Removal of Forum Threads

I have removed 2 forums from the site, both of them are turning into something I don't wish to invite on this site and the community. You may call Mr overkill moderator if you want, but this site is about fishing and enjoying those moments and sharing the experience and maybe helping out others if possible and if you feel like it. If you wish to continue the discussion, you know the address of the other sites which allow it.

Adam Gallash


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Dasho's picture

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Doing a great job Adam. This

Wed, 2006-12-06 06:15

Doing a great job Adam.

This is what people want to hear, and this is why your membership is expanding.

Finally a moderator who cares about his forum and sets a example for the rest.

mitch's picture

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thats the way ads.get into

Wed, 2006-12-06 11:42

thats the way ads.get into em!!!!!!!!!!!
always in it just the depth that varies

Adam Gallash's picture

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All good

Wed, 2006-12-06 12:10

Whilst I was a little undecisive as to the action to take I think that a diversity of opinions were shared and most of us gleamed enough out of the original topic to make up our own minds as to internet tackle shopping vs the local store, its publicity and where you buy from.

I like a spirited discussion as much as the next bloke, but my interest is in making this site as enjoyable as possible for others and I think that thread was headed down the garden path to nowhere.

Anyway, now back to the important stuff, FISHING. :)


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Andy Mac's picture

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Here Here, well said.

Wed, 2006-12-06 12:19

I think you have a bloody good handle on this moderating business Adam. Lets get back to fishing for fish rather than fishing for a fight.


Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

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Wed, 2006-12-06 12:28


Adam Gallash's picture

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Not God

Wed, 2006-12-06 13:35

Not god fishy, just someone who loves fishing and the site and will do anything to protect both. Regardless of being unpopular or 'soft' :)


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sherbert's picture

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well done

Wed, 2006-12-06 13:42

Iam behind you m8 / did i say that right. lol


Assassin landbase fishing club

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Wed, 2006-12-06 13:52

As long as you don't have your rod in your hand Steve. ;)

Cheers fellas and koudos goes to Wally for saying what he thought needed to be said. No problems here mate, just remember to be civil with your posts and I will have no problem with your opinion.


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streetfighter80's picture

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ranked 22

Wed, 2006-12-06 14:36

has to be for a reason i think

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

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Wow, website control

Wed, 2006-12-06 16:58

You wouldn't believe how hard this moderating business is, with threats of being sued over some of the silliest stuff (you wouldn't believe!), to dealing with fish handling techniques, online stores, fishing politics/conservation - environment and so many more.

You'd think going fishing would be easy! Anyway, back to more important things in my mind. The fishwrecked invitational this Saturday, not looking the best for conditions at this stage, cmon Mr Weatherman, give us a good forecast!!!


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fishyink's picture

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lol yeah mr wetherman, the

Wed, 2006-12-06 17:24

lol yeah mr wetherman, the wetherman is always wrong he could say ther is going to be a storm and u get up and its like blue sky. im glad that post was taken down

Adam Gallash's picture

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Wed, 2006-12-06 17:27

Well the weatherman got this morning quite wrong, it was forecasted for s.e 10-15, it was directly east at about 5 knots. Was almost enough to scare us off going, guess you really just have to get up and check it for yourself and then determine if its a goer or not.


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Hey Adam can I still say bad

Wed, 2006-12-06 17:55

Hey Adam can I still say bad things about those BLOODY WRASSE HAHAHAHA your doing a top job mate its still the best site.



Before you can become a Master Fisherman You must be a Master Baiter

Adam Gallash's picture

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Wed, 2006-12-06 18:00

Yeh mate, I won't censor you over the Wrasse. Hopefully this weekend will bring you changed fortunes!


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Wed, 2006-12-06 18:02





Before you can become a Master Fisherman You must be a Master Baiter

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

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Careful Mate

Wed, 2006-12-06 18:07

Careful mate, you've said Wrasse so many times I'll have to deduct you of user points! After catching one bloody wrasse today and nothing else I think you may have cursed me, beware the wrath of the moderator! :D


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Welcome to my world we are a

Wed, 2006-12-06 18:14

Welcome to my world we are a choosen few that have been selected to get totally shafted by the fish gods no shitting you mate I could catch a 20pound dhuie only to have a 40 pound Wrasse eat the bloody thing.CHEERS SHAG


Before you can become a Master Fisherman You must be a Master Baiter

Andy Mac's picture

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You little wrasscle Shag!!

