Star drag reel

 Hi fellas, recently going back to overhead reels. Pulled my old saltiga 30 out of the cupboard, stripped off the 20lb mono and put new 50 lb braid on it. However the reel claimed 10kg drag, I fully locked up the adjustable tension screw then backed it off a mm so i can still turn the handle without too much force, fully locked up the star drag and I reckon I am getting no where close to 10 kg.

On my Stella 8000, I can't pull line off at 10 kgs. Anyway my question is, when u guys fish with star drag reels is it ok to fish it with the star drag turned to the max all the time? When I back it off a notch it loses heaps of drag.

Thanks guys

Posts: 19

Date Joined: 08/10/12

Hey fisharoo,Sounds like you

Sat, 2013-01-12 10:43

Hey fisharoo,

Sounds like you are in need of a drag service or upgrade, backing off one notch on the star drag shouldnt loose you that much pressure. Fishing at max is OK but always remember to back off after getting home.

Cheers bws

Posts: 315

Date Joined: 30/05/08


Sat, 2013-01-12 10:53

 The tension screw only tightens or loosens the spool for casting , helping To provent over winds and wont affect the drag of the reel . Did u store the reel with the drag still set , if u did the your drag washers would of been under pressure for to long and will probably require replacing . Before locking up on your overhead , the less line on the spool the tighter the drag becomes . 

Posts: 46

Date Joined: 15/11/07

Hi. With those Saltiga's and

Sun, 2013-01-13 22:08



With those Saltiga's and Saltists.

Dump the soft drag washers and install some Smoothies\Carbontex.

The paper Daiwa. drag is ok till the first service then falls apart in your hands when removing to clean. (Mine did)

I'm going to check out the 50 lever 2 spd first b4 using it.