Sea Sickness dos and dont

As i suffer cronic sea sickness and have tried almost everything . Yes i even get sick on a flat lake *LOL*

but love our boat and my fishing to much to give it up Laughing

Seen the post where Brodie suffers aswell . I thought i would ask the question " what has anyone else out there found that works" as this affects so many people

I use Travacalm original





RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

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Popular subject Sandy

Mon, 2008-06-16 16:16

This vital question comes up often - as it should - there's notrhing worse than feeling (and being) sea sick.

There is, as you know, a number of 'over the counter' remedies - travecalm, quells, dramamine etc.

Take 20 people and they'll each swear by different ones and how they take them.

Many take half or one tablet before they go to bed and half or one when they get up, or 30 minutes before heading out.

I take one quell when I get up and that works for me.

Ginger beer (some prefer it flat) is well regarded to assist against sea sickness.

Also many stay away from stoggy greazy foods -yet others swear by them.

Then of course, there's not having too BIG a night the day before.




Colin Molloy

(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)



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Mon, 2008-06-16 16:20

Sea sickness effect many ppl in all different ways. Calm/ruff/boat moving & boat stationary etc etc

Certainly the likes of travelcarm or Kwels etc work's for anglers that have been on my boat. Going easy on the tablets is important and even taking a half tablet helps and never over do it!

Last but not least, if you're onto a remedy like a tablet and a beer and that works then stick to it....dont change/mental thing! 

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I found my guarenteed "anti

Mon, 2008-06-16 16:20

I found my guarenteed "anti sea sick kit"

Travacalm 30 min befor heading out

BBQ shapes


dry biscuits


Works fine everytime now!


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I might add.....

Mon, 2008-06-16 16:20

As the skipper of our boat, I have to double guard against sea sickness, not only because I'm the skipper, but also because my deckie wife (Sandra) NEVER gets sea sick and never takes anything YellEmbarassed. If I do get sick, the verbal baiting is almost as bas as the phsical 'issues' LOL. 

Not good to be copping major sh** whilst you're trying to turn yourself inside out! Foot in mouth

Colin Molloy

(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)



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Ginger beer is great , as

Mon, 2008-06-16 16:22

Ginger beer is great , as colin says stay away from greasy foods , and i take a nuerofin plus before i go out also I try to keep my stomach half full and snack whilst out fishig , re hydration of the non alcohol variety is great and we have been getting in the practise of buying the 600ml bottles of water that you get in a carton and have found you are more likely to drink them compared to big bottles which you always have to get in and out of the esky . Having a quiet night  before you go out helps a lot  as well as not focusing on the sea just the horizon and keeping out of the cab and getting some fresh air . Whilst diving overseas those that were prone to be sea sick on the live aboard used to jump in the water and  have a paddle or the mermaid line and that used to help them . Quell's are good for people but you must take them the night before  and in the morning before you go out .

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Horizon - Movement

Mon, 2008-06-16 16:27

Yup Ferral with you there!  If you DO feel sick, the worst thing you can do is start putting your head down all over the place.

If all else fails, and this is possibe, have the skipper pull up anchor and cruise around a bit.

Big ground swells can do-in the hardiest of sea fearers.

Jumping in the water is a good idea - providing there's no bities and it's not freezing cold.

And yes, we always take plenty of water to drink to stay rehydrated. 

Colin Molloy

(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)



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Mon, 2008-06-16 16:33

I never drink milk or orange juice before going out, just toast. If I think its going to be bad out there I will take a quell on the way or just before heading out. If I feel queezy out there I'll have a throaty or lozenge of some sort or eat some lunch which will normally fix me. Strangely enough cigarette smoke sometimes makes me feel a bit better if I'm queezy out there, even though I don't really like it any other time.


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Faulkner Family's picture

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great advice guys

Mon, 2008-06-16 16:37

I know it is not mind over matter as some say because one day i was sure i had taken my tablet but was so sick  and sure enough when i got home there it was still on the bench . So if it was mined over matter i would not have got sick as i thought i had taken it . 

Dreamweaver : never tried ginger beer so will have to try that (as well as tablets)Wink

Tailor Macrc : you have got it in one Laughing except gatorade i have heap of  water

Feral1975:  Yeah we take out the 600ml pump bottles of water alot easyier to drink from for all the kids will drink heaps where other wise to much hassell . Think i will give jumping in the water a miss to may sharp toothed thing for me Smile swiming around





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Mon, 2008-06-16 16:41

to right my youngest had coco pops and a drink of OJ before going out one day he was so sick ha ha never again . Toast buttered only .

Oddfellows or a peppermint lollie are good too to settle the tummy



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Mon, 2008-06-16 16:47

Also If you have something to focus on helps. Like the land unless your too far out to see land.


