Sept 11 2001, where were you?
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Tue, 2011-09-06 16:55
As most would have seen with the hours of news coverage its 10 years since Sept 11 and the twin towers. Where were you when you heard?
I remember having a few mates around as it was a Tuesday night and I got a call from my ex to say check the news, we all went inside and watched the craziness in disbelief. Certainly a day that changed the world.
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school....then got pulled
school....then got pulled out due to my uncle being a fire fighters there and went missing..
tragic day, with so many innocent lives lost. RIP
a hard days fishing still beats work
PGFC member
GCGFC memberBrucesta
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i was out with the mrs for
i was out with the mrs for dinner or something like that, got home and mumwas in bed watching TV and called us in, we sat on her bed for the next 2 hours in amazement at what had happened. no more metal cutlery on planes, super security at airports and wharfs etc etc, that one event changed the world forever
Las Vegas - Rolling the dice and trying your luck. 1M+ Barra summer target. 100kg Black Marlin winter target
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Was listening to the radio
Was listening to the radio and the guy said not to watch whats on tv, keep listening to the countdown, so naturally went and turned on the TV and saw the first tower had been hit. Watched the second tower get hit live.
big john
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Great song that sums it up for a lot of people is "Where were you (when the world stopped turning)" by Alan Jackson.
Certainly a world changing event.
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I was asleep in bed when I
I was asleep in bed when I got a phone call from my usual deckie, John, I remember thinking to myself this phone call would want to be important. Told me to put the tv on channel 2, at that stage only one of the buildings had been hit. We all know the rest, Crazy shit!!
Posts: 336
Date Joined: 31/08/09
I was watching Rove if i
I was watching Rove if i recall correctly. such a dark day for the world.
10 years on and if all goes to plan ill be landing in NY on the 11th with united airlines.
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Missed it. Asleep by nine.
Woke up for a early morning flyfish (what I did in those days) the next day (4am) in Mandurah and had a CD on in the car. After this got in the car, turned on the trannie and realised I missed this. Almost sat for the next day infront off the box trying to catch up and try and understand. Must have been one of the last on earth to know about it.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
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My brother was holidaying in
My brother was holidaying in Chicago and didn't know about it for 3 days. Had us worried as we didn't have his itinerary but knew he was due in NY in that week or so. Turned out he found out about it from a taxi driver when he tried to catch his flight there on 14th. And yes, my brother does live in his own little world.
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Was watching rove live when
Was watching rove live when it just cut out and went straight to the towers footage. Remember telling mi dad about it and to come inside and he didn't believe me kept on smoking lol.
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I was in California doing some training on a US Armed Forces base. Watched the planes fly into the TT and they shut the base two hours later. The base had seven entrances and after that they only opened one. A five minute drive to work then took me nearly an hour as we had to line up and get our cars searched by marines and members of the national guard. As a side note the next day was the only day that Disneyland has been closed since it opened.
The best reason for doing what's right today is tomorrow.
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I was working in the air
I was working in the air craft industry making composite components for military and civil aircraft, as soon as we saw what was happening we all realised it was going to change lives all round the world, and still is.
fishy fingers
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In bed watching tv
flipped channels after something finished I thought I was watcing a movie for a while couldnt beleive what i was seeing......then it sunk in wtched it for 2 or 3 hours...very sad time
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I better not go into what I
I better not go into what I was actually doing but the missus at the time told me I had better watch the TV! In the confusion we watched the second plane hit the tower before registering what happened... crazy stuff
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If you were doing what I think
If you were doing what I think you were doing, you have to ask the question why was she watching the tv???
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Maybe it was just how he was
Maybe it was just how he was doing it, she would rather have been watching tv?
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Assumed it had to do with
Assumed it had to do with angles & positions, if I cared I probably would of asked hahaha
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Nice comeback!!
Nice comeback!!
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If I were only joking as well
If I were only joking as well hahaha
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I think I was packing up my
I think I was packing up my house to move, but we had the TV on for quite a while that night.
Posts: 4586
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Was doing nightshift on the
Was doing nightshift on the freeway south and listening to abc. Watched AFP troopies heading south to garden island all night.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
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Somewhere in Western China,
Somewhere in Western China, maybe Sichuan on a cycling holiday. I thought it was some kind of crappy movie, but it turned out to be the chinese news.
