Reel advice
Submitted by jayce on Thu, 2012-01-26 11:35
Gday all
Just chasing a bit of advice regarding a new reel.
I am looking at buying a new saragosa for demersal jigging. The reel will be going on a shimano trevala tvs70ml.
I am going to be running 30lb braid it and hoping to get between 250 to 300m on the reel.
Now the bit i am stuck with as i am new to jigging.
What size to go? I am stuck between the 4000 5000 and 6000. What are your opinions on what size would be better suited.
Posts: 4293
Date Joined: 04/04/08
Long rod for jigging. Are you
Long rod for jigging. Are you using metals or more plastics/pirates/octas/etc?
I use a 4000 for PE2 jigging and its proven to be a good size for me. Pretty much any of those will fit within the range that people tend to use for that kind of jigging. TBH though, I think at nearly 600g that the 5000 and 6000 are larger than I'd like (almost as much as a stella 8000 or 10000). I personally also prefer the flatter grips when demersal jigging to the big knobs, but can be a personal preference. As for whether the 4000 will handle 30lb well, i'll leave that for someone else. Its a pity the 5000 isnt sized between the 4000 and the 6000, its a huge jump in reel size.
Posts: 564
Date Joined: 10/12/11
I am planning on using more
I am planning on using more metals. I used Whiteys Trevala on seasport and caught a good dhu on it. Other than that i dont really know much about the rest of it. But i want to keep going at it so bought a rod that i had used and new i liked the feel of.
now i have to work the rest of it out.
Posts: 1449
Date Joined: 27/03/09
I used a 4000 saragosa for
I used a 4000 saragosa for 30lb demersal work and it done a pretty good job. It was good for about 2 years in which it landed a few big dhue's pinkies and a heap of sambos, but eventualy the drag washers wore out, so i got them replaced and a few years later the reel is still going strong.
Others mite have a few other reel sugestions or opinions but im happy with the 4000 size saragosa for what you plan on doing.
Posts: 442
Date Joined: 07/01/10
I have a 4000 Sol that I run
I have a 4000 Sol that I run 40lb braid accu depth on has about 7-8 kg of drag and is a nice small compact and light real. Matched to a jigforce pe 3 rod i think...
The real is small but handles both jig and heavy soft placcy fishing withease. And also came with a 2nd spool
Posts: 801
Date Joined: 12/04/10
I like
the twinpower 5000, good for down here and also up north.
Like Chookc 40lb braid and whatever fluro carbon leader depending on the conditions, 40lb, 50lb or 60lb for up north.
"People See Things As They Are & Ask Why???
We Can All Dream of Things That Never Were and Ask Why Not!!"( RK )
Posts: 2332
Date Joined: 20/07/09
Hmmmm I'd probably go the
Hmmmm I'd probably go the 5000, I have one that I run 35lb on with a PE3 xzoga rod, slightttttly big but I had a 4000 stradic on it before and that felt too small... I got 300m exactly of PE2.5 (35lb) braid on my Saragosa 5000. I have the Light version of that Trevala too with the Stradic 4000 on and it's perfectly balanced so I think the 4000 gosa would be slightly small for the ML which is a 30-50lb rod. If you're anywhere near Piara Waters and want to throw a Saragosa 5000 on it and see how it feels let me know!
The 6000 saragosa's are the same size as the 5000's aren't they?
Posts: 564
Date Joined: 10/12/11
Thanks for the advice
Thanks for the advice fellas.
Goodz i would take ya up on that offer but i live a couple hours outta the city. Cheers anyway.
Guess i will just have to go to a tackle shop when i fly home from work next and compare a couple before i make my final decision.
Posts: 2332
Date Joined: 20/07/09
Yep agree, go have a look at
Yep agree, go have a look at a couple is the best idea... also I run 30lb on my 4000 stradic and it's landed heaaaaps of fish and still going strong so no probs with the 4000 saragosa running 30lb.
Posts: 442
Date Joined: 07/01/10
best to take your rod with
best to take your rod with you and see what balances out the best...
Posts: 404
Date Joined: 23/12/11
i own the tvs ml and l and
i own the tvs ml and l and found the ml more suited to a stradic ci4 4000 30lb accudepth and got all 274m on it and am looking at putting a 3000 shimano or 2500 daiwa and 20lb on the l.
Here we go again.
Posts: 564
Date Joined: 10/12/11
Unfortunately i am a little
Unfortunately i am a little bit impatient and found a 5000sw stella at the right price so i bought that. Hopefully it feels alright on the rod or i will be forced to by another rod to suit the stella and a new real for the trevala.
Posts: 2332
Date Joined: 20/07/09
I think Hoookt has a stella
I think Hoookt has a stella 5000 on his Trevala tvsml too, seemed to balance well.
Posts: 564
Date Joined: 10/12/11
Yeah i will find out when i
Yeah i will find out when i get home on tuesday night. Will be taking it down south with me on wednesday so will test it then.