Sunday Behind Rotto

Headed out behind rottnest on sunday. The weather was against us in a big way early on, even with the sea anchor out it was hard to slow down the drift to a reasonable speed. We kept at it and the weather sorted itself out at around 11am. Ended up with a dhu a bit above 60cm and a nice KG at 55cm as well as a decent break sea and a couple red throat emps. Threw back a good number of sized break sea and red throats as well as another dhu that just went size plus a few small pinkys and the usual bycatch. Managed 3 different species of scorpion fish too. One that I had never seen before, which was bright red with a blue face, real angry looking mofo.



Conditions weren't favourable, but worth fishing. Bottom bashing can be tough when there is a decent easterly. While the dhu was no monster by any means, it was still a decent bag to go home with on a tough day.

deepwater's picture

Posts: 1921

Date Joined: 09/05/07

Well Done there Noxious ,got

Tue, 2013-07-23 05:19

Well Done there Noxious ,got to be happy with that feed mate ,they look like good red throats and a nice size kg




Noxious's picture

Posts: 504

Date Joined: 22/12/11

Cheers mate. KG was a

Wed, 2013-07-24 11:14

Cheers mate.


KG was a thumper, have caught a few lately from 55-60cm, haven't caught any under 50cm in a long while. Not that I'm complaining.


Red throats are in plague proportions at a couple of our marks.