reverse discrimination
Submitted by petermac on Thu, 2014-10-02 19:40
why is that I have to remove my motorcycle helmet (I wear an old style open face with leather sides ) every time I enter a servo and yet a female follower of Islam can go in and get served with a burqa on
Posts: 88
Date Joined: 13/07/11
You are an unfortunate
You are an unfortunate victim of a measure against common criminals opposed to the complex religious and cultural sensitive issue of burqa's. Tough one Peter, also for the experts.
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I get my mrs to fill up the jerry so I dont have to go to the servo haha
I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.
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If a servo didn't want
If a servo didn't want someone in a burqa on their premises they have every right to ask them to leave. I don't understand your point.
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for the night. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
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the point is
Gav the point is I have to remove my helmet even though it is an open face and my face can be seen a burqa wearer doesn't have to remove their burqa even though their face is totally concealed , if a servo was to ask a burqa wearer to remove it there would be a hell of a hew and cry and if the burqa wearer had just fueled up you would want them to pay wouldn't you?? .So the question is why can a burqa wear get served , when I have to remove my helmet to be served, I don't have a drama with removing my helmet but lets make sure every 1 is treated equally
Posts: 153
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Further to what Dumper has
Further to what Dumper has said, I lived in Melbourne for 40 years, at times in fairly heavily populated Islamic areas, and never once saw anyone wearing a full burqa. Is this really a huge problem that shop owners have to deal with?
And again, the answer to your question as to why the shop owner can serve them and not you is because they own the shop and they can serve (and not serve) whom they like.
How would you propose to enforce this equality you want Peter?
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for the night. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
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well if its a servo
if I fill up at the servo I expect they want me to pay but I need to take my helmet of , if a woman with burqa fills up I guess the servo owners want to be paid problem is she dosent have to remove her burqa which in my view means I was discrimated against
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How can you claim discrimination
Another pearler post by peter here... The point here is a religious belief vs common decency.. I mean hell what is stopping you from taking it off anyway is a decent thing to do. A burqa is a religious tradition your helmet is for riding so you dont hurt your head dont like whats happening to this country??? You should have voted pauline hanson... Or better yet start your own religion just like the pastafarians (google it) ahah
edit: dont get me wrong i hate the full face burqa i think its confronting as hell im just saying aint nuffink us simple folk can do
i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers
Rob H
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There is, people maybe need
There is, people maybe need to look closer at who or what they are voting for and also look at the bigger picture.
The present chaos in the Senate is the result.
Just as with footy, people need to pick a team to support overall, not just an individual "tagger".
Politics at the moment consists of 2.5 teams plus a bunch of taggers and spoilers. Wouldnt make a spectacular Grand Final?
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The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
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When was the last time you
When was the last time you seen someone wearing a burka filling up the torana and grabbing a meat pie and ice coffee at the servo? I live in a pretty multicultural area ( no problems catching a taxi in Vic park) and can honestly say I've never seen someone wearing a full face burqa pumping gas at the servo?
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Gold!Aren't we sending pies
Aren't we sending pies to Iraq - that's the help they needed wasn't it?
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i live in rocky
and I have seen some one in a burqa filling up at the servo when I was on my bike that's what pissed me wasn't a torana but it was a late model merc
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Won't see them buying a pie while wearing a burka because there isn't any readily available hallal certified pies for sale in the servo
out wide
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Date Joined: 30/12/08
Myself and I presume most off us
Agree with you Peter
Posts: 1522
Date Joined: 09/03/13
Maybe you should wear a Burqa
Maybe you should wear a Burqa under your helmet.
that'll screw em !
Posts: 153
Date Joined: 12/02/07
Lol..... I have thought that
Lol..... I have thought that the quickest way to get Lambie's burqa ban laws passed would be for absolutely everyone to start wearing burqas.
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for the night. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
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hahah, wouldn't be a good look on my Norton Dominator , don't want to scare kids and small dogs
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I wonder what would happen if...
A crim throws on a burqa outside a servo walks in holds it up at gun point then does a runner, would there be a change in the thinking of the general public.
A cop pulls up a car for speeding walks up to the driver and asks for the person to show their face by dropping the burqa, driver refuses.
The case goes to court driver walks with no infringement cop can't prove they were the driver of the car. Ooops how silly of me that's already happened in NSW hasn't it.
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no person in WA can refuse to remove any headwear that makes an ID difficult.
Posts: 1342
Date Joined: 05/05/06
Im not a fan of berkas, but
Im not a fan of berkas, but weve got the fishing version of berkas for sun protection?
Bend over
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sun protection and fashion
sun protection and fashion ........
a hard days fishing still beats work
PGFC member
GCGFC memberiana
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I tend to agree with Petermac
While watching the news about this I was wondering if a person up in the Parliament gallery put on a motor cycle helmet, how long it would be before the security asked that person to remove it. France has banned the burka and I suppose other countries have to.
On the other hand the burka maybe doing us a favour, if what ever is wearing it is so ugly that its better to be covered.
Also consider if you want to go out, "come on girl throw on the burka and lets go" how easy would that be, no make up, no worry about which cloths, just throw a sack over your self and lets go.
chris raff
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Went to Maccas the other day
Went to Maccas the other day and the only girl serving was wearing a burqa that was a bit dirty and tattered. I decided to cross the road to Hungry Jacks. Here the girl serving was also wearing a burqa. It was clean and was nicely decorated with beads. That's when I realised - the Burqas are Better at Hungry Jacks....
“Intelligence is like a four-wheel drive. It only allows you to get stuck in more remote places.”
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thats like beautiful poetry...haha
Posts: 1758
Date Joined: 26/11/13
Lmao Good One.
Lmao Good One.
Rob H
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Date Joined: 18/01/12
10 points!
10 points!
Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...
The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
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get motorcycle riding
declared a religion, then youll be right
Posts: 2946
Date Joined: 03/03/10
it aready has been
its called Zen and the art of motorcycling there has been a book and a movie but most of you young blokes wouldn't have heard of that
Rob H
Posts: 5821
Date Joined: 18/01/12
Discrimination is
Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...
The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
Posts: 2946
Date Joined: 03/03/10
you summed it up perfectly
Matt T
Posts: 875
Date Joined: 19/11/07
Lady with full face burka walks into servo and sticks it up - attendant says to the cops "It was the lady wearing a full face burka driving a merc"
Guy walks into the servo with helmet on and sticks it up - attendant says to the cops "It was the guy riding a motorcycle with a helmet"
See which one is easier to find?
If they are using the burka to rob it the same as wearing a balaclava, no one sees their face and they take it off straight after anyway.
For what it's worth, I think it's a pretty stupid part of a religion but whatever floats their boat.
Rob H
Posts: 5821
Date Joined: 18/01/12
I may be wrong but those who
I may be wrong but those who wear the full head gear are unlikely to be driving or even sitting in the front seat?
Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...
The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
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I have seen a (think it is a woman ) with a full burqa driving a merc around rocky now a few times , got to ask how is her vision on the road , if she skittles some one on a push bike or motorcycle will " I didn't see them stand up in court when her eye site was already compromised by her Burqa only a matter of time and it will happen
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Who said there were No Halal Burgers ?
One Burqa Please
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"People See Things As They Are & Ask Why???
We Can All Dream of Things That Never Were and Ask Why Not!!"( RK )
Matt T
Posts: 875
Date Joined: 19/11/07
Gotta say
Petermac, I have to agree with what your saying about vision whilst driving.
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I couldn't give two rats
I couldn't give two rats about religion etc. Like someone said whatever floats their boat. The way I see it it's a security issue for banks etc, just refuse entry if your face can't be seen plain and simple. I love how this culture is really going out of it's way to assimilate and gain the trust of the people in this country of ours :P It's all about mutual respect, you go to any Muslim country you are expected to toe the line or get thrown in the can. Same here IMO respect our free culture and don't peddle your aggression, hatred and violence.Those raids in NSW were an excellent statement and that mongrel in Vic say no more, best outcome on that one. And the cunse still have the gall to protest.
Love the West!
Rob H
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Date Joined: 18/01/12
You have my vote Andy!
You have my vote Andy!
Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...
The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
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Mine too

"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."
Mr Wolf
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and mine too
how come , The Poms, Italians, Greeks , Slavs , Polish ,Vietmese ,Thai, South Africans , Chinese, Philipinoes have managed to fit in and yet the middle east immigrant's haven't , and the thing is their parents did fit in its the second generation that are the drama
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
You are so right
Well said petermac.