Stolen Uniforms - Fisheries
Here is the media release for the stolen Fisheries uniforms from last week.
10 February 2006 19/2006
Concern over stolen Fisheries’ uniforms and equipment
The Department of Fisheries is seeking help from anyone with information about a break and enter, in which uniforms, work gear, keys and documents were stolen.
Manager of Central Support Services Greg Finlay said the break and enter on a Fisheries’ vehicle in a southeastern Perth suburb is believed to have occurred in the early hours of Saturday morning.
“The vehicle was parked at a home in Huntingdale and a passenger window was forced and the thief or thieves grabbed bags and work gear from the rear of the Holden Rodeo,” Mr Finlay said.
“One of the bags contained several sets of uniforms and there were cards and documentation, including a certificate of appointment as an Fisheries officer in a back pack that was also stolen.
“We are concerned that, whoever has taken the clothing and equipment may use it to impersonate a Fisheries and Marine Officer (FMO), so it is important the offenders are apprehended.
“It is important for any members of the public to ensure that the identity of any FMO who may be dealing with them matches the photograph on their certificate of appointment, which officers are required to produce when they are carrying out their duties”
Mr Finlay said impersonating an FMO was a very serious matters and anyone doing so could face a jail term and a substantial fine under the Fish Resources Management Act (FRMA) 1994.
“The Act allows for up to 12 months’ imprisonment and a maximum fine of $10,000 for anyone who might use the stolen uniforms or equipment to pretend they are an authorised FMO,” he said.
“So, before anything like that occurs we are appealing for the return of the uniforms and equipment or for information from any member of the public who knows who may have the stolen gear, which included two pairs of binoculars, rock lobster gauges, documents, note pads, cards and keys.
“Anyone who calls Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 to report the whereabouts of the clothing or the equipment can remain anonymous.”
The Central Support Services Manager said the FMO, who discovered the break-in on the vehicle, believed the thief or thieves were interrupted and fled when driveway security lights came on.
“It appears the person or people only had time to push in one of the windows of the Rodeo and snatch two bags from the rear passenger compartment,” Mr Finlay said.
“As a result of the break in, the Department is reviewing its procedures regarding the storage of uniforms and equipment in Fisheries’ vehicles.”
Ashley Malone
Senior Media Liaison Officer
Ph: 9203 0357
Mobile: 0418 901 767
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