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just got home from
a sportfishing club meeting, shocking thing to see happening
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
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was playing in a pool final
was playing in a pool final at potblack hilliarys about 10pm i think
when we saw it we quit playing , split the prize money and rushed home
i coulnt belive seeing it on tv was a crazy night
getting the bottom line final answer from a bunch of blokes that use false names and put smiley faces at the end of paragraphs is not the best place in the world to get the information you seek.
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I didnt
Hear about it to the next morning i was only in year 3 so didnt know what exactly was going then my teacher had the news on the whole day
i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers
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Date Joined: 22/02/07
Same. woke up an thought to
Same. woke up an thought to myself 'WHERE THE HELL IS CHEEZ TV?!?!?!?!?!'. remember it distinctly. had a pizza day for school that day.... but i stayed home and watched it all day with mum. My past year 1 Teacher was actually about to get in a lift to go up the top when the first one hit. lucky she got out!
bludgin' since 94'
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Really hanging for spongebob lol its funny as a kid cartoons and the fact we missed making spaghetti was our biggest worry
i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers
Posts: 440
Date Joined: 27/07/09
Lol same here got up to watch
Lol same here got up to watch cheez tv before school and it was on every channel .
Posts: 1449
Date Joined: 27/03/09
Woke up in the morning to get
Woke up in the morning to get ready for school and watch cartoons but seen what i thought was a war starting overnite. Still remember us kids asking the olds heaps of question and them watching the tv in disbelief
Posts: 362
Date Joined: 19/11/10
I also was at home watching
I also was at home watching Rove. I remember being pissed off that the show was interupted until realizing why!
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On the out side of bank west tower
cleaning the windows, The day after and watching a jumbo fly past hopeing it keep going past
Assassin landbase fishing club
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Date Joined: 25/03/10
was work in leicester uk and
was work in leicester uk and heard it on Radio 1.
Thought it was a wind up.
Was going to be playing bagpipes with Nottinghamshire Police Pipe Band at the Ryder Cup( Birmingham) in a few weeks later for HRH, Sean Conery and Tiger woods .... but that got cancelled.
Still cant believe it happened.
I dont need counselling just a bigger boat
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Having a few frothies at the
Having a few frothies at the Marvel Loch pub, watched it live on Sky mate thought it was a movie.....
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 09/10/09
I was backpacking in
I was backpacking in Northwest Frontier Provence in Pakistan..... (Border of Pakistan/Afghanistan)
You get the idea that it is serious when government officials visit the place you are staying and say "I think its a good idea if you make your way to the Indian border!"
WOW can'tbeleive its 10 years ago!
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Working undergound at gold mine in Leonora
Came up from working as an electrical fitter at Sons of Gwalia in leonora 1st night shift on at Crib time. Turned on the radio to find that all hell had broken loose. Didn't know if, by who, when , just knew that suddenly everything we used to take as normal had changed. Living in FIFO you are very isolated and we posed question to the shift boss as to what we were going to do next??? I think the best comment came from a bogger op and it was "well are we at F&*^%$G war or what and how do I get bloody home!" Made me laugh but the circumstances made me realise what was important. Truley terrifying to think that someone could go to that length to essentially "prove their point of view!!!!" Just not cricket Tony!
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Eating my weeties with my
Eating my weeties with my oldest boy next me in his swing chair. The look on his face when I turned on the telly and yelled F#%k was something I won't forget. We were also booked to go to NZ on Ansett f/flyers when they went belly up. Lucky for us the tickets got honoured. All seemed to happen at once.
Love the West!
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At Sea
We were anchored up about 40nm north of Bedout island [80nm NE of Hedland] and turn the HF radio down on to the AM band on to get a weather forecast and listen to the 0600 news. Nearly fell out of the chair while trying to picture it.
Was something like 4-5 days later when we got back in to television range that we saw the replays and heard the full story.
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I was crook as a dog on the
I was crook as a dog on the couch , and watching tv at first I thought it was some crazy movie until I switched channels and it was on basically every channel. Scary stuff bloody nut jobs. RIP all those who lost there lives.
living is fishing
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Date Joined: 26/07/09
Living on the esplanade in
Living on the esplanade in Mount Pleasant, having beers on the balcony looking across the road at the river & watching Rove thinking how good is life, then the madness hit.
