swan river bull shark attacks

I found a great website to view really old newspapers in perth.
Just found a few swan river shark storys....

jan 1888




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deepwater's picture

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im so glad i live in exxy

Wed, 2010-05-05 15:46

im so glad i live in exxy ,we dont have a river like that....lol good to look at old stuff like that now and again thanks talor marc


tailor marc's picture

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Here is the website if

Wed, 2010-05-05 15:50

Here is the website if anyone wants to look.....


Type in what ever you art interested in the search section.

Lots of interesting stuff about freo prison!


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Matt T's picture

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Wed, 2010-05-05 16:52

Thanks Marc - looking forward to the next crab dive even more now mate....lol

milsey's picture

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ahah yer and my next skurf

Wed, 2010-05-05 16:57

ahah yer and my next skurf next to the scotch boat shed.

Redfin 4 Life's picture

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Haha you would never know

Wed, 2010-05-05 18:23

Haha you would never know there had been that many incedents in the swan without seeing these...




Goodz's picture

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Oh how newspapers have

Wed, 2010-05-05 20:34

Oh how newspapers have changed the way the write... love the old speak!




Alan James's picture

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That's right Goodz, and more

Wed, 2010-05-05 20:48

That's right Goodz, and more often than not I'm sure they actually reported the truth.



tailor marc's picture

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hahaha yeah i have see a big

Thu, 2010-05-06 10:40

hahaha yeah i have see a big one down pepperming grove last year.

Lots in the river but rearly attack . They must be well fed


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beejay's picture

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Pro fisherman

Thu, 2010-05-06 13:27

I was fishing with an uncle (ex pro fisherman) one night for mulloway in the Swan. A pro named Hec Simpson pulled up next to us and told us he just had a mulloway taken by a big bitey. He said it was a semi regular occurence.

I thought yeh yeh bullshit. Later I saw a photo in an old Western Angler mag with Hec showing the head of a mulloway which was all that was left after a shark had taken it in the swan.

The article stated that the experts determined it to be a Tiger shark. Must have been a descent one because the head that was left looked pretty descent size.

Wouldn't like to come accross that when diving for Prawns.

I'll see if I can find the article and scan it. 



tailor marc's picture

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While fishing last night i

Fri, 2010-05-21 14:24

While fishing last night i hooked something massive at mosmans. Peeled line off left then right . Next thing i see a big splash 100mtrs out where the fish would be then ping! Lost it! Still had the hooks so it must of been hooked in the lip.

What else in the swan would pull like that and break the surface? Wasnt a ray, seen it and it was either fish or shark around 20kg


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tailor marc's picture

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Anyone keen to chase some

Tue, 2011-09-20 14:12

Anyone keen to chase some bullys?


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Posts: 78

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 Where would you chase em? my

Tue, 2011-09-20 15:48

 Where would you chase em? my guess would be around blackwall reach

Posts: 9358

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Way further up than that, you

Tue, 2011-09-20 16:54

Way further up than that, you hear of sighting near ascott.

Never seen a shark diving for prawns around blackwall.


Posts: 521

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 there were 5 of them up near

Wed, 2011-09-21 20:58

 there were 5 of them up near kent st weir (also way up)

Never got round to palnning the shark mission


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Paul_86's picture

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A bit off topic but it would

Tue, 2011-09-20 16:20

A bit off topic but it would be pretty interesting to try and study the swan river bullsharks and tag and track a few to find out where they hang out, hunt and breed etc.
Any marine biologists out there with a heap of spare cash and time on thier hands haha.

crasny1's picture

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I was "bumped" by something solid

Tue, 2011-09-20 18:27

years ago off Sandy Beach in Bassendean swimming a fishing net out (when you could still do it). It was a solid bump but felt "alive" and moved. I walked on water on the opposite side off the net from the bump, but never knew what it was or could have been.

Wondered what it could have been, and bull shark came to mind. Never stopped me in those days, but my GWS encounter on the windsurfer did.



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 I keep hearing reports of

Tue, 2011-09-20 20:41

 I keep hearing reports of bullies being spotted but I don't know how legit these reports are.

I've tried a couple of times at spots where I think they would be, but haven't had any success yet. Probably need to put in a few more hours though.

I've seen what I believe was one (i'm about 90% sure) around 3 or 4 years ago, thrashing about in the shallows, but nothing else.

When you guys have seen them, what have you seen? Have you seen the whole shark? Or just seen thrashing about etc?

I was speaking to this old bloke recently who rekons he saw 2 swimming together near the causway about 2 months ago, but im inclined to think they were just dolphins haha. I do know of a few that were netted around that area not to long ago though, including a 1.8m one, so they definitley are out there.

Paul_86's picture

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About 4 years ago i seen a

Wed, 2011-09-21 09:48

About 4 years ago i seen a swan river bully, rite out the front of perth city in the middle of the big body of water. We were just cruising along in the boat on the edge of the chanel when we seen somethen start going nuts about 20m's away, seen it smashing fish up in the shallows for about 20 seconds so managed to get a good enough look at it to know it was a shark.
Most sighting are probly just dolphins but a few would definently be sharks.

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 one of my friends parents

Wed, 2011-09-21 21:02

 one of my friends parents swear they saw one cruising around near the surface while going over the narrows a couple of years back


 Subway cookie is the best burley

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"13 yr old boy molested by

Wed, 2011-09-21 09:38

"13 yr old boy molested by shark"

claymore's picture

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this is most likely the most

Wed, 2011-09-21 12:22

this is most likely the most accurate study done recently ... http://www.perthnow.com.au/lifestyle/three-juvenile-bull-sharks-caught-in-swan-river/story-e6frg3sl-1226011978996 and how about that, it was reported on my birthday ... it must be good.



claymore's picture

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the abc wrote a better

Wed, 2011-09-21 12:24

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I wouldn't call that a study.

Wed, 2011-09-21 15:50

I wouldn't call that a study. Murdoch hasn't done any studies on swan river bullsharks specifically, those three captures were just bycatches. still it shows strong evidence that they are out there, possibly in reasonable numbers.

The two that I heard about being netted were also by murdoch researchers, but this was around 1.5 years ago.

I'm very keen to catch one on a line though.

flangies's picture

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The mulloway fishers around

Wed, 2011-09-21 16:41

The mulloway fishers around the causeway/herrison Island always get em.. I've seen three caught and many more bust offs

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hope linking to another forum

Wed, 2011-09-21 16:42

hope linking to another forum doesnt get me in trouble but Daniel Westerdiun caught this 4 yrs ago, hes known as the storm snapper king......