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Andy Mac's picture

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Thankfully I don't suffer .....But....

Mon, 2008-06-16 16:52

Advice for non-sufferers:-
- Don't stand too close to someone spewing, the smell might set you off.
- Block your ears, when someone races for the gunnels and starts to huurrrrgggghhhhhlllll over the side, the sound might set you off
- when taking pictures of huge dhufish use the zoom feature, as projectele vomitting might set you off, and its a bugger to clean off the lens... (Therbert)
- Get your deckies to untangle braid, while you keep your eyes on the horizon, let them get sick, besides they have to clean the boat after anyway.
- Cold sausages and beer at 6-00am in the morning keeps the stomach well lined and the reflux you get during the day makes your sea sick prone deckie feel a little better, as they actually think you are feeling off colour yourself.


Andy Mac



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From one non sufferer

Mon, 2008-06-16 21:22

to another

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Does a one legged duck swim in an eliptic circle


Just one more cast , honest !!!  

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Mon, 2008-06-16 16:55

Andy That is the best advise yeah  ha ha ha ha ha



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kaitan's picture

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or jump in the sea!! that will help...

Mon, 2008-06-16 17:06

lol i use kewell and it works fine for me. i will take 30 min b4 i head out....coz once ur out there even though and u start taking ur pills it wont work...after awhile u will get used to it..i suppose.
but like other said many ppl react differently just have to trial and error...good luck in searching for ur magic pill..:D

Neander's picture

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I havent been out a lot in a

Mon, 2008-06-16 17:31

I havent been out a lot in a small boat but when I did a bit of work on a mother boat if it got too rough focused on the horizon and worked that bit harder.

diji's picture

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24 stubbies of mid strength

Mon, 2008-06-16 17:28

Does it for me,couple of bacon sandwiches maybe a pie

SPESS's picture

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Kwells x2 before you board

Mon, 2008-06-16 17:44

Kwells x2 before you board the boat, then powerade and sandwhiches, bbq shapes and most importantly.......REMEMBER ITS ALL IN YOUR HEAD SO DONT THINK ABOUT IT! That works for me everytime and i do get sick, well i think i do ive spewed once on lukes boat but that was after a big night.

Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!


Stomper's picture

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Cooling off

Mon, 2008-06-16 17:44

Have always found if i feel a little off and i am rugged up, remove a layer or 2 and get the breeze in the face, nearly chucked on the SOR FW day, but got busy holding on for my life to worry about being sick, certainly a mind thing, but find kwells take the edge off.

Cheers Stuart

mako magic's picture

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yeah well stuart that SOR

Mon, 2008-06-16 17:54

yeah well stuart that SOR leg wasnt the nicest day, suprised more people didnt spew, she was pretty bad

Stomper's picture

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Ha ha

Mon, 2008-06-16 18:03

Not wrong Mako but i kept it all down . go the kwells

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I havent been sick for years

Mon, 2008-06-16 18:12

I havent been sick for years but,

People swear by looking at the horizon to prevent further illness. I think its the worst tactic ever focusing on one thing especially watching a horizon swinging back and forth, up and down.

After noticing that many people lose their maritime giddiness when they hook up to fish I found that keeping busy and taking things off your mind reduces dramatically the effects of the water giddies.

  1. Take the Kwell an hour before you head out with Breaky
  2. Eat a dry breakfast such as Vegemite on toast
  3. Avoid dairy drinks and very fizzy drinks
  4. Avoid engine fumes, especially diesel, especially before you head out
  5. Stay upright and keep your head above the gunwhale
  6. Splash water on your face
  7. Keep hydrated with small amounts of water
  8. Eat in small amounts through the day, eg: half a sandwich, dry biscuits
  9. Take a rag to wipe any bait off your fingers if you are bait fishing
  10. If you are on a larger fishing charter boat where many seem to suffer strike up a conversation especially on the way out.

Half a dozen sips of mid strength beer settles my stomach but not on top of sea sick tablets. 

Ginger root is supposably the active ingredient that settles stomachs reducing motion illness. Ginger nut biscuits are pallatable dry food. How much ginger they have in them Im unsure but they make good berley.  

Dont over dose or mix sea sickness medications as there has been the odd reported dancing green pixie sighted by delusional smacked out motion sickness addicts.




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Mon, 2008-06-16 18:10

just harden the F*%@ up as chopper would say!


fortunate enough to never get sea sick,

Faulkner Family's picture

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But it is all in the head is it not

Mon, 2008-06-16 18:10

Ha ha ha ha ha

There is nothing like it  you cant get off the boat and you just want to die till of cause some one catches something then you feel alive again *LOL*



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Funny sea sick story!

Mon, 2008-06-16 18:23

Many years ago when I had my first boat (A Douglas Sabre Runnabout), I took the old man fishing. He only ever got sick once (he was an ex British Navy/Able Seamen/WA State Shipping Service man).

