towing tips for the car

Posted this as a response in another thread thought it might be worthwhile to post in a dedicated thread

When towing with autos consider the following

Have a look at the transmission on your car and consider the gear ratios and what they are meant for. Most 4 speed autos (or any auto) are set up with the 4th gear (or top gear) as an overdrive (three speeds which are rare in medium/large cars are about the only exception)

Basically when towing don't use it, select 3rd gear (or next one down) this will mean less strain in on the trans and you will have better response, you will also run lower trans temps and have better trans oil pressure/flow, you will also use the same or even less fuel (using it more efficiently).

Warning do not use cruise control towing - (apart from potentially being dangerous) you risk kicking down gears too hard and blowing out trans seals (I have done this personally - trust me it kinda ruins the trip).

(even in my 4 spd commy I drive around town when not towing in 3rd. I use less petrol, have better response/acceleration and better for the car overall, I only kick it into 4th when 80-100km/hr or above on flat roads).



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quadfisher's picture

Posts: 1146

Date Joined: 28/09/10

Is it just me , or is it hot in here?

Sun, 2014-05-11 08:05

Some good tips paul , but also remember its heat that kills the overdrive autos, not pysically smaller gear clusters like in

manual trans, weres this heat from? , just about all of it comes from the torque convertor.

So in a attempt to fix ( a good one too) this they have lock up torque convertors, that lock up the driveline

bypassing the normal slip that torque convertors have between the impellor and turbine ( the two unconnected halfs inside the convertor)

I have seen some people towing med to med-heavy loads, on flattish roads ( hello w.a!) in overdrive , lockup on , in large, well powered

4wd,s with no obvious effect , even after quite a few years.

If the tranny was hunting , and up shifting , downshifting all the time , you have a problem, and all your advise is then correct.

Size and max towing capacity of your tow vehicle must effect performance too of course, whats comfy for a 7.3 f250, may not work for modern highly strung

2-3 litre td.

cheers, timely advise for the up and coming north west migration.





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Date Joined: 18/01/12

If you fit a scangauge to

Sun, 2014-05-11 08:17

If you fit a scangauge to your OBD2 port on compatible cars, you can see all the data (and alot more!) you need about what your vehicle is doing.

Including realtime fuel consumption, trans temp and any fault codes etc.

Probably the best $180 Ive spent on my 200.


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


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Posts: 1621

Date Joined: 28/08/07

my colorado already has

Sun, 2014-05-11 09:03

 real time fuel usage and transmisson temp ,it is a 6 speed auto and when towing i mainly use 4th gear but if no head wind or down hill i will select 5th gear ,normall towing 3+ tonnes my temp sits on about 85/90 but have had it up to 112 on a 43 c day going up some big hills not towing temp is only 40 c so i can see how hard my box is working