Southern Comfort?

Meet my mate Southern Cod.  Found him on Sunday....well the cod part out in the 50's and the southern cray near carnac.

Was a slow day for fishing for us, but it was time limited as we did a couple of dives aswell.  We started out deep in 120's.  First drop resulted in a 1.3 sambo, but that was it.  A few drops at various shallower spots on the way back in returned the same - nil.

Lunch time - time to dive.  We started with a deepish dive - 28's, where I saw the biggest boar fish I have ever seen under a large ledge which was a great site.  Only one cray though for that dive out from under a very deep ledge that held about 20 crays and a couple of jumbos.  They were just too far back (even without a tank on my back -was on hookah).  2nd dive we moved to near Carnac and bagged another 10 crays in quick time.

The days catch; 

Was a very pleasant day on the water and a great way to escape the days onshore heat.

Cheers Pete

Adam Gallash's picture

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Tue, 2009-02-03 09:50

Another top report Pete, loving the colours in the cray/cod pic, awesome detail.


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Faulkner Family's picture

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Man what can i say but $#&#^ ha ha

Tue, 2009-02-03 17:25

jelous me i know but great catch and pics mate plus report .



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carnarvonite's picture

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Boar fish

Tue, 2009-02-03 17:57

Where is the boar fish,one of my top 3 eating fish,IMO better than dhuies

Colin Hay's picture

Posts: 10407

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Top stuff Pete

Tue, 2009-02-03 19:47

Great pics and a great catch.
Still happy to be adopted if the offer is still open. You must eat like kings at your house.
(Colin 1 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)


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UncutTriggerInWA's picture

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Cameras can be so much fun these days..LOL

Tue, 2009-02-03 20:47

Great Pics! The sort of thing my wife would do. No interest in the hunter-gather at work.. its all about the placement of objects etc to get an effect.. LOL

Cheers, Vince


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big john's picture

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Southern Red Cray

Tue, 2009-02-03 21:09

Love the colours on the cray. Never seen one in the flesh but that photo is almost good enough. Can't taste the photo though!


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cray catch!

Tue, 2009-02-03 22:21

Good work Pete & Brad, the Southern fighter eh........rare! Time to hit the deep mate, let me know!


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Pete D's picture

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Haha - still swimming

Wed, 2009-02-04 05:39

Haha - still swimming carnarvonite.  I did have my gun in hand though...but he was too nice to shoot!

Haha, the offer was never there Colin...I'm sure someone loves you do ironing and..... hahaha

Southern fighter is right Ryse.  Pulled him out of the loop and bang, latched onto my arm.  They have very strong legs.  Took a fair bit to wrestle him off (without rippin gthe new suit).  I've probably caught about 10 over the last 15 years, so yeah, rare.

You right about the colours BJ.  They usually have a bit more purple in them aswell.

Cheers Pete