He got really sick on a very rough day and, whilst being sick - shot his top (false)teeth out and smashed my compass cover!

He was really embarrassed, but it was absolutely hilarious at the time.

Funny as! 

Colin Molloy

(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)



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uncle's picture

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sea sickness

Mon, 2008-06-16 18:30

I use Avail, but only need them down here or south of Geralton,up north i'm fine,always something going on
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menopaul's picture

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chewing gum

Mon, 2008-06-16 20:17

i only had to look at the water and i would throw up, found the cure for me is 2 kwells half hour before leaving marina, then chew gum all day, its something about keeping the bones in the inner ear moving with the chewing movement, and drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Goatch's picture

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Stay on dry land

Mon, 2008-06-16 21:26

and leave the boating to the real hunter and gatherers is the best advice to offer to those prone to feeling off colour!!!!!

Does a one legged duck swim in an eliptic circle


Just one more cast , honest !!!  

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Tue, 2008-06-17 18:30

MMMMM maybe  but when you fish as good as i do there is no other option but to keep taking the tabets and out fish all because i enjoy it to much

Oh yeah i just love to blow my own trumpet Laughing



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While working the crayboats

Mon, 2008-06-16 22:52

While working the crayboats a few years ago, we had a new deckie report to work and he was sick every day for two weeks. The poor kid would stand there at the rail, waiting to chuck a pot over the side, and would chuck his chow instead. I was thinking, well he's not gonna last next deckie please, but he kept showing up and after those two weeks he wasn't sick anymore. In fact, he was still deckying after I pulled the pin so good on him!

I know it's sort of hard for most of us to just stop our lives and commit ourselves to two weeks of boat travel to get over seasickness, but it just illustrates the need to get "sealegs" to try to overcome the problem.

GusG's picture

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Other tips

Tue, 2008-06-17 09:04

Do not spend too long looking down while re-rigging, baiting,etc.  Try to look at the horizon as much as possible.

It is all mental, how you fix it I do not know but I was fishing at Montague Island one time (Southern NSW) in a huge swell and felt fine until I thought 'what a huge swell and oops I forgot to take my seasickness pills today'.  Within 10 mins I felt queazyEmbarassed

1 travalcalm pill works for me, simple relatively dry foods help.  I find that a lot of pills make me very dry and very drowsy.

Faulkner Family's picture

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Thanks all for your time and help

Tue, 2008-06-17 18:33




"A family that fishes together stays together"


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

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Tue, 2008-06-17 19:13

best idea if you get sea sickness is to be the skipper,you can always make up some excuse to go in,the scumbags just have to suffer!
Fast fish rule!


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carnarvonite's picture

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Wed, 2008-06-18 09:41

Saltatrix has just about got it all in his list.Milk products are the worst of all and if you're a sadistic prick like me and one of your deckies is looking green I will give him a drink of milk and Hey Presto within 1-2 mins up it all comes.If some one asks me for a cure I tell them to eat lots of pinapple the day before---doesn't stop it .just tastes the same coming up except its warm !!!
Worked for years on fishing boats and still get crook if too big a night before on the slops--serves me right,think I would have learnt by now [SLOW LEARNER]

mako magic's picture

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lol your a mean person, but

Wed, 2008-06-18 11:20

lol your a mean person, but i like the ideas

Francis's picture

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Ginger Tablets

Wed, 2008-06-18 12:34

I found the best remidy for sea sickness to be ginger tablets. I saw Mythbusters put sea sick cures to the test and they also came to the conclusion that the ginger tablets work best.

They can be bought from the chemist (brands like NaturesOwn do them). I take one about an hour before I go out and every couple of hours after that.

I put the ginger tabs to the test a few weeks back and went out in conditions that I know I would normally suffer... I didnt feel naucious at all. I also used to feel it really bad when rigging my line, but I can take as long as I want (and look down as long as i need) when ive taken some ginger tablets.

I found sea sick tablets dont work nearly as well and they also seem to have side effects and make you feel pretty ordinary once they wear off. This doesnt seem to happen with the ginger.

So I reckon ginger tabs + a bottle of water and you should enjoy your boating... Although i guess everyone is different. Hopefully you can try them and let us know how they went



Dreamweaver's picture

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Good tip Francis

Wed, 2008-06-18 13:14

Yes, I'd forgotton about those - next time I go out, I'll give them a try. Laughing

Colin Molloy

(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)



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uncle's picture

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sea sickness

Wed, 2008-06-18 13:44

good idea to insist crewies only eat sea food[prawns]the night before,GREAT berley.
Fast fish rule!


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Thu, 2008-06-19 19:30

Thanks for that i will get some and try them . will let you know how i go





"A family that fishes together stays together"


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