Site Upgrade
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Mon, 2007-02-12 21:09
Hi Guys,
There may be some downtime over the next day or two, it's unlikely, but may happen.
Latest Content is now being split into:
Latest Photos - which will display 50 images on each page
Latest Forums - which will display 50 forums on each page
There will also be emoticons (smiley faces etc) added to the site as a trial, it may cause some disturbance to adding photos into threads, so I will keep an eye on this and would ask if anyone notices anything to inform either Andy Mac or myself.
I hope these changes can make your fishwrecked browsing that little bit easier and more enjoyable.
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Upgrade 'should' happen over the weekend. My mate who does my programming is in India and has had lots of trouble with downtime, so should be soon.
You may have also noticed that sometimes the site doesn't load and a - CPU exceeded notice comes up. This is a result of spammers running scripts against the web host which cause their computers to overload with data processing. Only takes 5 minutes for the hosting/site to overcome them and it returns to normality.
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance