Serious offshore Cat for Esperance

Check out my mates offshore cat made in Esperance by Reed May of Bulldog Boats. 6.7 metre with twin 150 4 stroke Mercs, its designed to fish up to 50 miles offshore in our rugged southern ocean, fish 4 blokes easy and travel at 20knots no matter how rough it blows up, with everyone nice and dry. He is still running the motors in but reckons its good for 40+kts. Ugly...yes but Reed makes a mean, practical fishing boat, there's a heap of them down here. Even incorporates semi flooded keels to slow down the drift.

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quadfisher's picture

Posts: 1146

Date Joined: 28/09/10

tick tick boom!

Thu, 2013-12-05 21:09

Rats , cockroachs, seagulls, freo premiership stickers ( haha ) and bulldog boats , thats all that will be left , when some terro

has a bad day and hits the button.

This is the unimog of the ocean!



Willlo's picture

Posts: 1490

Date Joined: 07/10/11

Nice boat got any more pics ?

Thu, 2013-12-05 21:09

Nice boat got any more pics ?


 Call Sign - BZ785

Haynes Hunter Prowler CC


Auslobster's picture

Posts: 1901

Date Joined: 03/05/08

Tricycle Landing Gear!

Thu, 2013-12-05 21:42

Looks more like a 737 than a boat!

kirky79's picture

Posts: 1356

Date Joined: 13/01/12

 Would like to see a few more

Thu, 2013-12-05 22:01

 Would like to see a few more photos of around the motors(looks interesting) Looks like a tank!

Posts: 4586

Date Joined: 01/02/10

 Looks like a solid boat

Fri, 2013-12-06 05:14

 Looks like a solid boat alright. The trailer... Not so much.


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

woody's picture

Posts: 617

Date Joined: 27/02/08

I'll get some more pics from

Fri, 2013-12-06 06:06

I'll get some more pics from him. That monster bait board goes full width across the transom and is so big you could roll your swag out on it!! good for filleting fish at the end of the day.
As for the trailer.....yeah we told him it wouldn't be up to the task but the builder also makes the specs for the trailer, has a drop down 5th wheel on a winch that doubles as a jockey wheel for beach launches....time will tell if the trailer lasts!!

scottnofish's picture

Posts: 1621

Date Joined: 28/08/07

lined up twice for a smack with the ugly stick

Fri, 2013-12-06 06:16

sorry dont like the bait boards dont like the bimini  or the motors ,ive found with my cat that they always drift almost side on to the wind so most fishing is done out one side and the back so those bait boards would be a pain in the ass .as long as your mates happy with it  

Posts: 5823

Date Joined: 18/01/12

looking at that Neil, Im

Fri, 2013-12-06 13:51

looking at that Neil, Im wondering if you are able to take the cowlings off the outboards at sea easily?

My personal preference if its to be left unpainted would have been to not grind the welds off, over time the sanded area tends to look untidy whereas quality welds aren't hard on the eye.


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


JohnF's picture

Posts: 2839

Date Joined: 07/07/10

That is one FUGLY rig.

Fri, 2013-12-06 20:42

That is one FUGLY rig.


Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.

Posts: 408

Date Joined: 23/11/09

Dont know about fugly

Sat, 2013-12-07 01:51

Reckon it looks pretty serious and mean. Would like to see some pics of the lay out.





woody's picture

Posts: 617

Date Joined: 27/02/08

you will probably bump into

Wed, 2013-12-11 21:43

you will probably bump into him at the boat ramp one of these days Muppet, or see another Bulldog cat down there I reckon.

troy fuller's picture

Posts: 411

Date Joined: 30/08/10

 Looks ugly as but I reckon

Sat, 2013-12-07 10:03

 Looks ugly as but I reckon it will be a weapon, 

JohnF's picture

Posts: 2839

Date Joined: 07/07/10

Fuglies can be the best in

Wed, 2013-12-11 22:02

Fuglies can be the best in action..........


Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.

woody's picture

Posts: 617

Date Joined: 27/02/08

Put up another pic, pre

Thu, 2013-12-12 16:35

Put up another pic, pre galvanizing and modifying of trailer and canopy work

paul83's picture

Posts: 97

Date Joined: 13/12/12

Any more pics yet, i would be

Wed, 2014-03-12 13:28

Any more pics yet, i would be interested in seeing more


Pick it up, put it down....