trolling for macks etc.
Submitted by Saulty2 on Sat, 2014-03-15 10:34
hi all totally new at this ,just wondering what others use to troll for makererel,tuna ,dollies,etc. make of lures ,colour ,size & depth.any help would be appreciated
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Date Joined: 02/04/10
Kalbarri trolling
We have a lot of success with the Halco deep divers, to 7.5m, the purple and chrome seem to be the best at the moment and the red and white for Tuna.
Good luck, patience and persisitance, we also use a Pakula Witch Doctor.
Old Banga!
Posts: 1901
Date Joined: 03/05/08
Run shallow and deep...
...have a deep diver on one rod, like a Halco DD or Rapala Xrap 30, and then a 2-3m diver on the other...a standard Halco 190 or Xrap 15/20. If you can, it's also good to run a surface lure as well, like a stickbait...macks in particular like a lot of splashing around. For this reason, it can pay to keep one lure close, near the propwash.
And I also reckon the witch doctor is a must. Also, look for working birds/baitfish, and troll along bottom features like dropoffs. For the lures mentioned above, 5-8 knots is a good speed, and as far as colours go, I've personally had success on redheads/white bodies, blue mackerel (Rapala calls it silver mackerel), and also the pink chrome by Halco.
If you're asking about metro fishing, the main thing is perseverance...if you're serious about it, keep trolling and trolling and then troll some more!
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Date Joined: 24/06/12
tuna-i'm lovin the pakula
tuna-i'm lovin the pakula micro uzi's caught all soughts on them includin yellowfin bluefin stripies and bonito and some great by catch tailor dollies shark and spanish maks
macks- purple x-rap in 15,20or30ft
also always have a couple halco or lively lure tremblers can troll these a bit quicker than the divers and makes a good spread with some skirts
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troy fuller
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Date Joined: 30/08/10
I trolled a 70g twisty last
I trolled a 70g twisty last weekend and got a few on it
also got heaps of hits on the 7m+ deep diver in gold and red head
Oceanside Tackle
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Date Joined: 23/07/09
When trolling for mackies having a variety of lures is key. Rapala Xraps, Halco laser pros and Bluewater classics F200's are mackie killers. Colour doesnt matter too much just use a mix of natural and bright colours. Use a mix of lures varying in depths of 2m to 8m.
The other key factor when trolling for mackies especially if wanting to get them metro is Mirror teasers. The mirror teaser is whats going to bring in fish from far and wide to have a look at where your spread of lures is. Well worth the investment.
When trolling for mackies try trolling over larger bits of structure, Bait fish will hold up on the structure and so will the predators. Depths of 10-30m work well.
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thanks guys
will give it a go and see
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Date Joined: 03/03/09
What trolling speed
Have always caught my mackies up north with floating baits (with the added bonus of getting sails and marlin as well ) and have never had any success trolling lures, now I can programme a speed into the outboard controls can someone give me an idea of what the best speed is - I have always thought 6 knots was about the right speed but more because shallower lures start to skip at that but perhaps that is where I am going wrong ?
Posts: 59
Date Joined: 22/06/13
if your lures start to skip
if your lures start to skip then u gotta slow down!
actually if the macks are around in full force. they'll grab a lure thats skipping on the surface too... lol