Smiling Weather Gods
Submitted by Chinbald on Tue, 2017-06-06 15:29
Spent the week leading up to the Long Weekend fishing the Islands off Carnarvon. Weather gods were smiling so we managed to fish the North, Mid and down at St Cricq and Dampier Reef. Caught some great fish including Reds Estuary Cods, Rankins, Spanglies, Baldies, you name it. Got smoked by some huge fish on plastics and also trolling. Highlights where Estuary and Rankin Cods on plastics, double hookup on Mahi Mahi and also getting some good Reds up to 9kg. Sharks were good except down in the 50s south of Dorre where landing a good fish was hard work. Did approx, 270 nm in three trips for 380l fuel
Posts: 14
Date Joined: 02/07/13
Nice work guys. Hope the weather is that kind when we head up to Exmouth in 3 weeks
>Theres a fine line between fishing and sitting there looking stupid
Posts: 1356
Date Joined: 13/01/12
Smashed it!!
That's a great sized Spango. Definitely got kissed on the ...k by the weather fairy
Posts: 790
Date Joined: 25/05/12
All good fish all good sizes
All good fish all good sizes well done chinbald
Posts: 1534
Date Joined: 06/02/13
Livin the dream that is. Top
Livin the dream that is. Top stuff
Hi my name is rob............. and I'm a........... fishaholic
Posts: 191
Date Joined: 08/04/12
You weighed some nice fish in
You weighed some nice fish in too.
Posts: 317
Date Joined: 21/02/09
50 grams.
We got knocked off by 50 grams on a number of species, first time at the event and loved the crowds at the weigh in. Reminded me of being a kid watching the excitement of the weigh master calling a new leader when a big fish was presented. Some of the Trout werer huge, one fish we couldn't find with plenty of effort and miles put in to get one.
Posts: 349
Date Joined: 04/02/12
Cannot complain about that outing.
Fisheagle Ed
Posts: 381
Date Joined: 09/08/12
Great catches
Well done. You certainly would have put in some miles catching all those fish.
Posts: 194
Date Joined: 13/02/17
Thats a stonka bauldi well done.
Posts: 150
Date Joined: 13/02/11
Nice Bag
Good bag, I was also there that week. Probably drove past you a few times haha. We couldn't get away from the Rankin on the back side at one stage.
Got good mixed bags of Reds, Trout, Bauldchin and Rankin through the week.
We went down to St Cricq on the Monday, through the gap along the back side and down to St Cricq on Tuesday, the same on Thursday and went to Koks Friday.
Few boats to the north of us a couple of mile on the Monday, looked like they were fishing together.
Weather seems to be kind during the comp week :)
Posts: 6265
Date Joined: 26/04/14
hows the size of that red in
hows the size of that red in the esky damnnnnnnn