River King Prawns and Crabs

We went out yesterday arvo and set up for Prawning around sundown.  Once again it looked to be a busy night on the water with plenty of boats out.  As it got darker, all the prawning lights turned on and all the focus was on the outgoing tide.  It didnt take long before we saw the first one and soon after, Jane boated the first prawn.  Jane also scooped the fishie in the second photo, im guessing it for a juvenile flathead or possibly a gurnard. After that the prawns picked up with many diving deep, but in all about 20 odd netted over the few hours to 7:30-8pm when the tide slowed and so did the prawns.

Our boat was only in 2mts, and though the tide was still going out, it was nothing compared to the other week when I freedived and was covering 20 mts in a breath.  I swam upriver only 40-50 mts, and headed out a little deeper to about 6mts tops and in a few mins bagged 5 nice big crabs and was on my way back to the boat.  I must have seen 50+ crabs, with the majority undersize, but the size ones were all 150mm +.  I also saw heaps of prawns and I think I will have to get a small dab net because it looked far easier than waiting on the boat for them to come to us. Anyway, back into the boat, out of the wettie, a quick towel off and back into my ugg boots and jumper and we were on our way back to the ramp for 10pm. Home by 10:30 for the super14 final at 11.

Marine and Harbours were on site at sundown, and stopped me from anchoring in the channel, which I didnt even know was there as the lights/markers in that section of the river, and an inside and outside channel are deceptive.  Also made sure we had our anchor lights and a white allrounder.  However they were noowhere to be seen when the Gin Palaces came through all night at stupid speeds in the channel with heaps of small boats on either side.

A few people had said all the crabs they saw were female, so they didnt bother taking them.  A couple of the ones I got were females, but they werent berried so I took them.   Am I doing anything wrong/illegal? I have read posts by Ryan Thipthorp and he said he appreciates the sweeter flavour of the females over the males.  Is there a perception that bagging females is wrong?

Anyway a good night was had and I am looking forward to a seafood lunch!

Goodz's picture

Posts: 2332

Date Joined: 20/07/09

Got a little feed there I

Sun, 2010-05-30 11:25

Got a little feed there I see, great work! One of my neighbours brought me over some prawns he got on friday night down there, yummo!

On a side note, I'm pretty sure its illegal to catch a crab in a prawn net... lol..

From the fisheries website

"Only wire or plastic scoop nets, drop nets or hand-held blunt wire hooks may be used to catch crabs. It is illegal to take crabs using fishing or prawning nets. Any crab caught accidentally this way must be released."





sarcasm0's picture

Posts: 1396

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Ah crap:/

Sun, 2010-05-30 11:35

My bad:/

Goodz's picture

Posts: 2332

Date Joined: 20/07/09

Its ok :) I'm sure plenty of

Sun, 2010-05-30 13:49

Its ok :) I'm sure plenty of people dont know that. I dont see why it makes a difference if the crab is size anyway... I recon it'd be a disadvantage to the fisher as like you said, it's a pain to get them back out of those nets!!! 





Faulkner Family's picture

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nice feed, but not too sure

Sun, 2010-05-30 11:58

nice feed, but not too sure about the little fish, def not a flattie but maybe a gurnard but what kind i wouldnt want to guess. the nose is too long for one of those real colorful ones.maybe someone could tell


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

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Pretty sure that fish was

Sun, 2010-05-30 12:14

Pretty sure that fish was identified as a moth fish last time.


soupster51's picture

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Female Crabs

Sun, 2010-05-30 17:19

I don't believe that there is anything wrong with taking the female crabs (as long as the aren't berried up). It may even end up upsetting the 'balance' of crabs if only male crabs are taken. Something I've discussed with a few mates over a some cold beers, no scientific research involved.


The best reason for doing what's right today is tomorrow.

Gaz Mero's picture

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Great night

Sun, 2010-05-30 19:31

Yes i agree it was a really nice night for prawning. Left home 4:15 , reversed boat back in the drive way at 7:40. Took the missus ,tinlids and a bottle of red and picked up forty large ones . The kids havnt had that much fun since we went squidding last. 

sarcasm0's picture

Posts: 1396

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We could probably hear you

Mon, 2010-05-31 07:20

Though there were plenty of boats with kids calling out the prawns:D

joe amato's picture

Posts: 731

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its not a juvenile flathead

Mon, 2010-05-31 05:45

i have seen those things that look like a sawfish over the years at the bottom end of the swan river,but its not a juvenile flathead,well done on your prawns and crabs

Indiana's picture

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Female Vs Male Debate

Mon, 2010-05-31 09:43

A conversation a few years back with fisheries inspectors at Mandurah about the subject of taking females .

They encourage people to take the females providing they are not berried as it keeps the male /female ratio closer.

Hey I'm all for equality !




Indiana's picture

Posts: 307

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Illegal Nets

Mon, 2010-05-31 09:56

Sarcasmo & Goodz I'm not sure that using a prawning dab net is Illegal ?

The use of fishing nets and prawning ( drag nets ) are illigal as they capture crabs as a bi catch.

You dont capture crabs accidentially when your dabbing for them !

Would be worth a call to fisheries ........As a kid prawing in Mandurah ,we would always have a wire net handy for the crabs anyway as they can take a bit of time to untangle out of the dab net .





Bodie's picture

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rumour has good numbers

Mon, 2010-05-31 12:55

rumour has good numbers coming through the swan. Having a crack tonight, mate got 4 kg's last night.

sarcasm0's picture

Posts: 1396

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Keep an eye out for us

Mon, 2010-05-31 13:39

I just talked a mate Cameron into comming out tonight.

fisho-ron's picture

Posts: 2539

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hi sarcasmo nice meeting you

Mon, 2010-05-31 19:02

hi sarcasmo

nice meeting you the other night, but you are made going in the water, it was frezing cold.

anyhow we did ok with a few kilo and when i droped my mate off at the ramp we ended up spoting a nice size ocky eating a crab right at the top of the ramp,

i shouted out to some other guys to grab it , which they did and got myself a couple of nice legs for next time i head out fishing.

we went up river and anchored for the night, had a good feed and then got more drunk than what i already was....good night out again.

had some frinds go on sunday night and they got 5-6 litres, they are heading out tonight as well.

did you see that big boat come roaring through the middle of us??? now he had no idea where he was going.,he would of been inches from hitting the bottom.

proberly see you out there again next time.

cheers ron

Lucky Tim's picture

Posts: 2536

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looks like everyone's been

Mon, 2010-05-31 19:33

looks like everyone's been into the prawns lately, we've scored a few but it'd be nice to get a couple of kilos and feast up.