Bias Boating under administration :(

 Another sign that Retail in Australia is being hurt by our high dollar and no GST on imports under $1000? 





 Haines Signature 610C with Mercury 150 EFI

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While it's easy to blame the

Thu, 2014-08-28 10:50

While it's easy to blame the high dollar and no GST on imports, I think it goes a bit deeper than that.

When I can buy something off Ebay in the states for cheaper than what a retailer can get it for over here suggests that someone in the pipeline is being greedy and/or there are too many people with their fingers in the pie.

An industry which relies soley on discretionairy spending is going to do it tough in today's economic climate.


Sad and bad news all the same.

Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

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Bit more to it than too many

Thu, 2014-08-28 14:50

Bit more to it than too many fingers in the pie, unfortunate fact is many companies charge more for products coming here than elsewhere.

US is a bigger market but this is besides the point. They also have tariffs on many items which we generally don't.

Just look at ITunes same song purchased in US (or with US account) is around 50% cheaper than here in Aus.  No extra middle men in that and no extra costs either..... go figure


Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions

FINNI's picture

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 The Itunes thing is a tax

Thu, 2014-08-28 16:37

 The Itunes thing is a tax markup mostly, There is big taxes on things like that to protect the "local bussinesses"

Just so happens there is no good local alternatives and we just get screwed

Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

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Tax markup, and protecting

Thu, 2014-08-28 17:30

Tax markup, and protecting local business???

- surely your not referring to our Federal Government (both Labor and Libs) who are far from protecting local businesses and more about free trade ideology that is going to ruin the country.


I think you'll find its companies such as apple (as an example but their not the only ones) that set wholesale prices for goods coming here higher than many other places - particularly the US.

Wholesale prices for an Aust business are often higher than retail prices in USA.




Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions

clogwog's picture

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 Mate retail is doing it

Thu, 2014-08-28 18:03

 Mate retail is doing it tough but I can tell you that australian manufacturing is at a crisis point.

We cannot compete against Chinese labour rates and the current tariffs are not protecting local

businesses at all. We are also finding fab shops on the east coast are struggling and trying to get

work in wa at break even rates.

Aussies need to start supporting Aussies and not just buy something because it cheaper, from my experience

cheap is usually cheap for a reason.

Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

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Agree but its not all about

Thu, 2014-08-28 18:17

Agree but its not all about wages - another thing to consider is the cost of energy prices (electricity/gas etc.) to manufacture something here compared to overseas.

Heard on the radio yesterday that a Camry built here costs more than one built in Japan despite the similarity in wages costing's in both countries


Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions

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Fri, 2014-08-29 10:45

 Tony abbott not helping the situation at all alot of good trades people out or looking for work. Offshore industry will fall apart soon as well if he gets what he want .......

Posts: 399

Date Joined: 17/07/07

sort of on topic

Thu, 2014-08-28 20:28

i work for a company that used to buy local ( mining related) we got bought out by an overseas company and now they globaly source everything from china.some of it is ok but most is shit and breaks prematurely  but they keep buying it because it`s cheap.doesn`t make sense.millions of dollars going overseas

clogwog's picture

Posts: 265

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 Electricity and gas only

Thu, 2014-08-28 21:52

 Electricity and gas only have a minor impact, we pay a min wage of 28.5 hr to our lowest paid employee,  this is well above the award but we pay this to ensure that we can keep our staff and produce quality work. Add to this approx $13 an hour per employee for the cost of renting a 1000sqm workshop +super and workers comp and your Paying approx $50 per hour to run a fab shop, hard to compete against $2 hour with no super or benefits. Even with freight and taxes there miles ahead. Abott needs to get some balls and start protecting australian industry.

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15048

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 I know where you are coming

Thu, 2014-08-28 22:09

 I know where you are coming from mate.


Love the West!

Saulty2's picture

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reality is that

Fri, 2014-08-29 07:09

 we are used to a way of life which is out of sinc with majority of other countries ,dont think its fair to lower our standards -way of life ,but feel the writing is on the wall ,adjust or go under.

pelagicyachts's picture

Posts: 1322

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I think saulty2 has nailed

Fri, 2014-08-29 08:43

I think saulty2 has nailed it, having spent a bit of time visiting various parts of Europe over the last 5 years for work i can tell you first hand that things here are really good - Ireland, Spain, Portugal are like ghettos, you go down main roads in CBD areas and there are shops/buildings with the windows boarded up,50% youth un-employment (under 25's) and average unemployment of 25+% its not just restricted to the smaller euro states - things in London have been crap and only now are starting to pick up - i have an ex work colleague that has been out of work for 2 years and only recently found a job at what i suspect is probably half what he was earning previously.
Australia went through the GFC without a hick up and the rest of the world has been hurting, - as much as we dont want it, its our turn to take some pain, or put more delicately "re-adjust"
- the only good news out of this - boats will get cheaper!

Saulty2's picture

Posts: 659

Date Joined: 28/05/10

boats get cheaper??

Fri, 2014-08-29 10:25

 ive paid a premium for mine and wont get another anytime soon.

office rentals has gone down by 30% vacancy at an all time high  12-18months before re leasing if your lucky  , council has dropped rates this year by near on 4,000.00 ,council wouldnt drop unless there was clear evidence and pressure to do so.its sign of the times unfortunately 

yes i think some people are doing it tough, personally i think in a couple of years time we will look back at today and realize how well off we were .

flip side brickies are doing well charging the builder near on  2.00 each net. no sand or cement ,just to lay maxi bricks  & in turn the builder passes onto the home owner .home truth is ,guess it all depends on where your at within the food chain.df. not here to bag anyone just commenting on current conditions thats all   

slugger's picture

Posts: 167

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news link

Fri, 2014-08-29 10:59

anyone got the link to any news stories on this please ?

pelagicyachts's picture

Posts: 1322

Date Joined: 23/02/11

Boats will only get cheaper

Fri, 2014-08-29 11:30

Boats will only get cheaper due to financial stress (meaning 2nd hand boats)last thing you buy when things are good, first thing you sell when things get tough - woudlnt wish it on anyone but inevitably thats what happens
And just to clarify -i am not a dooms dayer! but i cant see one good reason why things will pick up here anytime soon -I would be very happy to be wrong on that one!!

Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

Tragety of our time

Fri, 2014-08-29 21:52

It makes me quite sad when I look at the auction sites and see the amount of businesses that are up for auction with all the tooling etc. When you think that it was some ones hard yakka and guts that ran the business and now it's gone belly up and Australia has lost that business and employer it sinks home that we all should support Australian manufactures' when possible.
I'm afraid that I don't believe in this free trade stuff nor the level playing field tripe either, if you think other countries are not looking out for their citizens first and Australia second then in my opinion you are naïve.
And while I'm having a bit of a rant and rave, just you try to buy a chunk of land in most other countries and see how you get on. This country which I love needs to do some very serious thinking about the long term future and less about the quick buck and the stuff you jack I'm alright attitude.

Rant & rave over