rockingham sea rescue
Submitted by dakka on Wed, 2014-02-26 20:47
is anyone a volunteer for rockingham sea rescue I have been contemplating lately about becoming a volly with them just want to know what would be required of me if I was to join with them any info would be great.
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Date Joined: 03/03/10
good question
how much of a commitment do you need to make I wouldn't mind doing a Saturday and Sunday once a month and are blokes like me with years of maritime experience going to be treated as novices
Posts: 747
Date Joined: 17/03/09
Training program
At Whitfords all new members start as trainee crew/trainee radio operators regardless of their experience
Being on a rescue vessel is a lot different to going out fishing with your mates. There are a lot of OH&S issues.
Once skipper is happy with the persons progress and he/she has completed the necessary courses and sea time including night training/rescues they are recommended for crew qualified.
Don't expect to join any group and be made a skipper just because you have years of experience.
I am pretty sure it would be much the same for all the rescue groups.
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Best bet would be just to
Best bet would be just to head down on a weekend and have a look. Will always be someone down there for a chat and you will get a pretty good idea quite quickly if its going to work for you.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
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Date Joined: 10/04/08
A tight group to get into I
A tight group to get into I believe
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Date Joined: 03/03/09
A mate just volunteered for Cockburn Sea Rescue
Doesn't even need to leave home, all linked via computer - as he recently retired he is really enjoying it
Posts: 203
Date Joined: 22/04/12
No offence
No offence Petermac.but your hand might come into play here especially when it involves emergency situations and every member of the crew need to rely on each other, but by all means give it a crack and see what happens, plenty of help needed behind the scenes.
This habit is getting expensive!
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didnt think of that
wouldn't mind manning the radio though
Posts: 102
Date Joined: 15/07/12
I always hear them complaining about people using ch 16 for hailing...'this is an emergency channel, you should be using 72/73' etc. Be good if all their radio operators were licensed (MROCP).