Shark bay Denham

 Hi all,

I am heading up to Shark Bay Denham end of April beginning of May 2025. Taking the family up. Is there any good spots to take my kids fishing that is easily accessable? I have a 4wd but no boat (Unless I win lotto between now and then).

Also is there any other spots where I might be able to get to which might not be family friendly as I can tell they wont want to go as much as I do?

Did a search on fishing charters. Saw one in old posts for unreal charters but can't find anything about them now adays? have they shut up shop?

Thanks in advance.

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Faulkner Family's picture

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There is plenty of whiting to

Wed, 2024-09-11 06:00

There is plenty of whiting to catch along the beach in front of the shops. Squid at the jetty at night is always another option. Put out a big bait and you could get a shark that isn't too big to land


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

ricey's picture

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Mac Attack

Wed, 2024-09-11 11:37

 I went with Mac Attack with family.


Caught heaps and heaps of just undersize pink snapper in shallow water, heaps of fun and only a few were over size . 


It was a real highlight for everyone to keep catching fish and would recommend. I didn't care no trophies caught


Wise man says - first take the plank out of your own eye before trying to take the speck out of somebody else's.

Coastrunner's picture

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Mac Attack

Wed, 2024-09-11 12:53

 I went out on Mac Attack out of Denham, fished up DHI, around Turtle Bay out to west of DHI in 80m, definatley recommend them, its no frills for sure but we didnt get gack to Denham until dark and there was plenty of fish on board. Full day might be a bit much for the family. Flicking lures or baits along the foreshore should get some whiting. Take the family out to steep, its a full day trip but definately worth it.

The Saint's picture

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If you want to try and catch

Wed, 2024-09-11 13:08

If you want to try and catch a pinky from the shore, head out to Eagle Bluff and just before you get to the car park at the end of the road, take the track on the left.

Park at the end of the track and fish of the rocks around the point at either sunup or sundown.

Herald Bite in the Cape Peron National Park is good for whiting (you'll need your fourby to get there), shallow water and safe if the kids are small. You can drive right onto the beach.

Also Big Lagoon, we've only ever got small stuff there but occassionally people get lucky and pull out a decent pink or blacky.

Mac Attack are the only ones that do day charters out of Denham, $250 for a half day and $350 for a full day.

Link to Mac Attack:

Sounds like ricey (post above) probably went on the half day trip where they usually fish inside Denham Sound, heaps of fish to keep the kids entertained with a few good ones mixed in.

The full day trip usually heads offshore past Steep Point/Dirk Hartog, much bigger fish to be caught out there but maybe not suitable to for kids.

Just don't try and sneak a GPS onboard, heard the skipper once ripped a Garmin watch off someones wrist and threw it overboard when he was caught trying to log a spot on the watch.

Spend a day or 2 exploring Cape Peron while you are there, some great sight seeing, and any of the beaches could produce a decent fish.

carnarvonite's picture

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Cape Peron

Wed, 2024-09-11 14:10

 Cape Peron at night is the top spot for pinks, well worth the effort, stop over in Bottle bay on the way up for whiting, yellowfin brim etc on the way up.

There is a compressor station as you enter the National park to let down and pump your tyres up on your return 

davewillo's picture

Posts: 2464

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 Yep I second Cape Peron.

Thu, 2024-09-12 11:18

 Yep I second Cape Peron. Right at the tip just on dark the pinks come through in big numbers and good sizes.. Got our 2 each in less than 5 minutes once the school arrived. Don't need to cast a mile as they come through a gutter that runs parallel to the shore. Just a normal sliding sinker dropper off the main line and you're away. They don't seem to turn up until the sun is hitting the water. Bloody good fun. You then have a long $WD trip back out but it's worth it. The tyre pressure station makes it very easy.


 PGFC member and lure tragic

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 Take your own compressor.

Thu, 2024-09-12 17:59

 Take your own compressor. Last time we went through there it wasn't working.

The Saint's picture

Posts: 473

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I was up there last week and

Wed, 2024-10-02 10:57

I was up there last week and the compressor station is now back up and running.

Posts: 67

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 My Family brought me a good

Tue, 2024-10-08 15:16

 My Family brought me a good compressor for the bus. So will have two options there.

Posts: 67

Date Joined: 18/04/11

 Thanks all, heard you can

Wed, 2024-09-11 18:24

 Thanks all, heard you can also fish to the right hand side of the jetty over a Monkey Mia? can anyone confirm or deny this?

Mark_M's picture

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Thu, 2024-09-12 08:49

"...Fishing is possible in the waters off Monkey Mia and from the beach areas adjacent to the resort. Although the water is generally shallow it is possible to catch some of the inshore species like whiting and flathead. Fishing is not permitted within the dolphin experience area...."


I have seen some decent whiting caught there, but you will need to walk a couple of hundred metres from the boat ramp, around the sandy point/spit, so you are casting due East off the beach, into the shallows with a bit of a weed bank further out.

Less dolphin activity here :-) see the google earth reference below for a view.,113.71952636,5.40679738a,1578.87568336d,35y,0h,0t,0r/data=CiwiJgokCanK-H1gkTdAEabK-H1gkTfAGcKFEVdb3kVAIdpe4E6vQU_AQgIIAToDCgEw



Bradmac73's picture

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All of the above

Fri, 2024-09-13 09:26


All of the above advice is spot on. MOnkey Mia beach side is good for whiting from the right of the jetty all the way up and around the point, casual stroll casting and you'll be sweet.  Some nice flatties around too which you'll see pretty easily and can sight cast to with plastics. 

Peron is amazing, so many good spots, South Gregories has a nice reef finger that you can fish and have found some decent taskies there at times, alwasy whiting on the inshore side as well. 

Beautiful spot up the cape even when you're not catching fish.  

Posts: 67

Date Joined: 18/04/11

 I added a photo to the

Fri, 2024-09-13 15:11

 I added a photo to the above. the circled area is what I am talking about?

Mark_M's picture

Posts: 190

Date Joined: 10/04/15


Fri, 2024-09-13 17:00

and the beach /flats to the south of there.

This placcy was the killer on SB whiting, rigged on a small jighead, bait also works :-)

2" banana prawn


Posts: 67

Date Joined: 18/04/11

double post

Fri, 2024-09-13 15:12

 double post

Posts: 100

Date Joined: 19/05/13

 Unreal no longer do

Mon, 2024-09-23 16:50

 Unreal no longer do charters. Heath runs the pilot to the salt ships these days.