Recovered stolen boat
Submitted by greatrex on Thu, 2014-08-21 19:52
So my boat that got stolen last night was found in Ellen Brooke. The guy who stole it used his own number plate to put on the trailer and the car plate reported belongs to him aswell and neither were stolen so he is going to get a good knock on the door from the cops. Wish I got his address because I'd love to pay him a visit. They stole literally everything from the boat most of which is custom to it and won't fit other boats with out serious alterations this is what is left
Posts: 306
Date Joined: 19/07/12
unbelievable.... He should
unbelievable.... He should be shot
Posts: 326
Date Joined: 19/01/09
mate that is f**d, cant
mate that is fucked, cant believe they stripped it so fast, hopefully you get all the parts back
big john
Posts: 8769
Date Joined: 20/07/06
Dog act
This is the definition of a dog act. What type of car was he driving mate? PM his number plate if you have it. I work in Ellenbrook and am happy to meander up and down a few streets and maybe get his address for you if I come across his vehicle.
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^ like
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on ya big john these pricks
on ya big john these pricks need a lesson
Qualified carpet layer available for jobs big and small
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Scum bag piece of shit!!!
Scum bag piece of shit!!! Baseball bat around the knee caps for shit heels like him. I'm glad you got the main of it retrieved and hopefully no damage to the hull. What makes my blood boil is that we work hard for these things that give us a break from the mundane crap and some crack head thinks he can just take it. I know it's cliched but there's no justice for these cunce. A community order or something pathetic like that and you're left to pick up the pieces. FUCK!!!!
Love the West!
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Date Joined: 29/08/11
well its pretty much ready to
well its pretty much ready to be sunk. they cut of the transom and cut up half the hull... its just not going to be worth it to fix. pretty much can sell the trailer for a little bit and thats all im going to be able to get
Posts: 1136
Date Joined: 10/06/09
thats so terrible for all
thats so terrible for all their effort stiping it they could have just gone and got a job and paid for there own boating stuff these types need a free one way trip to the trench
getting the bottom line final answer from a bunch of blokes that use false names and put smiley faces at the end of paragraphs is not the best place in the world to get the information you seek.
Posts: 408
Date Joined: 23/11/09
me thinks
if they striped it that quick, it isnt his first time and it is probably his foremost form of income !
Guys, just with posting info about the shithead on social media, you need to be careful, that you dont put info out there that could affect the prosecution or be used by the defence to play his part down.
It may seem like a slim chance, but if you post things such as vehicle rego, names etc etc it can have an adverse affect on witnesses evidence.
you will see the coppers put descriptions and car regos out there when they are searching for a baddie, but once they have him that is where it stops, because any info that is put out there after that can be used to argue the validity of info presented in court.
I know you are probably thinking, what are the chances of that, but beleive it or not, social sites like this do get a look at for those reasons.... by all means once it is finished with in court, post away.........................
greatrex - if he is charged and goes down for it in court, hopefully there will be some reparation for you for the financial impact. If that is ordered and he doesnt pay it to you, you need to do a civil claim through the court to recoup the loss.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Very sound advice guys, please take note..
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So -
for argument sake - I see the theif towing the stolen boat, in his own car - how does the talk on here have an adverse on me as a witness? What you are sayin does not make sense - sorry.
Posts: 408
Date Joined: 23/11/09
Noooooo, that's not what I said.
If details of the person, rego etc is discussed, The talk on here could have an adverse affect on any one else who may be a witness. And also, the defence can use info shared on social media to discredit an eye witness, i.e. You can't be sure you saw that car rego can you, you have read it on social media and just put 2 and 2 together.....
People don't get It. They report something to the coppers and then have a vent on facebook and don't realise that they are putting details out there that could prove to be a headache for the coppers and the outcome of any court action.
remember that a lawyer can try and use any info to discredit you as a witness. Doesn't have to be true, just create doubt. In the situation you state above, there is nothing to stop him coming at you 'you didn't actually see the car did you. You just got it off the gossip site".
If the info is on the site, they can use .
Posts: 210
Date Joined: 29/08/11
yeah i hadnt discussed any
yeah i hadnt discussed any rego details or anything on any public forums it was all done privately throught the forums same as pm'ing on this forum. and the person can be sure and is sure. there was some progress made by the police over night so will let people know.
Posts: 210
Date Joined: 29/08/11
The money factor isn't the
The money factor isn't the issue to me. It's the just the low life act he did and unfortunately he probably will end up with a slap on the wrist. I doubt it's his main form of work but the cops have told me a few things relating to the bloke is all. Just hope he gets a good punishment
Posts: 368
Date Joined: 20/11/07
greatrex, might be off topic,
greatrex, might be off topic, but do you have any photos of your boat before he everything off?
hope you get back on the water soon!
Posts: 7006
Date Joined: 16/10/08
see his other post mate
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
The Saint
Posts: 475
Date Joined: 30/01/13
Greatrex,The sad thing is the
The sad thing is the mongrel most likely won't get his just punishment.
