Trolling. Tuna, Bonito
Submitted by Coastrunner on Wed, 2024-02-14 12:51
Trolled up and down the 27M contour out of Bunbury this morning, no luck getting out to the FADS with the wind blowing.
Had a few hookups on the Nomad DTX 125, happy to be corrected but some Bonito and a Tuna of some discription ?? Marked some new ground, nice morning on the water.
Bodgy 79
Posts: 297
Date Joined: 04/08/22
The bonito has the lateral stripes,I think some call them skipjack tuna,I reckon there shit but the shiney fellow sbt are excellent imo.sashimi,pan seared or smoked.Can also boil a little and jar in good olive oil
Posts: 579
Date Joined: 23/04/14
Not a skipjack
Skipjack is another name for striped tuna. They have the horizontal stripes on the bottom half.
Posts: 579
Date Joined: 23/04/14
Bonito and SBT
The horizontal striped one is a Bonito; the other is a southern bluefin tuna.
Posts: 151
Date Joined: 09/01/12
Bonito are highly prized by
Bonito are highly prized by the Japanese, I think you should try it lightly grilled with a lemon soy wasabi mix and you will be surprised. You need to bleed them immediatly and straight onto the ice like all tuna.
SBT are still the king though. Great fun getting them just outside of hillaries.