redfin around dwellingup
Submitted by scotty-perth on Mon, 2015-05-11 13:38
hi just wondering if anyone can give me a report for the fishind down this way at the moment? heading down next saturday to do some 4x4ing and chase redfin. any pointer on lures would be great too, havent ticked redfin of the catch list yet.
Posts: 49
Date Joined: 12/11/12
spent a couple of hours on Saturday casting small hard bodies, and Celta spinners in the river near Tony's bend camp ground in Lane Poole Reserve. No luck, plenty on snags.
Posts: 23
Date Joined: 07/08/11
thanks mate
thanks mate
big john
Posts: 8768
Date Joined: 20/07/06
Had more success in and around Collie myself, both on lures and live minnows. Can't help with Dwellingup though.
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
Jigs available online in my web store!
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Date Joined: 06/02/14
halco 45s are good also
halco 45s are good also little rmg scorpians and rapala minnows all work had best success around harvey/waroona area with starlo&bushcy paddle tail soft plastics just work them like a lure or same routine as u wud with ny placcy. great fun
Posts: 2
Date Joined: 01/11/12
Do you fish the Dams?
Do you fish the Dams?
Posts: 23
Date Joined: 07/08/11
thanks guys
thanks guys
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Date Joined: 25/06/09
We were a bit further south around pemberton the last few days
Staying at Drafty's on the Warren. It was pretty quiet on the fishing front, no fish caught or rises/jumps seen. Although apparently (secondhand source) on the sunday two trout were caught near Maiden Bush - Trout with stripes that is so I was thinking they were redfin. I am no expert, but I believe when the rains are on and it is running into the systems it slows the fishing down a bit.
Posts: 23
Date Joined: 07/08/11
yeh bit worried bout the rain
yeh bit worried bout the rain we got coming this weekend, still better than being at home.
Posts: 2
Date Joined: 01/11/12
I spent a bit of time
I spent a bit of time flicking small minnow HB and mepps spinners in the Lane pool reserve today.
Nothing, have caught a couple of tiny rainbow trout in the fast water previously.