Sad tradition
Submitted by Deckie on Wed, 2009-11-25 15:44
Below is a youtube link to something i would class as no less than a barbaric out of date tradition. This takes place on an island off denmark & apparently its a show of manhood. well i think someone has their head planted firmly in their ass. caution: not for the squeemish. there is a patition linked to it so if you feel strongly about ending it, please follow the links & sign. Rob
Cheers & Stay safe
fishing fanatic
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that is terrible. some one
that is terrible. some one should stop them
Posts: 80
Date Joined: 24/10/09
Maybe they should start up a new tradition,IE
catching cars on the freeway with them things would be more entertaining for the spectator
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I always thought
That the Danish were civilized,caring,intelligent people,It shows how wrong I was,these SOBs go into the same basket as the japs who slaughter dolphins.Psychiatrists say that people who a cruel to animals have a very strong tendency to be cruel too other people,We know what the japs can /were like but the dans?jersey
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Its not just the dolphins
Its not just the dolphins that cop it in denmark. Their intensive piggeries are pretty sad too.
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In the name of manhood
i did not see to many brave men in that footage,cant get their rocks off normally so they go out and kill dolphins in stead, Have a look at the 11 min of Sea Shepard footage that got me even more fired up. I just dont get these people.
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look at it through their eyes
i in no way condone the slaughter of dolphins but these people have probly done this for thousands of years and might be a important part of growing up amd if they are going to eat them why not its like the aboiginals killing dugons in shark bay or the torrest straight islander with sea turtles or eskimos with whales it is part of their culture and we should respect that. they probly dont like that we as aussies go pigging or roo shooting yes they they are pests here but we dont know that the dolphins arnt interfearing with a important comercial fishery over there
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Im not sure they're Danes?
Im not sure they're Danes? Its an independent state thingy. They do eat them. The situation isn't quite as dramatic as the story that accompanies it.
Theya re Pilot Whales?
Not exactly my culture but indigenous killing dolphins maybe a somehwat similar parralell. Cant say Im big on whale sandwiches but they may not be big on potato popcorn covered in pig fat gravy.
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Hi Ya, And without knowing
Hi Ya,
And without knowing the facts, it could be they are collecting their food supplies for the 8 months or so everythying is frozen and they can't go fishing.
As for being Dolphins, I have to agree they look more like pilot whales to me. If that is the case, just another example of sensationalist stupidity on the part of an ignorant person wishing to further a cause emotively and without knowledge.
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that people make a moralistic stand regarding the killing of these animals, but similar or worse is done to livestock (cows, sheep, pigs etc) on a daily basis and yet people seemingly tolerate it?
If you have ever butchered an animal for halal / kosher meat, then you will know what I am talking about.
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Hi Ya, You are right
Hi Ya,
You are right Huggy, but the high moralistic ground is always easy to take when someone else is being criticised. Just a pitty people didn't think berfore they spoke. Just last night I caught a segment on TV where an Inuit Indian returned home with a whale or two. Fed the entire town. Was basically their only source of vitiman C and other basic nutrients because of their inabililty to grow fresh vegies and to expensive to bring in supplies. Everything is flown in at a cost of $4 per kilo!!. Apparently the blubber and skin are the prized parts.
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I took a Muslim friend out shooting once he said just wound it as I have to slit it's throat to make it HALAL so I can eat it.
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Doesnt sound like he knows what he is doing.
Dhabīḥah (ذَبِيْحَة) is the prescribed method of ritual slaughter of all animals excluding camels, locusts, fish and most sea-life per Islamic law. This method of slaughtering animals consists of a swift, deep incision with a sharp knife on the neck, cutting the jugular veins and carotid arteries of both sides but leaving the spinal cord intact. The precise details of the slaughtering method arise largely from Islamic tradition, rather than direct Quranic mandate. It is used to comply with the conditions stated in the Qur'an:
"Forbidden to you are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which hath been invoked the name of other than Allah. that which hath been killed by strangling, or by a violent blow, or by a headlong fall, or by being gored to death; that which hath been eaten by a wild animal; unless ye are able to slaughter it; that which is sacrificed on stone [Altar?]; [forbidden] also is the division by raffling with arrows: that is impiety..." – Al-Maidah 5:3
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In a nutshell
what Sarcasm0 is saying is that if you have shot it, then "technically" you can't call it halal meat even if you slit it's throat and bleed it. Although there is some conjecture with the literal interpretation and with regards to animal cruelty in some sections of the islamic community - but thats a whole 'nother debate!
Basically for halal meat, they hang the animal up by it's back legs and slit its throat while alive and it thrashes about until it drains itself of blood. Looks like a gruesome murder scene afterwards as the blood really squirts a round quite violently.......
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More info here for anyone
More info here for anyone interested:
The Faroe Islands are somewhat autonomous, so not necessarily Denmarks fault exactly.