suzuki outboards

thinking of powering a 6.7 barcruser with a suzuki 175 4 stroke

just chasing peoples thoughts on this motor

Posts: 1755

Date Joined: 02/01/10

good motors.  I have a suzuki

Sat, 2013-02-16 07:57

good motors.  I have a suzuki DF200 on a 6.5 mt signature, and it has been great.  175 om a barcrusher should be just right!


Posts: 9358

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Oddly, I find myself agreeing

Sat, 2013-02-16 07:58

Oddly, I find myself agreeing with PA.

Go the zuke! I have been on a lot of boats with the DF140 and it's a great motor.


Posts: 80

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 is their much difference in

Sat, 2013-02-16 07:58

 is their much difference in price for a yamaha only reason is when i was buying a boat last year i saw two boats for sale with suzukies and thay had just had full rebuilds and one was still under new warrenty so hadent done many hrs could hav been a couple of one offs and or a story behind them but once u hear that u do have secound thoughts their will be people who love and back them all the way 

Posts: 19

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only motor

Sat, 2013-02-16 08:17

Thanks for your replies

That is the only motor brand the dealer has

Posts: 1392

Date Joined: 08/01/09

I have used them as a guide in the NT

Sat, 2013-02-16 08:20

IMO they are the best motor on the market. The 140 I was using was under new warranty. For a new warranty service, they would put one of their service team on a light plane from Darwin and send him out. He would rock up with his laptop, plug it in and away he went. He had access to the whole history of the engine from the 1st turn of the key.

We did have a small electrical problem. They did the same thing with their service tecnician. It ended up being a rat that had got in the boat that had chewed through some wires in the wiring harness.

I could not fault them.

I also used Yamaha for a long period before this. Again a brilliant motor.

My opinion is that the Suzuki is a better motor. A bit quieter, better fuel economy, but the service we got from Suzuki was the stand out difference.



Posts: 1755

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Quieter is an

Sat, 2013-02-16 08:24

Quieter is an understatement.

I drove onto my trailer, the missus hooked up the safety chain and off we went to the boat wash.  Missus hands me the hose and I start washing the inside of the boat.  I was near the stern when I thought, what is that noise...... D'OH!!!!!  Forgot to turn off the motor.  It is so quiet at idle, I find myself looking at the tacho a lot to see if it is still running.

Posts: 251

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 Out of interest whose the

Sat, 2013-02-16 09:10

 Out of interest whose the Perth dealers for Suzuki ?

pricey10's picture

Posts: 486

Date Joined: 07/01/12

Try millard in bunbury they

Sat, 2013-02-16 15:37

Try millard in bunbury they looked after me.I have nothing good to say about the one that sells caravans.... 


Karratha. WA

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The caravan bunch in Kingsley

Sat, 2013-02-16 09:19

The caravan bunch in Kingsley and Brett Ward/West Coast Suzuki Marine are in Bibra Lake but also run a mobile service.


shonky's picture

Posts: 203

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top donks

Sat, 2013-02-16 09:31

I have a  2004 225 johnson imported from the states which is really an albino suzuki, very quiet and fuel efficient and the new ones are even better. very good for twin setups as well as they can be made to counter rotate by just throwing a lever or switch or something.heaps better that the 2004 175 two stroke my last boat had.


This habit is getting expensive!

seaswirl's picture

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Sat, 2013-02-16 09:39

 great motor, i have a 300hp. brett ward had the best price...

Dizzy's picture

Posts: 753

Date Joined: 21/02/11

I fitted a new DF150 on the

Sat, 2013-02-16 11:21

I fitted a new DF150 on the back of my boat and it's been great. (Imported from US)

Quiet, and unbelievably torquey spinning a 15.75" diameter prop (can spin up to 16")

i chose the 150 over the 140 as the latter is  basically just a highly strung version of the DF90 and DF115.

The 140 is obviously still a VERY good engine but the big block 150 (nearly 3L) was going to be producing the HP with far less effort which has got to be good for reliability / longevity.

(and the torque of the 150 is on another level)

The 175 is exactly the same block, leg etc as the 150, but has variable valve timing and higher tuning to extract the extra 25HP.

Sometimes wish I went the 175 over the 150 for pure zing - but with the majority of the extra HP coming within the higher, and narrower 5500-6100 WOT range (vs 5000-6000 on the 150) I figured I wouldn't be using it that much.

Besides, the 150 was going to be plenty for my tub.

