Tasty brace of KG's

Got a nice feed of kidney slappers yesterday with TimVB, all between 46 and 52 cm.

Had to work for them but looking forward to some shalowed fried panko crumbed fillets tonite.


Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.

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rigpig's picture

Posts: 508

Date Joined: 21/11/12

nice work

Fri, 2015-10-30 10:23

Haven't caught a KG yet but it is my target species while the demersal ban is on. I'm heading out all weekend so fingers crossed.

Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

A great feed coming up

Fri, 2015-10-30 11:08

They are one of the best feeds to come from the ocean IMO.

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15049

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Beautiful fish John. They

Fri, 2015-10-30 11:13

 Beautiful fish John. They put up such a good show too on light gear.


Love the West!

quest's picture

Posts: 248

Date Joined: 03/08/15

Nice job

Fri, 2015-10-30 11:58

Good size ones too.

Posts: 334

Date Joined: 02/09/14


Fri, 2015-10-30 15:47

fantastic fish, I use bigger hooks when I get onto a whiting honey hole, more change of snagging a 30cm plus whiting and getting onto a decent KG if they are around
as well



Posts: 2946

Date Joined: 03/03/10


Fri, 2015-10-30 19:36

crackers , love my fishing but not keen on eating fish I make an exception for them but I will go the fang on them up there with red empoure in my opinion

Ashen's picture

Posts: 1042

Date Joined: 22/03/13


Sat, 2015-10-31 16:26

 Very nice KG.  Awesome fun on bream gear, and one of my favourite fish to eat!


A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!

Notorious's picture

Posts: 914

Date Joined: 23/02/12

 Nice!What kind of ground do

Sat, 2015-10-31 17:50


What kind of ground do you get them on? and depth? Want to try line fish for some. 




JimmyJ's picture

Posts: 3

Date Joined: 03/11/15

Nice work

Wed, 2015-11-04 11:06

I was able to get onto some decent KG's on Sunday, biggest going 49cm... Great fun and very tasy, shame the weather is looking a bit how you doing this weekend, keen to get out again, we will see!!!!



Jim Jordan