Shark cull protesters

Watched a bit on ABC 7.00 news with the tree hugger Peterfy and a couple of others preparing a boat to head out and interfere with the shark baiting program. The ali dinghy looked like the one NOAH used to transport animals on to the ARK powered by a 15hp Chrysler outboard. Think they were only in service for a couple of years and finished approx. 20 years ago----looks like they are getting some real modern gear to wage their campaign

Looking forward to when the first baits hit the water and the reaction to it.

Willlo's picture

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LOL,wonder if they have an

Tue, 2014-01-07 21:01

LOL,wonder if they have an epirb ? sounds like they will need it.When its time for them to get rescued they should pay out of there own pockets.


 Call Sign - BZ785

Haynes Hunter Prowler CC


axey45's picture

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 LMFAO, theyll probably get

Wed, 2014-01-08 07:55

 LMFAO, theyll probably get mistaken as boat people and get detained.

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Really shitting me

Tue, 2014-01-07 21:50

 I appreciate everyone is entitled to their own opinion but the amount of people I know and in particular one south oz tackle shop that are hating on anyone who is pro cull is really starting to shit me considering most of them don't go in the water of even live in wa so should be minding their own business


my opinion not enough research but something has to happen and other methods are proven to have more by catch.  We changed the ecosystem when we protected big sharks and that includes whalers plus we regulated demersals gill netting and shark netting

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I agree Rig, the tree huggers

Tue, 2014-01-07 22:59

I agree Rig, the tree huggers really get me going too. The argument that we are enter their backyard, to me is flawed, as I believe inshore (opposed to offshore) waters are humans domain also.
Ok, we all understand the risk when entering the ocean, however, over the last decade or so WA has experienced unprecedented fatal shark attacks. I believe sharks are a majestic animal but will always choose a humans life over a sharks. Therefore, until research can provide more answers drum lines are our best defence.



TAPOUT's picture

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 Well said. We clear

Tue, 2014-01-07 23:06

 Well said. We clear thousands of acres of land every day destroying the ecosystem for whatever lives there. These tree hugging hippies have no problem living in there new house in a freshly cleared estate. The fact is we are top of the food chain and we have a problem with the increased numbers of man eating sharks on our coast. Something has to be done. The percentage of people who are against this are the people that don't use the ocean for recreation or sport as we do. So they don't give a shit if we are safe or not in it. Do they really think this problem is going to fix itself or just go away. Research is a croc of shit as far as I'm concerned it's not going to fix the problem. You can't monitor every inch of coast line. Wait til someone's child gets taken then watch all the back peddling.

terboz123's picture

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 mate....thats half the

Wed, 2014-01-08 21:23

 mate....thats half the reasons animals are becoming extinct all over the world. your point of clearing land, and destroying forests for real estate is a joke.

your point of all the tree huggers being non ocean users is also a joke. Did you not see all the divers in the water? or the surfers? or the board people? seriously mate actuelly write something that has some kind of fact. I wasnt even in Western Australia when this protest was on and i could clearly see that all from the photos and footage on the internet.

i really couldnt care about these drum lines, cause this isnt going to stop shark attacks. would about all the remote beaches south where they dive for abelone? 

im not pro or anti , but meh my gosh some people are so blind and nieve. 



 a hard days fishing still beats work

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my suggestion is

Wed, 2014-01-08 05:55

if they really want to save the sharks from the drum line , then surely the only way is for them is to form a human barrier around the the baited hooks .this would give them first hand experience as to sharks preferd food.

uncle's picture

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They could be called shark shield volenteers

Wed, 2014-01-08 06:24

 Ssv,s what a service they could provide


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

Saulty2's picture

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all in the name of

Wed, 2014-01-08 14:05

prize winning Scientific research, which leads to a better  understanding of the sharks feeding habits in the wild.  

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Wed, 2014-01-08 07:45

Did you see what the man on the news clip had on his shirt, full time shit stirrer, previous anti gas hub activist, being a great diver he needs scuba gear to take the baits off the hooks. It would be great if a whitey turned up while he was doing this, he could hug whitey and then get bitten, would make great t.v. How about the tool who went to Barnetts office for the window job , what a mature way to attract people to your cause.


paul a

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Didn't say

Wed, 2014-01-08 13:25

What they didn't say was that he is the peanut who the Sea Shepherd dropped on the Jap whale chaser off Fremantle a couple of years back.
By all accounts has a list as long as your arm of offences from protests over east and down in Tasmania as well as the ones he has picked up here.