As an example we had the wife's car stolen some time back. The prick used it while committing a few burglaries, then lead the cops on a high speed chase before smashing the car through the front fence of a school.
The mongrel was armed with pepper spay and used this on one of the cops before he was finally arrested (It made the front page of The West at the time).
The car was in the panel shop for 13 weeks before we got it back, but it was never the same and we ended up selling it.
His punishment (and bare in mind he was a repeat offender and drug dealer well known to police) a good behaviour bond, loss of licence for 6 months (he didn't have one anyway) and a fine..................$50 ! ! !
Our insurance excess was $300, we applied to the court for restitution by it was denied because he was on welfare and couldn't afford it.
Should also mention he left a pick handle between the console and drivers seat, so he meant business.
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Date Joined: 16/10/08
Similar story
Years ago my WRX was stolen. In those days it didnt yet have the pin code. But couldnt hot wire it so needed keys. Broke the window in young daughter's bedroom, glass all over her. None off us woke up. Stole the car.
2 days later high speed chase with cops in Googee. Overtook a 4x4 in the chase and had to cut in fast with upcoming traffic. Clipped the 4x4 causing it to roll (Dad and 14yo girl in it, apart from covered in broken stubbies and beer luckily no injuries). My WRX rolled onto its roof and into a pillon where the railway crossed over the road (cant recall road name). Roof crushed almost flat at the front. Somehow 3 occupants (scum) crawled out through the back windows and ran away. Had fun in the meantime as due to my occupation there is a medical bag in the car.
Shot themselves full off the emergency drugs including Pethidine, Morphine and even Adrenaline!!!!! One a pregnant female. Captured soon after by Police.
Outcome: 2 wrecked Cars, damage to Road and pillon, broken window, Police chase, court case. Girl let go - NO CHARGE! One chap slap on wrist, Driver lost licence and good behaviour bond. List of charges was long. BUT courts couldnt figure out which did what.
Insurance paid off my car, but 4x4 didnt have any so claimed against me/my insurance claiming I was at fault for "letting" them steal my car. Good bloke in 4x4 was told it was pointless to sue the crims but I was covered with 3rd Party so sue me!!! All settled via Insurance but excess $400 plus loss no claim for 5 yrs.
Do you think we (me and the 4x4 bloke) was livid when we heard off the outcome!!
What followed was the male crims did the same about 6months later - driver killed his mate and disabled himself permanently. Manslaughter for 2 yrs, let off due to disability and now I pay tax to support his injuries!
There IS something very wrong here!
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
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Date Joined: 07/07/12
The final incident you
The final incident you mentioned where the driver was killed and passenger injured happened on one of my worksites at the time...Reid Hwy / Alexander Drive. The family or shall i say 'tribe' of the deceased tried to blame our roadworks for "killing her little boy". She neglected to mention her little boy ran a ref light, disobeyed a 40km/h speed zone and went through a fence at an estimated 140 odd km/h. Yet it was my fault as the traffic manager. Just cant help some people unfortunately, and whilst Darwin always does win in the end, its such a shame that innocent people can get caught up in the crossfire.
pale ale
Posts: 1755
Date Joined: 02/01/10
That's farked!!
That's farked!!
Posts: 3246
Date Joined: 15/08/09
I remember hearing
regularly when I was younger Thd law is an Ass and to think that at times I thought, how could that be so.
Alan James
Posts: 2243
Date Joined: 30/06/09
The law is not the problem
the problem lies with the persons that choose to break it.
Posts: 3246
Date Joined: 15/08/09
the law is the problem when so often, the scum that steal cars, break into houses etc - virtually get no punishment, time and time again.
Alan James
Posts: 2243
Date Joined: 30/06/09
The law says theft is a crime, as is assault, murder etc. The problem is not the laws. You may dislike the judicial system with respect to the punishment given those that break the laws but the law itself is fine.
Posts: 3246
Date Joined: 15/08/09
here's an example - the burglary three strike policy - you do/get convicted of three home burglaries you go to jail. BUT the law says, if you are convicted of three burglaries or more on the same day in court - it is counted as one strike. So - the law is fine?
Alan James
Posts: 2243
Date Joined: 30/06/09
You are confusing policies and the workings of the judicial system with the laws. As I have said before, I think the laws are fine.
fishy fingers
Posts: 1719
Date Joined: 28/04/07
I agree
there laws against this sort of thing but it's the judicial system and the judges that hand down the sentence, you could get for a life sentence for murder but with discounts for this that and the other you end up with a slap on the wrist and this buisness of serving concurrent sentences is a joke it should be consecutive for each
Posts: 3246
Date Joined: 15/08/09
wrong, if the laws were fine, the wouldn't be any room for judicial workings with loop holes.
Posts: 86
Date Joined: 03/06/14
Some people are f####d
Should get a flogging for it
There's a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.
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Date Joined: 26/11/13
Great white burley for cage
Great white burley for cage diving!