The DF175 is a great engine for a boat that needs that HP, with the added bonus of VVT delivering increased torque at lower revs while running on the first stage cam timing, then switching timing for max HP when operating at higher revs.

The principle of extra horsepower from same engine doesn't really apply as it's only 16% between the 150 & 175 vs a whopping 55% between the base DF90 and the suped-up DF140.




sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15048

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 I can attest to them being

Sat, 2013-02-16 11:27

 I can attest to them being an awesome motor. I have the DF90  on mine it's quiet, very fuel efficient and has plenty of get up and go. I'll be looking for a DF70 for my project boat very soon.


Love the West!

chris raff's picture

Posts: 3257

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The black cowling sucks

Sat, 2013-02-16 14:38

The black cowling sucks ...reminds of a previous motor I had , other than that you'd be hard pressed to find a bad word against them...


Intelligence is like a four-wheel drive. It only allows you to get stuck in more remote places.”

Dizzy's picture

Posts: 753

Date Joined: 21/02/11

I agree ! - black definitely

Sat, 2013-02-16 14:53

I agree ! - black definitely has a negative stigma attached - I've  even seen knockers referring to them as the new "black anchors"

Plus Yammy colours would have suited my White/Grey/Blue tub perfectly :P

But it had a great run with the Johnzuki 115 on it prior, and $$$ and performance figures made the choice pretty easy to stay with the Suzi.



alfred's picture

Posts: 3097

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Love the Suzuki outboards. 

Sat, 2013-02-16 16:33

Love the Suzuki outboards.  If I had a choice of motors, it would be a Suzuki.

They sip petrol and sure are quiet.  Had both my boats on either side of the finger jetty at OR a few years ago, both with the motors (Johnzuki and Verado) running and regardless of which boat I climbed into, the only motor i could hear was the Verado.

Posts: 22

Date Joined: 02/08/11

Another vote of confidence

Sat, 2013-02-16 21:42

Another vote of confidence from me. I've had my DF140 and Scout 5.8 for about 6 months now and it has proven to be quiet, economical and reliable.

Posts: 5821

Date Joined: 18/01/12

Suzuki and Yam

Sat, 2013-02-16 22:03

Suzukis and Yams 4S , best combinations of weight cost and usability

advantage of the Suzi is the extra gearing, its always more efficient to push alot of water slowly than a little bit fast.

Ive got a pair of DF115's and the only downside for me is that they arent counter rotating, wasnt available til 2009.

So if anyone has a counter 90/100/115/140 and wants to swap boxes to get a standard rotation give me a buzz!


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


Posts: 4586

Date Joined: 01/02/10

Wonder if Suzuki will end up

Sat, 2013-02-16 22:17

Wonder if Suzuki will end up distributing the motors themselves again?
Lots of people got burnt badly when Suzuki pulled out of Australia last time. No parts availability and no warranty left a lot of owners very annoyed.

Suppose the Internet and being able to buy parts online has eased some concerns in that area.


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

damo6230's picture

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Suzuki 115

Sun, 2013-02-17 13:47

First thing everybody says is how quiet they are.

No matter how I drive my boat I average 2km  per litre.

Never had problems with the motor but here in the tropics I just drain my fuel filter regularly to remove the water as the hunidty lets it creep in. The engine soon lets you know when it sniffs water in the fuel when out wide so all good.

Would certainly buy another one and a mate has the 70 with 2500 hours and absolutely no problems and thats a shite load of trolling in the NT.

I am looking to get plenty of hours out of mine 

Posts: 7

Date Joined: 01/11/12

I bought the nex df60 last

Mon, 2013-02-18 08:02

I bought the nex df60 last year for my Stacer and it has run a treat and is cheap on fuel.  I have had absolutelly no dramas with it.  The only annoying thing is when fishing and 15 minutes later you see the water spurting out the tell tale hole because you forgot to turn the bugger off, its that quiet.

shonky's picture

Posts: 203

Date Joined: 22/04/12

I Fish

Tue, 2013-02-19 22:41

was watching I Fish the other day and I am pretty sure the guy on there said the Suzis on their boat had 13000 hrs on them and were still rock solid! He reckoned if that was a car that would be more than a million Ks!!


This habit is getting expensive!

Posts: 4586

Date Joined: 01/02/10

I personally know of a guide

Wed, 2013-02-20 04:21

I personally know of a guide boat that had over 8000 in the NT. Had a couple of gearbox issues at 2000 hours. He was looking at upgrading at 5500 but decided to see what he could get out of it. As far as I know its still going.


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?