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 Yeah they're all pathetic

Wed, 2014-01-08 14:20

 Yeah they're all pathetic people, truth be known he probably lives on government hand outs and contributing to the real problems of state/country/world. If only these fuck wits would standup to real issues and start acting like the alpha species of the planet.

Willlo's picture

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They sure are,the front page

Wed, 2014-01-08 16:02

They sure are,the front page pic on the local rag down here was a real winner,could have passed as a whale herself,they all went down to the waters edge and bowed to the ocean ,didnt go in it tho.


 Call Sign - BZ785

Haynes Hunter Prowler CC


dumper's picture

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 The organiser  of the

Wed, 2014-01-08 17:10
spinksy's picture

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Couldnt agree more

Wed, 2014-01-08 18:15

Bang on there Tapout this whole thing is shitting me they are all hypocrites, and the oxygen theives on TV and the muppet in the paper are the poster boys for the cause!! Thumb tie yourself to my boat if they want i will take ya for a tow :)

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 Shark cull is a shit idea.

Wed, 2014-01-08 19:41

 Shark cull is a shit idea. The only reason there has being more fatal shark attacks over the last 10 years is the fact WA's population has also increased dramaticlly. More people that swim the more that get eaten! 

terboz123's picture

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 cha ching

Wed, 2014-01-08 21:24

 cha ching


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Bodie's picture

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Have other states not also

Fri, 2014-01-10 09:07

Have other states not also had population increases? Why is it WA is experiencing a large increase of fatalities and other states are not?

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 Do you think swimming in the

Wed, 2014-01-08 20:46

 Do you think swimming in the ocean is a new concept to West Aussies? You're a muppet if you do. I can remember swimming at packed beaches when I was 10 years old, I was raised well south of Perth also. In fact their was article in the west a few weeks back with a picture of a jam packed Cottesloe beach in the 70's. Now think of something else West Aussies where doing in our ocean up until the late 1970's that we don't do now. Thinking?

Cot 1972


terboz123's picture

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 please show me the

Wed, 2014-01-08 21:25

 please show me the populations figures from 1972 to 2013?


 a hard days fishing still beats work

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Thu, 2014-01-09 12:14

 1972: 1000 humpback whales 

2014: 20000+ humpback whales


Very strong link between humpback population and the number of fatal shark attacks in WA


Sharpen the harpoons

terboz123's picture

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 im talking humans??? im

Fri, 2014-01-10 09:02

 im talking humans??? im confused.


 a hard days fishing still beats work

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+1 whaling

Tue, 2014-01-14 01:08

+1 whaling

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 You people are very easy to

Thu, 2014-01-09 07:36

 You people are very easy to stir up! Perths populution in the 1970's was estimated at 611,000 people. Bring that to 2010 and the estimated population is around 1,389,000 people. which mean the population has jumped by more than 100% That means there are way more people using perths waters, so of course there is going to be more incidents with sharks. Go the killer sharks, maul those ignorant people that think the ocean is thiers!

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 You people are very easy to

Thu, 2014-01-09 07:36

 You people are very easy to stir up! Perths populution in the 1970's was estimated at 611,000 people. Bring that to 2010 and the estimated population is around 1,389,000 people. which mean the population has jumped by more than 100% That means there are way more people using perths waters, so of course there is going to be more incidents with sharks. Go the killer sharks, maul those ignorant people that think the ocean is thiers!

axey45's picture

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 How do you know how many of

Thu, 2014-01-09 07:56

 How do you know how many of those 1,389,000+ people actually use the ocean? Obvious lot less now after recent events.

crasny1's picture

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No proof

Thu, 2014-01-09 08:42

But I certainly recall going to Cott Beach, Leighton and Scarb's windsurfing and swimming in the 80's and she was packed to the rafters. going to those same beaches nowadays it is nowhere near as packed IMO.

