Submitted by Jody on Mon, 2010-09-27 08:58
Headed out from Hillarys on Friday for a quick trip to some spots I haven't fished for a coupla years.
Unfortunately the sounder was playing up, so just drifted around for an hour. Must've been feeding time as there seemed to be plenty on the bite. Bagged with a couple of Pinkies, nice Baldie and a Blackarse. Just as we were considering what to do, the Toona turned up. Not feeding, just zooting around. Wouldn't take cubes, nor a slice or popper. Bugger. As we were leaving, I cast out a silver twistie and it must've hit the magic speed. Kept us busy for the rest of the arvo, so much fun on light gear...... lost heaps of lures tho :(
Ended up keeping a couple for sushi, went down a treat on GF day :)
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
nice fish Jody, you need to
nice fish Jody, you need to get out of the shade tho, its harder to get a good pic.
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together