Roo Warning for those travelling north

Took an early morning run up and back from Denham to Carnarvon yesterday, dodged about 40 roos by the time I reached Overlander as the sun came up. There was literally over a hundred fresh carcasses on the road through from Overlander to Carnarvon so it will pay to drive extra carefully if you are travelling north for the school holidays

Another one for those heading in here to Denham, our local boys in blue are having a ball dishing out warnings and fines for those who like to sit in their boats after refuelling at the servo or IGA on the way to and from the boat ramp. They have enough to do without dishing out fines to someone who is too lazy to drive an extra car or walk to the ramp if no seats are available in the tow vehicle

Josh-759's picture

Posts: 52

Date Joined: 23/10/16

 Cheers for the warning

Fri, 2017-06-30 11:16

 Cheers for the warning

davmor's picture

Posts: 248

Date Joined: 29/11/11

A timely warning after what

Fri, 2017-06-30 12:17

A timely warning after what happened the poor unfortnate gentleman near Albany.

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 always a prob up there. wish

Fri, 2017-06-30 13:00

 always a prob up there. wish i was heading north. bloody cold weather down here

prob is a lot of them roos are decent size too. well and truly big enough to kill a car


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

carnarvonite's picture

Posts: 8673

Date Joined: 24/07/07

Bush Chooks

Fri, 2017-06-30 14:56

For those who are heading in from Overlander during daylight hours watch out for bush chooks [emus] there are plenty of them and the closer you get to town the numbers increase. Like all dumb chooks, they think they have the right of the road and will try to beat you, nothing worse than have one of them getting its legs knocked out from under it and have it come through whats left of your windscreen

Gadsy's picture

Posts: 1467

Date Joined: 01/05/10

Heading up to Carnarvon on Monday morning

Fri, 2017-06-30 15:05

 Exmouth on Tuesday, so thanks for the heads up.

Bradmac73's picture

Posts: 205

Date Joined: 22/03/17

was up there last week and

Fri, 2017-06-30 15:29

was up there last week and can confirm there a a shite load of both roos and emus on the road. Headed out to Monkey Mia one day and saw the aftermath of an accident that looked to be someone trying to miss some wildlife! Didn't look like it had ended well for the poor bugger in the passenger seat! Don't dodge them, a dent in your car can be fixed a lot easier than you can!

Posts: 574

Date Joined: 24/04/11

Cape Leveque

Fri, 2017-06-30 15:35 we come.

Thanks for the warning. 

Posts: 459

Date Joined: 28/10/08

Thanks Carnarvonite

Fri, 2017-06-30 19:06

 We are on that road tomorrow.  Will be looking out!!

little johnny's picture

Posts: 5362

Date Joined: 04/12/11

Noticed abnormal

Fri, 2017-06-30 19:43

 Amounts between lano and Cervantes few weeks back. I won't drive that stretch in dark anymore.

Posts: 2321

Date Joined: 03/05/06

Cheers for that

Fri, 2017-06-30 22:09

Leaving Monday morning for Exmouth.  Good to know