Things that have happened to you as a decky and what you have done to deckies
As a result of some good feedback from on the "have you suffered from seasickness thread" a lot of chatter has come out about what you have had to do as a decky and what your skipper has made you do as part of your "job"!!!
I've spent quite a few years at sea, either as a decky crayfishing for one season [that was enough] salmon fishing, wetlining and sharkfishing both longline and demersal netting as a decky and as a skipper. Over that time I've met some real characters who played some of the worst tricks you could imagine and done some good ones myself.
While sharking up north we had a market for shark claspers [dicks] and would cut them off and chuck them in a bucket to be rinsed and counted/ weighed at the end of each day, anytime we had a newby on board we would get them to give the dicks a rinse which involve squirting them with the deck hose that delivers something like 50 litres a minute flow through an inch hose. The newby would poke the hose in the bucket and instantly with salt water it foams up so I would yell at the poor bugger, grab the bucket and toss the contents over the side , telling him that they were now bloody worthless as he'd washed the sperm out of them and it was a loss of something like $300 a kilo. The decky would nearly shit himself.
The other crew were wise to it and had bolted up round the wheelhose and were cacking themselves while I tore strips off the poor bugger as they'd been through it themselves. The poor bloke would be a blubbering wreck for about 10 minutes till we let them in on the secret.
Much the same down south when we pulled up the orange spongy gorganzola in the net, the decky would instantly try to pull it out but being soft it would fall to bits instantly and away i'd go.
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Outfished the skipper, its
Outfished the skipper, its never good.
I remember some discussions about who had to get in the water to reset the transducer mount.
Same for picking someone else's line out of the prop ... And going around the next day to make sure it was all out by removing the prop.
Who had to climb over the bow to tie off the tow line (no names mentioned).
Possibly one of the worst things I have ever seen was another decky holding tuna spraying blood all over the inside of the boat, and the poor skipper forgot his wash hose too, so he drove his dirty boat home.
Been that guy getting his feet/knees/nuts wet on a few occasions on a cold morn with the launch or retrieve.
Wasted a lot of time with a really big dolly on light gear once, pissed the skipper off a bit.
Pissed a skipper off by leaving him and his mate my 11.5kg dhufish, and taking home the 12kg one, along with the rest of their catch of pinkies, KG, BA and the rest of it.
One of my deckies though, he slipped over on the ramp and pretty much lay there with his head in line with the reversing trailer wheel. I did stop the boat, maybe not as fast as he would like, but fast enough that I didn't run his head over. He got a few pity crayfish but I think he was still smarting when we parted company ;)
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Date Joined: 24/07/07
IMO you can outfish the skipper any time you want, its fish in the icebox that count, doesn't matter who catches them.
Skippers job is to put the boat on to the fish and keep it there, decky's job is to catch the fish while its there.
Posts: 606
Date Joined: 30/06/09
Now come on Till, it never
Now come on Till, it never even came close to running me over.
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Ahh I thought that was why
Ahh I thought that was why your eyes were so wide!
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Date Joined: 22/04/09
Was fishing out the montes one year on a charter me and a couple other blokes took the tender for a spin (5m ocean whaler) while pointing out at some imaginary object floating in the water one of the boys had turned around and was looking still with a beer in his hand i was slowly squeezing the guts and juice out of a couyple of squid from the bait bag into his beer one mouthfull after that you can imagine the rest RRRRRRRalph HAHAHA
We feel nothing but a certain difficulty in continuing to stand
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Date Joined: 24/07/07
Port Hedland
Hedland was a great spot to fish out of except when you had the boat on a mooring and came ashore in the 10 foot dinghy, tied it up to the public jetty with enough slack in the rope to allow for the tide and in a way that it wasn't going to get caught under any of the landings.
When you come back a few hour later to find some do gooder who knows best has tied it up short and there's the boat swinging in the breeze with the fuel tank dangling on the fuel hose also in the air.
Then it was toss a coin time to see who was going to climb down and walk out in the knee deep stinking black mud to make sure it came down properly when the rope was released. [Learnt a long time back how to feel what side of a coin was going to turn up while it was still in my palm and how to flip it over so that I would win each time] Even the owner couldn't work out why he lost all the time.