Though I cant prove it with figures I dont agree that a packed beach then compared with now mean there are more people in the water. In those days Sun dangers were only being discovered. With the risks of skin cancer less people expose themselves. There is no extra carparks at Cott now compared with then, and they were packed.

Just using figures for population does not equate to more people in the water. That is taking it for granted that a bigger population = more people using the beaches, when there is so many other variables that IS not taken into account.


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

axey45's picture

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 Thats wot i mean it cant be

Thu, 2014-01-09 08:57

 Thats wot i mean it cant be proved unless you ask everyone and there honest in answer, bit hard to prove.

Markie's picture

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get the pros out cull those

Wed, 2014-01-08 21:34

get the pros out cull those bronzies ruining my fun, its definetly a problem.

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Yep!!!  Went off Dampier

Thu, 2014-01-09 09:33

Yep!!!  Went off Dampier yeterday and after driving 50 bloody miles to reach the red grounds, they were covered in sharks.

We lost about 20 good fish, a few jigs, 250mtrs of braid and broke my Catalina :(

Too many sharks!!!  Please send the pros up here to thin them out!

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Thu, 2014-01-09 13:31



Las Vegas - Rolling the dice and trying your luck. 1M+ Barra summer target. 100kg Black Marlin winter target

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The cull

Thu, 2014-01-09 10:11

I want to join the protest, my point is that there are not enough drum bait lines being established I want more over a wider area, some metro beaches are not enough. Further more I would issue free fire arms to all recreational fisher people with free target shooting lessons to hone their visual target skills. Of course these fire arms would be tightly controlled, with all recipients promising that the fire arm would only be used to cull sharks and definitely not greenies, do I have any supporters, as I would not want such measures to be introduced without a broad base of support. All I need is 3500 supporters as this represents overwhelming support for the measures after all if the shark hugging convention at Cottesloe last Saturday was such a blistering success then surely we can match this massive roll out.


paul a

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Thu, 2014-01-09 10:42

More seals equals more sharks in the surrounding areas, they will not decrease shark attacks if the seals are there. With the swimming population argument at cott being less now is 1 point but the attacks are divided between other ocean users also which comes back to the  surfing attacks,

20 years ago on the surf breaks down south you could be at a break with 3 people now there is an average of 15 people at each break that to me indicates more surfers using the water now than back then and they are surfing in the seals habitat where the sharks will be looking for there feed to survive.

Down at smiths beach there was a surfing lesson for the kids and there was seals playing in the waves near the lession, 1 of the mothers I talked to thought it was great to see and then the seals took off in a hurry and they thought nothing of it until I explained that seals were shark s favorite food and the seals MIGHT have taken off cause a shark was in the area, then the seals were a concern for her and not just great to see, the surf school also thought nothing of it.

It is hard to understand that they dont equate seals to sharks

Also how is a drum line set out 1 km going to be effective when most sharks spotted along the coast are less than 500mt from shore

I am against the cull and not a tree hugging hippie, I have lived in the southwest for 40 years and saw more sharks 20 years ago than I do now


He fishes, He fishes, He fishes, its the only thing in life. All he ever gets is hell from his fed up wife

axey45's picture

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Thu, 2014-01-09 12:05

 Get THE GREAT WHITE COLLECTION dvd that shows you about seals responding to great whites.

slam's picture

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I have to agree with coastaljoy

Thu, 2014-01-09 12:31

I have to agree with coastaljoy. Maybe the beaches are less frequented by beachgoers due to knowledge of sun damgage etc, however the shark attacks are not coming predominately from people playing in the surf if at all. As a very wealthy state generally, the access to other watersports be it surfing, jet skis, kite surfing, diving etc has dramatically increased since the 70's therefore it is inevitable that shark attacks will increase. With the whales being protected & numbers increasing, again more sharks are following the migrations.
I am not too sure what the answer is but I do not think the drum lines are the answer & more research is needed.

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 Crank up the whaling station

Thu, 2014-01-09 13:04

 Crank up the whaling station again. Sharpen the harpoons!


In 1900 there was an estimated 30000 humpbacks in WA. We had 5 fatal shark attacks between 1900-1925

Whaling begun and the numbers of humpbacks quickly dropped to half that and by 1970 there was only an estimated 700 adult humpbacks of our shores. Now between 1925-1995 we had just 3 (THREE) fatal attacks in 7 decades!!!

