Got this email last night from Fisheries.


Good afternoon,  

You have received this email because you hold a licence for the recreational fishing of rock lobsters and your postcode indicates one of the areas you may fish is Warnbro Sound.    

Please read the advice below if you are considering fishing for rock lobsters by diving in the area in the near future. 

Shark Caution Advice for Warnbro Sound Water Users   

 The Department of Fisheries is advising water users in Warnbro Sound to exercise additional caution following a number of detections from a tagged white shark at the Warnbro Sound Shark Monitoring Network receiver recently. 

The frequency and duration of the recent detections indicates it is highly likely the current environmental conditions (which could include baitfish and spawning snapper) are acting as an attractant to both tagged and untagged sharks. Environmental conditions which attract sharks are usually transient and it is not uncommon for sharks to be present off the coast throughout the year, however, water users should be aware that, given the current environmental indications, the increase in shark activity in Warnbro Sound may continue for several days, and possibly over the Christmas period. 

The Department’s advice is that water users should:

  • Take additional caution in the Warnbro Sound area.
  • Keep informed of the latest detection and sighting information by checking the Surf Life Saving Twitter –  or the SharkSmart activity map
  • Report any shark sightings to Water Police on 9442 8600.
  • Adhere to any beach closures advised by your Local Government Rangers or Surf Life Saving WA.

 Kind regards,  

Shark Response Unit

Department of Fisheries