Short trip down south beach camping and landing a few salmon
Headed south near windy harbour, the old man and myself have been coming here since as young as i can remember chasing salmon. Easier track in than Yeagarup (not as fun) and i think it's where i caught my first salmon way back in the day.
I still find there's alot less crew than most places so it's easy to get a spot along the beach to camp and find a nice gutter to fish in. We were lucky to find two close to each other. The herring were so so thick which is a good sign and most times we were hooking up on 5/0 hooks with the herring and every retreival had a dozen or so following in the sinker! I put away the 10 footer and played around with the light gear and 1/0 hooks using a paternostor rig straight outa China that we buy (same as Reedy's Rigz but a 5th of the price...Aliexpress)
Good fun on 12lb line and ended up having a nice little cookup of herring/salmon for lunch.
Thanks for watching team and if you like it smash it thumbs up.
We Trek and Fish full time on the West Coast and you can see our Adventures here - (268) OldMate Adventures - YouTube
Posts: 6265
Date Joined: 26/04/14
very cool, ill be in
very cool, ill be in yeagarup next fri for a fish and a few beers
Posts: 108
Date Joined: 03/10/18
Nice one mate! Hopefully you
Nice one mate! Hopefully you get into a few!
Tinny's that is!
We Trek and Fish full time on the West Coast and you can see our Adventures here - (268) OldMate Adventures - YouTube
Posts: 6265
Date Joined: 26/04/14
fare chance i reckon
fare chance i reckon
Posts: 6265
Date Joined: 26/04/14
Nothing but a big old
Nothing but a big old wobbygong shark. Didnt look like much was happening on the beach as the swell was pretty solid all weekend
Posts: 108
Date Joined: 03/10/18
Arr no good mate, My old man
Arr no good mate,
My old man went down late last week and they said the salmon were so thick they were beaching the herring! Between 3 of them they caught and released about 30 odd in one day.
We Trek and Fish full time on the West Coast and you can see our Adventures here - (268) OldMate Adventures - YouTube
Posts: 6265
Date Joined: 26/04/14
back to windy?
back to windy?
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18105
Date Joined: 11/03/08
looks like it was a great
looks like it was a great trip. good effort getting the reel back on the rod and keeping the fish
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Fisher Kid
Posts: 358
Date Joined: 16/10/12
Hey mate awesome vid!
Hey mate awesome vid! Would ya be able to point me in the direction of wherabouts to go down windy harbor? I.e. is this south of point Dentrecasteux? Ive been heading down yeagerup for the past 5 years but Its never sight fishing and im up for some calmer sight casting now, gets boring lobbing baits and waiting for a school to comethrough.
Could be the time we go but i find yeagerup is always rough us / visibility is trash. Trying down hamelin lately but the crowds are a pain.
Fishing and catching are two different things. But i want to learn how to catch.
Posts: 108
Date Joined: 03/10/18
Yeah Mate we head to
Yeah Mate we head to SummerTime Track just north of Windy, easier track in but alot less of a crowd. It's much the same style fishing as Yeag's though. I more like the camping on the beach and getting away from it all for a couple of days rather than running up and down a beach casting lures wildly at schools of salmon. More exciting i agree but our group fishing trips are very "relaxed" and sometimes half of us don't even throw a line in.
Lots of crew catch salmon around DeepDeen near Augusta this year. Schools have seemed to be bunched up there most days.
We Trek and Fish full time on the West Coast and you can see our Adventures here - (268) OldMate Adventures - YouTube