Roll on 2014 almost 50 years since humpbacks became protected and we have a healthy 20000 humpbacks in our water, free to roam wherever they like closely followed by their famous predator Mr White whos numbers have also exploded. 12 dead since 95.


Bring back the days when men weren't afraid to kill things.

sea-kem's picture

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 Why does everyone keep

Thu, 2014-01-09 15:00

 Why does everyone keep picking on the Muppets? I used to love that show. Seriously though it's a no win for either side of the debate. The gov is only going to do half the job and what they do do isn't targetting where most of the attacks are taking place. Shitting drum lines that could catch any typeof bloody shark. My opinion is you need to target fish them actively if you want to make an impact. Appeasing the masses typical gov beaurocracy.


Love the West!

southcity104's picture

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Off the topic a smidge

Thu, 2014-01-09 16:00

I thought it was pretty funny on Christmass evening they had the movie JAWS on Tv. Not quite appropriate for chissy hols viewing esspecially when you spend your chrissy holiday break in the water most days. Anyways just thought it was humorous.


"Its a life style job"

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Another One A Bit Off Topic

Thu, 2014-01-09 16:33

Do you remember the sharks killed and dumped on 80 mile beach a couple of years ago and the Fisheries Dept. were all over the fisherman responsible claiming what a waste of a resource so what are they doing now "wasting a resource" by shooting and dumping sharks out deep. Bloody hypocrites.

bradz's picture

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Thu, 2014-01-09 17:07

There was a nice little propaganda (save the shark) doco on a week or so ago. Very one sided. It actually referenced Jaws as to the reason for our insecurities. I insecurities come from the fact that there are some bloody big sharks lurking just in the surf zone.
Not worried about tigers or bronzies, but the big whities do put the wind up me.
Again, I'm not pro or against...just making observations.


I did then the best that I knew how. When I knew better, I did better.

carnarvonite's picture

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Before restrictions

Thu, 2014-01-09 19:45

Going back many years before lots of restriction were placed on pro net fishermen, it was quite common for the decky to swim the end of the shark net ashore along with a star picket to anchor it then continue the set straight out to sea.Next morning the first 100 metres of net would always have 5-6 big bronzies before you started to get any of the smaller gummies, whiskerys and school sharks. Mates used to wonder why I never took part in midnight swims and wouldn't listen when I told them what we used to catch off the very same beaches. There were many occasions that some of the holes in the net were big enough to turn a bus around in them, whole sections of 9 inch mesh missing.

sarcasm0's picture

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I agree with Howard George

Thu, 2014-01-09 19:39

This is the thing that really pisses me off.  

While im reluctant to draw references to land animals I have been thinking of Elephants in Africa.  While simplified it is close to our own interaction with whites.

Elephants roam Africa relatively free from harm for millenia, white humans enter the picture and begin hunting elephants, a few hundred years later given the advent of the firearm and better transport elephant nearly hunted to extinction. Humans get concerned, now have to protect elephants to stop species extinction, sanctuaries/game parks are established, population begins to flourish, parks arent big enough to support new numbers. Elephants cant just go running around eating crops and entering populated areas, elephants have to be culled.  

When elephants are culled, they garnish every profit from the carcass, ivory, meat, hide, etc and pump it back into conservation. More parks more elephants, but still the numbers need to be controlled.  I guess the difference is we hunted the elephant and previously we hunted the whales as the target.  Whales like elephants, were hunted to near extinction, then requiring protection. The GWS is as if the elephant had a natural predator whose population blossomed from the increased protection of the elephant.

GW Shark jaws go for many thousands of dollars, everyone is crying out for research, but what will we learn if the carcasses are dumped offshore.  If we kill them, then at least lets study the 5, 10, 20, 50 or however many it ends out being and make money off of it to increase our understanding and pump the money back into better conservation/protection strategies.  If only to keep it from costing us all a fortune it seems such a waste to dump them at sea.  I believe the cosmetic/skin care industry has a lot of uses for shark products from the liver and offal, also there was a fish leather maker in Esperance for a while.  Maybe someone could wear a GWS Grey coat and snappy belt and shoes!?

carnarvonite's picture

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Thu, 2014-01-09 19:52

If it does go ahead, like Sarcasmo has stated, its a complete waste to just dump the carcasses at se, on a white or tiger over 3 metres the fins alone would be worth over $230 a kg, tigers jaws around $500-$800 and pointers anywhere up from $7-8 thousand, a lot of money to donate to the sea lice for a banquet.