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Date Joined: 22/04/09
the old wolf herring
Another one was a mate of mine was out fishing in cossack river and he caught a big wolf herring and didnt know what it was he bought it home anyway and brang it around home asked me what it was i started acting up to the situation trying to get his secret spot as to where he caught it no chance he was gunna tell me anyway i started raving on how good they are on the tooth chicken of the sea he decides to get some of his family around home for a fresh feed of baked whole fish soon as he and family take one mouthfull 6000 000 bone s hahahahaha take away fish and chips still hearing about that today from 10 years ago hahahaha
We feel nothing but a certain difficulty in continuing to stand
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Date Joined: 24/07/07
Egyptian bream
Was on a salmon camp in Eagle bay [where the pole and concrete block is just off the beach]. Worked for the Soulos'boys and they had a big tin shed right on the edge of the beach. One day we netted what we thought was a school of about 2 ton of salmon only to find out too late that they were big buff bream of around 4-6 kg each.
Because they were dead and to me worthless , I asked old Nick Soulos what we were going to do with them. "No worries boy, I can sell !"Being Easter weekend there was always tourists coming down the gravel track from up the hill [no road along the coast through to Meelup then] for a look at us fishing
The old bugger sold off all the buffs at $5 each to anyone who was stupid enough to ask him what sort of fish they were ËGYPTIAN BREAM" was his reply, good eating but you had better get some ice for them quickly, so off they'd go to the nearest place to buy ice which was the fish factory in Busso, by then they'd be too far away to come back and demand their money back.
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Date Joined: 22/04/09
mud crab
Stayed at balla balla an all nighter on the turps put the dinghy in as the sun was coming up at the ramp there was a not to bad size muddy sitting in the mud so picked him up couldnt wake my mate up he was snoring away in a sleeping bag on the back of his truck so i thought wouldnt it be funny to put the crab in the sleeping bag with him so i did went fishing for couple hours when i got back mate was up and about and didnt say anything so i quizzed him about my little friend he didnt know what i was on about so we opened up his sleeping bag and right down the end where his feet would have been was the muddy my mate couldnt believe he didnt get bitten he said he would get me back but still waiting hahahahaha
We feel nothing but a certain difficulty in continuing to stand
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Goin off dampier squidding tomorow so could be some stories there hahaha
We feel nothing but a certain difficulty in continuing to stand
Posts: 1659
Date Joined: 27/01/09
so many! heres a few
1On the trawler. Grab a ramoora (sucker fish) and stick it right in the middle of the backpackers shoulder blades/ back. Then watch him do the funky chicken.
2. while diving put red and green food dye in each of ur mates dive boots.. works best up north as there only shoes are thongs . Takes about a week to come off.
3 deep heat in the crotch of the wet suit won't win you to many mates.
4 ONLY for the brave while drinking!! Poor a large puddle of beer on th deck ,put $20 in beer. Sit a volunteer on th ground with there legs spread with th beer & $20 near there crotch. Give them a BLUNT knife and bet them " if they can stab ur hand before u can grab th $20 they can keep the money"
Anyway all u do is grab there feet an pull there arse thru the beer! Beware this game gets real nasty as the embarrassed drunk is still holding the knife.
Anyway there's a few.
"Its a life style job"
Posts: 3145
Date Joined: 04/08/09
Gold, especially number 4
Gold, especially number 4 & bloody Seaquest got me with no. 1
Hammer throw live sharks into the boat fishing alongside you, Harro loves that!
Posts: 2091
Date Joined: 06/07/10
Live sharks into the boat
Live sharks into the boat beside is seriously classic hahaha - as long as it isn't happening to me!
When asked by a non-fisherman 'how many fishing rods do you really need?' the correct answer is either:
n+1 (where n is the number of fishing rods you currently own); or
n-1 (where n is the number of fishing rods which would cause your significant other to dump you.
Posts: 3145
Date Joined: 04/08/09
Was a good laugh
Was a good laugh
Xtreme Coolers
Posts: 725
Date Joined: 02/01/10
Ha Ha
Bounced off my head lamby while i was standing out on the transom hooked up to a nice Rankin. It was funny though.
Posts: 657
Date Joined: 22/04/09
love it i got a heap more but might be offensive to some
We feel nothing but a certain difficulty in continuing to stand
Posts: 4587
Date Joined: 01/02/10
Was a day when my deckie
Was a day when my deckie managed to lose/ break of 4 Marlin in a row in ordinary conditions off Dampier. He nearly used up every newby mistake in 2 hours of fishing.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
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Date Joined: 24/07/07
Very first salmon season down at Hamelin while on school holidays at Easter was about 64?. We caught heaps and heaps of salmon, sometimes hopping in to the sleeping bag around 2-3 in the morning only to be back on the beach in a coupe of hours.