Wed, 2006-12-06 18:21

I think you need to come out on our boat. The offer's there if you want, not this weekend but sometime soon, we'll see if we can find those 40lb dhuie eating wrasse of yours, I think I wouldn't mind wrassling with a few of those myself.


Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

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The only other fish other

Wed, 2006-12-06 18:26

The only other fish other than wrasse caught on my boat so far is by my kids I'm leaving them at home next time .CHEERS SHAG


Before you can become a Master Fisherman You must be a Master Baiter

Adam Gallash's picture

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Midnight edit

Wed, 2006-12-06 18:26

They will be going in the Friday midnight edit of the list. ;)


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Choice I've got this comp

Wed, 2006-12-06 18:36

Choice I've got this comp wrapped up CHEERS SHAG


Before you can become a Master Fisherman You must be a Master Baiter

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Yeah you got it right about

Wed, 2006-12-06 18:49

Yeah you got it right about the kids mate you wouldn't trade that look in for all the dhuies in the sea>i live in Quinns so I fish out of Mindarie to be honest I have not gone out propperly when Ive been free the weather has not been great Ive got 2 weeks over Christmas so I will be kicking some serious wrasse ass Ive been given some gps points by a secret source A _ _ m so will be hitting them for the comp I know if I catch a Bloody wrasse at them some one will be laughing his guts out hey Adam. About my boat, its a Haines Hunter 510 breeze with a 80 four stroke on it. I'm fairly new to the whole boat fishing down here done heaps up north but theres proof anyone can catch fish up there.


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jay_burgess's picture

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" done heaps up north but

Wed, 2006-12-06 19:06

" done heaps up north but theres proof anyone can catch fish up there."

Not entirely true, even we sometimes come home empty handed... it's just not meant to be on occasions. With alot of the quality metro fish I've seen posted on FW of late I could almost say the same about down there ;)

Jay Burgess

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I never went out up north

Wed, 2006-12-06 19:13

I never went out up north either by boat or shore and came home with nothing up there it was the trevally that were like wrasse

P.s are you in Karratha yet Jay


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Andy you are the king of the

Wed, 2006-12-06 19:23

Andy you are the king of the wrasse one liners I will definatly take you up on that offer off coming out with ya by the way mate what was that Penn reel you recommended to me in pm lost it with that hacker.

p.s You sure you dont just want me to lure the wrasse from your lines haha I,m on to you there Andy


Before you can become a Master Fisherman You must be a Master Baiter

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Penn 320

Wed, 2006-12-06 19:36

Its a level wind, but that's not a problem with the size fish we catch here in Perth. Maybe a bit of a nono with Sambo's as the added pressure on the levelwind guide could be enough to bust you off.

The Penn 320 is lighter than the 330 that you see on most combo's in the shops so you can fish with it all day and not get tired.

Don;t get the 320 GTO's as they look a bit less hardy (Just my opinion and I am definately not a tackle rat). I would however take more qualifying advice from Ryan, Honsu or Shizz as they would be comparing and contrasting these sorts of reels every day for their customers and may well have a far better option that I am not aware of.

As for luring the wrasse away, can you do the same with Scorpion Cod? If so you can be my permanent deckie. (Hehe)


Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

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Something other than wrasse

Wed, 2006-12-06 19:42

Something other than wrasse Im there Andy what is the difference between the Penn 320 and the 320 gto Thanks for the info



Before you can become a Master Fisherman You must be a Master Baiter

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"P.s are you in Karratha yet

Wed, 2006-12-06 19:50

"P.s are you in Karratha yet Jay"

Nah mate not yeat won't be until 23rd January.

Jay Burgess

Shag's picture

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Try and get out from

Wed, 2006-12-06 19:59

Try and get out from Fortescue river mouth theres some great islands out there if your chasing that G T youll get one out there for sure and heaps of red emperers also have a drink out at point samson for me thats my favourite place anywhere fishing great and the beers cold CHEERS SHAG


Before you can become a Master Fisherman You must be a Master Baiter

jay_burgess's picture

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Yeah mate I'll definately

Wed, 2006-12-06 20:34

Yeah mate I'll definately have a drink at trawlers in samson for ya. Might give the area out from fortescue a bash but might go one better and head out to the montes some time.

Jay Burgess