Its a big bit of coastline, popular areas are Wilbinga, north of Guilderton or around the towns of Seabird, Ledge point, Lancelin or Wedge island. Beaches can be very treacherous for the inexperienced 4wder.
Sea weed is the biggest issue floating weed will come in the the strong afternoon breezes, so pick nice nights or fish the mornings. Most the time i just drive till I find a nice weed free spot for the conditions of the day.
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Land based or boat?
Land based or boat?
Love the West!
Posts: 161
Date Joined: 14/07/08
Landbased. Have 4x4.
Posts: 161
Date Joined: 14/07/08
Landbased. Have 4x4.
Pete F
Posts: 310
Date Joined: 07/01/18
Its a big bit of coastline,
Its a big bit of coastline, popular areas are Wilbinga, north of Guilderton or around the towns of Seabird, Ledge point, Lancelin or Wedge island. Beaches can be very treacherous for the inexperienced 4wder.
Sea weed is the biggest issue floating weed will come in the the strong afternoon breezes, so pick nice nights or fish the mornings. Most the time i just drive till I find a nice weed free spot for the conditions of the day.
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Was going to write similar
Was going to write similar Pete, I know where we are at Seabird the beach north of town eats 4WD's
Seen many a car down to the axles on the bend there. South of the Bird off any of the tracks has good reefy ledge fishing.
Love the West!
Posts: 161
Date Joined: 14/07/08
Thanks Fellas
Much appreciated.