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i was only 6 and mum let me
i was only 6 and mum let me stay up to watch the late simpsons, i stayed up way past my bed time to wait for what i thought was the news to finish when i saw it. couldnt figure out what happened till mum explained it all to me the next day. scary stuff
Posts: 2546
Date Joined: 03/03/11
I was at the Cronulla RSL . Saw the second plane hit the tower live and couldn't believe my eyes.
In the morning i was working at the Kurnell refinerey and watched all the planes line up to land at Sydney airport.
I remember being very worried as the oil tank i was working on had a big red cross on top and the Caltex refinery was on high alert.
Very sad day for all nations , made me feel that no place on earth was safe from terrorist.
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Date Joined: 12/01/07
I was in Guangzhou, China
I was in Guangzhou, China just finished giving a presentation and went back to my room at the Shangri-La. Turned on the TV to a smoking building (volume was down as it was all in Chinese anyway), changed the channel and same program was on and the next and the next and it was only after surfing thru a couple more channels that I realised that something was up,then I saw the second plane go in. Turned the volume up and was surprised that they actually allowed the American audio to be broadcasted live and the commentary just stopped me cold in my tracks.
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Just finished watching a few
Just finished watching a few hours of footage/docos and I can say it didn't just stop the US, the world
Even after a decade it shocks me how deep the idea strikes, that someone, somewhere in the world will do anything they can to break you.
I got to school and barely anyone was in my class. We did no work and it is safe to say when school resumed, it somehow just wasn't the same.
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I was at home in Capel at the
I was at home in Capel at the time and just happened to be flicking through the channels on the TV when we stopped on ABC just after they started transmitting the pictures and was gob smacked. Couldn't take my eyes off the TV for what seemed like hours. It was all so surreal to me, my wife thought I was watching a action movie or something. It's certainly something I hope never to see again.
"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."
Mr Wolf
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I was in year... 4 or 5... so
I was in year... 4 or 5... so i didnt know about it till i woke up in the morning for school. Remember seeing the parents sitting on the couches like zombies watching what was happening
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no disrespect
before school expecting too watch a good episode of "dragon ball z" on cheese tv and there was no cheese tv.. just news... devo
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also watching rove live...
also watching rove live... ended up glued to the tv for the rest of the night to say the least. Unforgettable really.
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Was sitting at a computer
Was sitting at a computer desk in the same location that I am right now. Loading programs onto a computer I just finished putting together. Mrs was watching Rove then they went to live broadcast and she says "WTF they cut Rove and put on an unadvertised movie".... I got off my ass and changed channels (no working remote back then
) and had same footage then realised it was the news. Watched the second plane hit and ended up glued to the tellie until some ungodly hour watching it over and over and still couldn't believe it....
Remember the night as if it was only 10 hours ago.
The only other event that has affected me more than 9/11 is the Bali bombing as I know (knew) 2 people that unfortunately were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
David (AKA Grumps)
Location: Heathridge. Toys: 120 Series Prado ... 5.3 Stacer Seamaster/Merc 90HP.
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Boarding school.
It was my first day at boarding school overseas. The parents had just dropped me off in a bit of a rush to get back to the airport on time and I wondered in to my new boarding house. None of the usual meet and greet nonsense, with some poor kid having to show you around and endless introductions. Just dropped my bags and found a spot in front of the tv along with everyone else. Couldn't believe what I was seeing.
Rod P
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NY is so far away but i was
NY is so far away but i was just down struck and felt sick in the pit of my stomach. I will never forget that feeling and yes, its corny but i felt that the world had at that moment changed and not for the better. I really feel for the victims and survivors alike. R.I.P.
Posts: 255
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At the Casino in the old cabaret lounge watching a mates band. They put the live footage up on the big-screen and the place cleared out very quickly when we all realised what was going on. As we were leaving the powers that be realised they were losing all their gamblers so switched off all the TVs again.
Paul H
Posts: 2104
Date Joined: 18/01/07
Was watching TV (Rove if I
Was watching TV (Rove if I recall right) when it cut to the smoke coming out of the first tower, Was trying to work it out, thinking at that stage it was some sort of accident, when the second plane flew into the other tower, I distinctly recall thinking "this is no accident". Was about to head to bed at the time but it ended up being quite a late night.
Certainly a moment that changed a lot of things around the world.
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