Makes us no better than the Jap tuna fishermen who were photographed years back finning sharks and dumping the bodies while they were still kicking.

sea-kem's picture

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 I've been saying this all

Thu, 2014-01-09 21:23

 I've been saying this all along Sarcasmo. Surely there is a commercial industry to take advantage of the sharks. Sort of a no brainer IMO. 


Love the West!

axey45's picture

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 Why do tax payers have to

Fri, 2014-01-10 07:59

 Why do tax payers have to foot the bill for pros to catch when they should"pros" be allowed to sell the sharks which would cover there costs eventually, dumb gov. its ok you already said that, derrr.

southcity104's picture

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Fri, 2014-01-10 08:36

I ran surface shark hooks for many seasons for about 5k a year on a good one!! Its a token profit. Do you really think 72 hooks for the whole west coast is going to provide a profitable buisness? Next case please....


"Its a life style job"

axey45's picture

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 Id do it just for the jaws n

Fri, 2014-01-10 14:58

 Id do it just for the jaws n fins the rest could go for cat food.

Saulty2's picture

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bottom line is

Fri, 2014-01-10 07:31

we are surrounded by ocean, it is our play ground,and our source of food comes from the ocean,  i dont think being munched on by a great white or large shark is anyones preferred way to go

 the gov. is in a no win situation  they need to be seen to be doing something and they have a duty to the general public ,further! culling is nothing new in this country ie:rabbits, donkeys,horses,feral goats , kangaroos  etc.  & and now sharks ,its all to do with maintaing a manageable level .

reminds me of the  tree hugger { pinichuck?} up a white gum tree  for around a month  in thornlie ran up a bill of 30,000 plus also save the trees along manning rd . GET A JOB !GET A LIFE !

tombstone's picture

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for what it's worth, Mr

Fri, 2014-01-10 08:19

for what it's worth, Mr Barnett has a knee jerk reaction to this subject. Condolences to the families whole have lost loved ones to shark attacks, but how about all the other families affected by car accidents, drug overdoses, murders, plane crashes etc. I don't see the government wanting to go out and cull hoon/drunk/drugged drivers, drug dealers, murderers/rapists/peadophiles, pilots etc. I think this government has got it's priorities screwed up completely. Australia has become a pussy country where everyone has joined the U.S.A. in looking for someone or some thing to blame for their own stupid actions. We need to take responsibility for what we do and not look for a scape goat. What happened to the good old days when you tripped on a footpath, got up, brushed yourself off and got mum to put some Betadine on the scratch. Now you trip on the footpath, you blame the councils, get lawyers involved, sue for every penny you can get, then wonder why insurance premiums go up as well as taxes. The way I see it we are entering the sharks domain when we get in the water, it's at our own risk...when sharks start coming out of the water and walking up to people in shopping malls and chomping their heads off, then I think we should have a cull, until then leave the sharks be. just my thoughts.


 to fish or not to if there was an option.

dumper's picture

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 What's so bad about pilots

Fri, 2014-01-10 08:32

 What's so bad about pilots that they need to be culled?

tombstone's picture

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nothing wrong with pilots,

Fri, 2014-01-10 08:39

nothing wrong with pilots, same as sharks, just a point that when a plane crashes more than 1 life is lost, so why don't governments shut the airlines down? Pilots are in control of the vehicle same as a skipper of a boat, responsibility falls on them to make sure they do everything they can to ensure the safety of their pssengers. Like I said more lives are lost everyday to human control unlike sharks that are doing what they have done for millennia.


 to fish or not to if there was an option.

Paul H's picture

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They steal all the good

Fri, 2014-01-10 08:45

They steal all the good looking hostesses!!
Cull them...


Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions

mr_meks's picture

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Damn pilots, getting around

Mon, 2014-01-13 11:06

Damn pilots, getting around all like " check me out im a pilot" in their smart uniforms, expensive watches, aviator sunnys with hot hostesses hanging off their arms. Definately need to be culled because they're RISKING EVERYBODYS LIVES. Travellers beware.

crasny1's picture

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You almost contradict yourself

Fri, 2014-01-10 09:14

You might think it is a knee jerk reaction, but then you complain about the Nanny state where we trip on a path and want to sue everyone.

It is exactly that Nanny state created by ourselves that has this outcry over shark culling when in the past we saw a danger, and did something about it, without worrying about what the tree huggers may say.

But I am also against a cull, but this I see as a targetted cull, and we have to do something to remove the perceived or other threat. We should stop being nanny and "just do it"


PS: Planes nowadays just about fly themselves. So if a plane crashes it almost certainly the fault of the onboard computer. So ban all computers. Noooo, no more Fishwrecked!!!!


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

tombstone's picture

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Crasny, I meant a knee jerk

Fri, 2014-01-10 09:28

Crasny, I meant a knee jerk reaction as in someone gets in his ear and all of a sudden we are in for a shark cull, my point was the fact why does he not cull humans who take lives, rape women, mess with kids etc. And my complaint isn't that it is a nanny state, it's the fact people don't take responsibility for their own actions and look for someone to blame. How many people do you know who work FIFO and have to observe all the OH&S rules now, where 10-20 years ago we worked hard, and did things right. Nowadays there is more paperwork and politics before you can tie you shoelaces up. I just think we have become soft, and I agree with your point, yes we used to just go in and do it.


 to fish or not to if there was an option.

dumper's picture

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 We remove murderers, rapists

Fri, 2014-01-10 09:45

 We remove murderers, rapists and pedos from society by locking them away. The reason we don't have capital punishment anymore is to appease the same do gooders and bleeding hearts that are against the death of..... Wait a minute....... A fish!!

tombstone's picture

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Dumper, yes we do remove them

Fri, 2014-01-10 10:46

Dumper, yes we do remove them and lock them many are then set free only to do it all over again? How many reoffend while on parole?. But that is off topic, so like I said there must be another way to sort this out.


 to fish or not to if there was an option.

terboz123's picture

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 yes then they are released

Fri, 2014-01-10 12:04

 yes then they are released and repeat or torment again.........the sharks wont be held for 10+ years and released. meh.


 a hard days fishing still beats work

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dumper's picture

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(No subject)

Fri, 2014-01-10 12:11

terboz123's picture

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 not really dumper.....your

Mon, 2014-01-13 04:17

 not really dumper.....your just used a shocking example the is completely irrelevant. so i did one back.......


 a hard days fishing still beats work

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crasny1's picture

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Its not a knee jerk reaction

Fri, 2014-01-10 12:54

This debate has been going on for years. I have been on Fishwrecked now since 2008. And evertime a shark takes a victim up pops this topic. And the media and other forums/social media have been over and over this.

It has been to the point of "popcorn anyone"

I have stated over and over again that I suspect in the pattern that it is 1 or 2 Rogue sharks that have learned this out of character behaviour. Something had to be done and if these larger animals (yes animals not puppies etc) are removed then we may see this pattern over here in WA return to a more normal situation. We will never completely remove the risk, but by removing a few large sharks it is not going to adversely effect the future risk to their extinction (which I would never want).

I think that drum lines have been tried in various locations, the Shark nets in Natal, South Africa is/are being replaced by drum lines because it is less harmful to other creatures like dolphins, turtles etc, and they have proved their effectiveness. I am totally against a random cull, but this is targetted to a small minority off the shark population, and selectively removes the greater risk.

It is unfortunately a good choice in a bad bunch of options, but the time has come to stop being nanny, dont bend to the ever louder cry of the greenies (sorry fellow Fishwreckers apposed to the drumlines its not aimed at you) and try something.


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

axey45's picture

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 Or we can get frank mundus n

Fri, 2014-01-10 13:19

 Or we can get frank mundus n vic hislop to clean up the whole thing. lol

Willlo's picture

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The decision has been made

Fri, 2014-01-10 09:13

The decision has been made like it or not the hooks will go out,get over it.If ya dont like it vote for someone else,its about the only thing this govt has done so far that i agree with.