One of the blokes loved putting frogs, bobtails etc in you bag and being so tired you wouldn't notce them until the bobby bit you or you woke up to find squashed frog everywhere.
Well this bloke had to head back to Bunbury for a week or two in his ubeaut maroon Fc holden [was a magic car and he treated it like a queen] we got a couple of herring and wrapped them in a bit of plastic and shoved them up under the speedo making sure they wouldn't fall down, and off he went.
We had to head in to Augusta for stores a week later and called in to the post office, there was a telegram waiting for us 'PLEASE TELL ME WHERE THEY ARE
"he knew what they were but just couldn't find them. Never had another frog or bobby or salmon head in the sleeping bag since.
Have seen milk spilt in the back pockets in a mini minor, octopus or steel washers put inside hubcaps , bits of fencing wire tied to tailshafts, a block of butter left on the exhaust manifold of a car and diesel engine in a boat so when it heats up the butter melts and starts smoking big time or hollowed out watermelon halves placed under the driving wheels of a car and watch him try to take off.
Posts: 644
Date Joined: 13/11/11
I love practical jokes and
I love practical jokes and funny shit, nothing beats a good laugh. But if anyone, I mean anyone, ever put something like a mud crab or fish heads or anything like that into my sleeping bag, god bloody help them. Smashed heads all round. That's nothing but a fuggin dog act.
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Date Joined: 24/07/07
Take off
Wait until its about 3 in the morning and you are full of piss fast asleep and all of a sudden you're off, they've tied your bag to the back of a 3 wheeler bike and you are being dragged down the beach
We were beach fishing down Boranup end of South Contos and those who know the beach will remember that when you get a big wave it runs over the hump in the beach and back towards the cliff behind you.
Middle of winter and mate says he's going to roll up in the bag and go to sleep, regardless of our warnings , he walked back about 20 metres and hopped in the bag and passed out. Wouldn't have been a half hour later and in comes a big set, looking back behind us all you could see was water about a foot deep with a hump in it where the mate was sleeping.
Its a looong drive on a 3 wheeler back to the carpark when you are soaking wet because we weren't about to lend him any of our gear after he ignore good advice.
Posts: 209
Date Joined: 05/01/11
Went a few months ago now we
Went a few months ago now we were all on the piss from the get go went for a fish and a bit of a 4by anyway got to about 1 am and my mate was a lil to pissed so decided hewas going to sleep wich happened to be a swag on two legs ( can easily be picked up ) so we all decided to wait about 30 min for him to pass out before we made our move so 4 of us including me picked up his swag with him inside sleeping like a rock and walked about over half a k with him to another campsite and set him to rest with his new group of friends. Next morning we were all up cooking brekky and all we see over the dune is a big green shape moving and then we saw a not so happy camper. Hahaha were on still waiting on the revenge
My names mark and i'm addicted to fishing
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Date Joined: 24/07/07
Those of you out there no doubt would have a few top stories to tell about rotten cow hocks with inch long maggots just waiting for you when you've got a hangover or the first time the skipper tells you to pull this green looking fidler shark thingy out of a pot and falls over laughing when it boots the living daylights out of you with something like 50.000 volts, it only happens once because you never forget.
Seeing someone bite the eyes out of a big live occy and having them expect you to do it as part of your initiation to a new boat.
Darling son was working out of Mindarie on a cray boat and they had a couple of trainees from Tafe coming out with them for a month to gain experience. He had them saying prayers for 5 minutes to the God of the Sea on the deck of the boat before and after each days work, right in front of the shops, not over on the jetty.
Rob H
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Date Joined: 18/01/12
swordfish eyeballs
a carefully selected (sizewise) and washed swordfish eyeball neatly squeezes into a coffee mug.
Pushed to the bottom then a cup off coffee made on top and given to the new decky.
Of course the skipper never gets involved with such hijinks but has to deal with the sense of humour failure that sometimes results.
Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...
