020-08-29 18:31

 I agree if we do nothing we will loose something that can not be replaced. I'm no expert but am open to joining any common sense movement to protect the sound and change a few minds. I'm backing the snapper army and will help where I can.  I think we have an opportunity here with this many members to have a say.  Talk to you mates, family , work places and let's see!!  Nothing like potential voters swinging too  change politician's minds. ( i hope ) 

Swompa's picture

Posts: 3916

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Take a look at Fish Army. In

Sun, 2020-08-30 08:06

Take a look at Fish Army. In my Personal opinion there is now too much union involvement and opposing they are largely opposing the outer harbour from a financial point of view (job losses) rather than the recreational point of view though I guess it is all the same argument.

Anyone who spends time in the sound knows it's not a Barron desolate wasteland as it has been advertised.

Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

I agree with you, it's not desolated or wasteland.....yet

Sun, 2020-08-30 17:51

If it is exploited for a new harbour it won't be long before it becomes as barren as a nuclear dumping site, and it could become one of those given the greed of some people

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Warnbro Sounds

Wed, 2020-09-02 10:32

 Out of curiosity and wondering what other opinions are on the idea, I wonder if money wasnt an issue could human intervention turn Warnbro sound into the dominant breeding ground for the snapper? With the navy base/existing industry and almost periodic algae blooms in the sound in my honest opinion it is really just a ticking time bomb in the Cockburn sound I think the report on the sound last year said it only flushes something like 3-4 times a year. If it is possible then also protect Warnbro sound year round (sorry to those that like to fish it). Dont know, just throwing it out there.