 Call Sign - BZ785

Haynes Hunter Prowler CC


axey45's picture

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 I use to set setlines at the

Fri, 2014-01-10 15:04

 I use to set setlines at the montes for tigers n get 14n 16 fters back in the pearl farm days, not as good as on a line.

Saulty2's picture

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Fri, 2014-01-10 09:22

thats a bit harsh willo ,LO if not for Barney  doubt we would be able to wet a line .

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Fri, 2014-01-10 12:25

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 so they speared a fish to

Fri, 2014-01-10 13:43

 so they speared a fish to incite a shark feeding frenzy to shoot a video. They looked like they were no larger than 3- 4 feet. Hardly going to attack a surfer or diver are they. 





jdavies_99's picture

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Another Debate

Fri, 2014-01-10 14:07

Lets not turn this thread into another "Pro cull vs Anti Cull". It has been done a hundred times and we don't need another debate.

Like Willo above me said, agree or not but the law has been made and if you don't like it then vote different next time. I dont like speed cameras but that does not give me the moral right to go and sabotage all cameras.

These fools who are planning on going out there in a sub standard vessel to go and sabotage the nets are idiots and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The state of their vessel alone does nothing for their cause as it shows the true intelligence of these people.

Just because you dont believe in something does not give anyone the right to take the law into their own hands and start sabotaging equipment.

And before anyone pipes up saying that the government is breaking the law by killing protected species, Challenge them in court then. If you are so convinced it is illegal than you will have no problems winning in court.


2006 Sea Hunt 23 Walkaround w/ 150hp Yamaha 2006
1989 Haines Hunter Legend w/ 225hp Pro XS Mercury 2013
2006 Savage 14ft w/ 30hp Yamaha
1990 Zodiac 12ft w/ 4hp Mercury

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Fri, 2014-01-10 14:09

I am not above advocating Pro cull, nor am I advocating Anti Cull.

I am advocating "anti idiots who think they can sabotage gear as they see fit".


2006 Sea Hunt 23 Walkaround w/ 150hp Yamaha 2006
1989 Haines Hunter Legend w/ 225hp Pro XS Mercury 2013
2006 Savage 14ft w/ 30hp Yamaha
1990 Zodiac 12ft w/ 4hp Mercury

axey45's picture

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 Here Here, just like that

Fri, 2014-01-10 14:24

 Here Here, just like that idiot that vandalized barneys office. bloody nutta.

carnarvonite's picture

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Fri, 2014-01-10 14:34

When someone see a shark and takes a pic of it, the first thing they do is send it off to the media who replay the thing about 40.000 times in the first day and 20.000 each day for the next fortnight till another bit comes along.

Nothing is more terrifying than the though of someone being eaten alive and the media play it to the hilt. No mention of someone getting stung by a bee and dying, small mention in todays paper of a boy getting bitten by a dugite but think back a week or two when the last sighting was made. Everyone carries a phone with a camera in it or has a camera on his boat and if something pops its ugly head up they see it as their 2 minutes of fame by sending it in to the media, so that makes us as guilty as them.

I am against it because I was taught as a youngster that if you can't eat it or have a legitimate use for it don't kill it, its life is precious to it as well.

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Fri, 2014-01-10 16:20


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Again A Bit Off Topic

Fri, 2014-01-10 15:31

I'm waiting for the new Fisheries minister Ken Baston to stamp his brand on what is done with the sharks. I think this whole plan has still a way to go before the final decisions and contracts are allocated.

grantarctic1's picture

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Fri, 2014-01-10 17:54

 Gee's, we are all just waiting for him to do or say anything at all , I don't think he wanted the job . 

Faulkner Family's picture

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As far as I am concerned ,

Fri, 2014-01-10 18:17

As far as I am concerned , leave them alone. the sharks that is not the do gooder greenies.
before anyone says anything yes I have swam with sharks in their environment and I believe its their domane and if anything happens its my fault for being there , not the sharks because they are only doing what comes naturally.


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

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odd spot

Sun, 2014-02-09 21:10

 According to "Libra's Odd Spot" - makers of tampons or box plugs etc. You are more likely to get attacked by a cow than a shark. Just a bit of BLOODY trivia!