The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
Posts: 433
Date Joined: 20/10/06
squid tenticles
down between the gap where the windscreen meets the dash is always a good one heheheh especially when that gap is 4" deep like in an old pajero........ shouldnt slap people across bare backs with squid or push mulies down plumbers cracks.........
Faulkner Family
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Date Joined: 11/03/08
and they say apprentice
and they say apprentice mechanics cop a lot. wouldnt want to be a new deckie on some of these boats.
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 2100
Date Joined: 05/11/10
deckie drop
was out fishing for mulloway in the sound one night in winter and the deckie turned up with bugger all food or enough warm clothes! after an hour of listening to him winge i said fine il take you to the jetty and you can go buy a couple of chicken treat chooks to eat and this will warm you up! i dropped him at the jetty and once he was out of sight i untuied the boat sent him a text telling him to get someone to pick him up and cruised back out to my spot anchored up and fished away!
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Nearly the same
When fishing out of Hedland , I told the crew that we will be leaving at 0900 Tuesday from the general purpose berth where we were tied up. Come 0915 and we were dropping the mooring ropes and starting to head out, as we went past the public jetty there was the 2 missing deckies yelling out and waving for us to come over and pick them up, no problems, just waved back and kept going. If they could conveniently find somewhere to stay for the 4 days we were in after unloading and not helping with gear maintenance, well they could go back to the same place and wait for the next fortnight till we came back in. They never were late again!!!
Posts: 209
Date Joined: 13/02/12
Nothing worse than late
Nothing worse than late deckkies!
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Date Joined: 24/07/07
Good deckies are hard to come by
Put an ad in the local paper down Busso way for an experienced decky who could clean fish and sharks.
First one that rang up was this magic looking woman, mid twenties and built better than Elle in her heyday, she had a Master 5 and a MED2 and had 7 years sea time on trawlers but when it came to doing anything other than shucking scallops, that she done on the trawler, she was worse than useless, couldn't even tie the boat up properly.
2nd one came from down toward Augusta and had some experience he said, turned out he had worked for most of the boats down there, windy harbour and Albany, but for no longer than 3 days on each till they found how good he wasn't.
3rd one came for an employment agency and was a boner, good with a knife I'll say that but could get to work on time or if at all, he would ring up an hour after we were supposed to leave to say he wasn't coming.
Finally ended up with a mate who came down from Two Rocks during the off season for crays and thoroughly enjoyed it so much that he stayed on for a couple of years.
Posts: 597
Date Joined: 22/01/12
good times
3 gun salute at daybreak next to the tent, gets your mates up in a great mood.
Love driving down steep sand dunes while screaming ,,"Shit we're gunna roll". haha
whole mullets up sports exhuasts,,,mmm ok was a bit nasty but it was many years ago and they took undersize fish and abused us when we mentioned it.
Shooting at a goat on a station that was standing still, shot it about 5 times for no effect. drove over and saw that my "mate" had previously shot it and tied it to the tree. he thought it was great.
Anywhere anytime
Posts: 2091
Date Joined: 06/07/10
the last one is quality
the last one is quality
When asked by a non-fisherman 'how many fishing rods do you really need?' the correct answer is either:
n+1 (where n is the number of fishing rods you currently own); or
n-1 (where n is the number of fishing rods which would cause your significant other to dump you.
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Raod kill
Mate picked up a huge dead boomer off the side of the road and took it round to another friends place and propped it up against the front door of his house and nicked off.
Bad news----the mate was on a weeks holiday in Perth and hadn't told anyone that he would be away.
The boat the young bloke worked on in Two Rocks received a visit from the blokes off the boat in the next pen.
All the bait boxes were opened and whole "then"fish were scattered all over it, on the flybridge, in the cabin, you name it. So it was a big search and find before they took off to sea but not until they'd tied the pen ropes on each side of the other boats pen together---across the pening of the pen and used the boat to pull the knots tight.
That meant when the other boat returned there was no way they could get in to the pen without one of the crew swimming out and cutting the knots to open their way in. Then when it was time for them to drive home in the ute there was the matter of a heap of chain around the front diff to the lamp post in front. They took one look at the chain and two padlocks and went searching for a set of bolt cutters and being after 5 could buy a set so they bummed a lift back home and looked at sorting it out the next morning. If they had of tried the chain they would have found it merely wrapped round and not secured in any way
It was the talking point for all the depot staff in the marina for ages to find out what was going to be the next prank between them.