South metro pelagics

Headed out on the troll off Rockingham and headed norwest. Matt Lined out and as soon as he flicked the bail he was on. We dropped that fish but shortly after got a double hook up and boated 2 blues almost double the size of the fish at the beginning of the year. Hunted around on the bank for a while looking at lumps but nothing exciting. Left the bank and headed for home and picked up a few more blues and a big sharky which went a smidge under a meter. Bit sad when it wasnt a spaniyard but thats fishin. Anyways fun session out there.


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Thu, 2011-05-12 13:00

 haha first photo looks like you copped a wiff,

still im bloody jealous, in all the years trolling for mackos off Perth, never hooked a sharkie!

There nice on the plate sharkies, but still laugh how people get put off by the ammonia,

probably the same blokes that never clean the shower,good morning mate.



hlokk's picture

Posts: 4293

Date Joined: 04/04/08

Good to see you're getting

Thu, 2011-05-12 13:08

Good to see you're getting out there. Keep it in your mind and dont let it fade over the coming months, haha.

That sharkie looked like he only had his head dipped in the yellow sharkie paint. Very nice blues though. Did you keep the sharkie?


Quad: I dont want my dinner to taste like shower cleaner, even if I can stand the smell when cleaning :p. I've had some sharkies come up great, but i've had some come up bleh. Always bleed and slurry. Maybe its the finer technique/other variable, or maybe it just varies fish to fish. I have heard of some people saying they vary from location to location. One I had from abrolhos was good, same with onslow, but perth one was :s

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I'm Jealous

Thu, 2011-05-12 13:26

Tried a few times earlier on in the year, no success. Since I've given up on the pelagics on the boat, found some tuna out wide though. Been sticking to the mullas from the beach. 
Well done! 



Insta: @wafishingofficial

Matt K's picture

Posts: 63

Date Joined: 25/04/08

Yeah we thought it was a

Thu, 2011-05-12 20:10

Yeah we thought it was a spaniard at first til we saw its head, maybe cross bred..

Tunas were a first for me and awesome fun to catch!


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hlokk's picture

Posts: 4293

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You can get all silver

Fri, 2011-05-13 00:40

You can get all silver sharkies sometimes. My last one looked pretty silver in the water, but went that green/gold colour out of the water pretty easily. Some just stay silvery. Bit odd the head is yellow though :P.

One think I always noticed, especially on the bigger, meatier sharkies is just how small their head is compared to their body, especially compared to a mack. Also, teeth are a bit different (and they can open their mouths super wide). Did you cook it up, or release it?


Yeah, tunas are great fun, and great eating! Great sized ones there too. I have to try Tony's 'tinned' tuna sometime.

Matt K's picture

Posts: 63

Date Joined: 25/04/08

It was kept mate, tried some

Fri, 2011-05-13 08:02

It was kept mate, tried some of it in sashimi which was beautiful. Doesn't freeze up well though, very oily fish.

Haha that 'tinned' tuna actually looks pretty good, much better than I imagined when it was described :) 


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