Saturday Fishing 03/05/08

Took Hlokk (Matt) out this morning after a late withdrawl from Fishless Pete.


We trolled behind staggies for a while and had some fun with heaps of bonito to 2kgs. Matt had fun on his 4lb bream stick.


We only needed to put the boat in gear and we were both hooked up. Heaps of bait schools on the 20m drop off.


WE headed to a few spots that I thought might fire but nothing. I finally nailed a couple of dhuies and a baldy plus this big shark that we released. 



Matt claimed the bigest fish of the day and the biggest fish of his life with a nice sambo that gave him a great fight.



Certainly a nice day on the water but the fish were few and far between.



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

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Hi Ya, Oh, NO!!! Not

Sat, 2008-05-03 21:28

Hi Ya,

Oh, NO!!! Not another Honsu disciple!!!  Another rod biter. LaughingLaughingLaughingLaughingLaughing


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Andy picked up the edible

Sat, 2008-05-03 21:39

Andy picked up the edible fish of the day with two small dhuies and a baldchin. I think we caught about 4 bonito each. Released all mine, and andy released three and kept one that was jagged in the eye (made good sashimi Laughing). Caught a flattie and a blackarse but both about 2cm under legal. Picked up a feed of whiting though.


And the shot with the rod in my mouth was because Honsu was the one helping me pick out that combo thu night. The bonito was the first fish on it.

edit: just pulling the piss with the photo ody Wink. Both appropriate and funny, hehe



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good work Matt & Andy!

Sat, 2008-05-03 21:35

Nice work fella's, Matt....congrats on breaking in the new gear on some good fighting fish.....always fun!

* Oceanside- Advice, Knowledge, Experience....that's our difference *

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I don't think I've seen so

Sat, 2008-05-03 21:38

I don't think I've seen so many people catching sharks.

What's the name of the one you caught?

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Sat, 2008-05-03 21:41

It's that time of year, happens anually!


* Oceanside- Advice, Knowledge, Experience....that's our difference *

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What Happens? Breeding or

Sat, 2008-05-03 21:43

What Happens?

Breeding or something?

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I'm no sure Dean, but it went pretty hard

Sat, 2008-05-03 21:43

Looked like a whiskery but not sure. I didn't want it and neither did Hlokk so I released it,


Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

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Sat, 2008-05-03 21:53

Yeh whiskery shark! Not sure exactly Dean why as i've never looked into sharks life cycle properly but every year around now i've got into them (as per my pictures on my computer that is)


* Oceanside- Advice, Knowledge, Experience....that's our difference *

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Looks like you folks had a

Sat, 2008-05-03 22:04

Looks like you folks had a good day.  See Matt I did say that the goodship Mac Attack will produce the goodies!


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man i was pipped at the post

Sun, 2008-05-04 17:14

man i was pipped at the post for the spot...damn!

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Well done guys yes it was a

Sun, 2008-05-04 20:04

Well done guys yes it was a bit quiet out there. Nice sambo matt


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Sounds like a fun day Andy

Sun, 2008-05-04 22:24

Nice Sambo Matt. Nice fish for a first Sambo.


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Yer nice sambo Matt. Nice

Mon, 2008-05-05 07:40

Yer nice sambo Matt. Nice variety of fish too.




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Nice work

Mon, 2008-05-05 09:25

Nice work guys, I only have one problem.  Check out your hand in pic number one, one little kick from that bonito and we have a new hookup!  Easy way to spoil a good day.  Just me being a pedantic bugger...


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Mon, 2008-05-05 09:37

That's what Steve C did when filming, put his hand next to a tuna's mouth and treble nearby. Lets say the tuna did the norm and shook its head and we had to drive back 4 hours to Gero from Abrholos think we only got there that day and had to return!


* Oceanside- Advice, Knowledge, Experience....that's our difference *

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Mon, 2008-05-05 10:25

That's why in pic 2 we got the grips out. Wink


Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

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I was stretching the fish by

Mon, 2008-05-05 10:36

I was stretching the fish by the tail, so when it shaked it didnt seem like there was much danger of the hooks digging in (going by the tension and the pivot point on the lure). For the hooks to dig in, it would need to launch forward and push the lure up. Certainly something to keep in mind for bigger fish that you cant quite control though.

Did get a bite on the fish on 4lb gear getting the barbs out though. Damn sharp teeth on those bonito. More stuff to add to the list of things not to do later, lol. 



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well done boys

Mon, 2008-05-05 10:38

well done boys good read with good pics, nice fish as well .......